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The Quest

These are the links to get you started on your adventure. Have fun.

The first stop on your adventure will be to visit some of Pennsylvania's attractions. Click on the Liberty Bell below to get started.

Below are links to places you will be able to find historical facts. Pennsylvania is a state rich with history. Let these websites show you the way.

The next websites that you will visit will be about the food of Pennsylvania. No trip to the Keystone state would be complete without some local food. Click on the soft pretzels below to get going.

Next you are going to learn about the weather and geography of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is filled with mountains, forests, and all types of bodies of water. Click the maps below to get going.

This brings us to your final topic...Fun Facts. One the web pages below you will find strange laws, inventions, and famous people. Click on the Slinky (just one of the things invented in Pennsylvania) below.

Passport to Pennsylvania

Putting It Together