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The Home Page of Kate Sylvester


Hi!  My name is Kate Sylvester.  I wrote this page while siting in on one of my dad's Internet classes he teaches.  This is my page to show the world what I like, what I do, and how crazy I can be.  Below are some pages I created that may strike your interest.  Take a look, fill out my tomato page form, send me some email, and just have a good time visiting.  Make sure you come back soon!!!  **If you leave on one of my links, though, make sure you come back to this page by the address at the top.  Some pages are in construction, and they use old addresses for the HOME button and will take you to an old page.**


A history of ME
Music- the most important thing I do in my life
Cats- I have a wonderful cat named Cleo
My Famous Tomato Page
Super Fly



Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments at-