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Read and learn interesting information on
put together by "Wayne D. Tidd "
who researched this for over two years...
See Amazing Truths from our
God of the Universe.....

" In the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth..."
Genesis 1


May you experience the awesomeness
of God as you read this....


The Bible indicates that God not only named
the stars Himself, but that He established them
for signs as well as seasons. The ancients
must have known this, or the magi would
never have recognized the sign in the stars
indicating the birth of Christ. It is just
as easy for us to fall into error denying
God's uses of the stars on the basis
of currently known science as it is
to swing the other direction and become involved
in the errors of astrology and fortune-telling.
As God reminded Job, there is much we
do not know and cannot explain. Let us
keep an open mind and constantly evaluate information
from other sources alongside the solid, unchanging truth
of Scripture.

I would like to suggest a couple of books that give great insight on this subject.
They can be purchased at .
..... " HEAVEN DECLARES " by William Banks...
....." GOD'S VOICE IN THE STARS " by Flemming

This is a copy of the Jewish Calendar below,,,
( It is blurry but hopefully you can view
it enough to understand it )

Great Prayer,eh?

My Future Interests..??
I am hoping to be able to have items of
interest to the public, to purchase, that will be related
to the biblical zodiac. As this is made possible I
will move ahead with this. Be sure to check back again.

"God Gave Me This Dream on Feb.17th,2008....!
This is a vision or dream that I had on the 17th of Feb 2008 it was about an AL Quaita attack on America. I saw in the Spirit headlines in news papers what was happening in the USA.
“AL QUAITA KILLS THE YOUTH OF AMERICA” Bombs were planted in most schools, elementary and high schools . In most of the schools, in most states dead are still being counted. Homeland Security and the FBI are investigating. lt was noticed that the Arab Schools were not touched,so the FBI checked it out. After much investigating the FBI found out how and why this was done.
Moslem people were custodians in these schools and they were forced to plant the bombs by higher up people in the AL QUAITA organization and these higher up people told the people working in the schools that if they they did not cooperate they would kill their children.
The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES made a statement on international TV and cancelled all flights into the USA and flights out..The US President also put the whole US military on high alert. He also.sent orders to every country to move their people out of Tehran the capital of Iran as they were going to destroy it with atomic missils. Any Moslems found on planes or ships were to be returned to where they had come from. THE PRESIDENT OF THE US HAS ASKED CONGRESS TO OUTLAW THE MOSLEM RELIGION . The Moslem people if they want to remain in the US, they have to forsake their religion and burn all their bibles and anything to do with their religion and except the Christian religion. Also swear allegence to the US. If they do not want to do this they will be return to their former countries. These Moslem people were question farther asked to why they were told to do this. The answer was the radical Moslems hate the homosexuals so they wanted to get rid of them, also if the U.S.. wouldn't do anything about it there would be more bombings.
THE U.S PRESIDENT HAS ASKED CONGRESS TO BAN HOMOSEXUALS IN THE U.S. The homosexual people have to be told that what they are doing is a sin, and if they will repent of their sin and except Jesus as their Saviour they will be allowed to stay in the country, but if they chose not to they will be deported out of the country.
The Moslems who decide to stay in the country will do the clean up of the bombings of their schools while America mourns their lost.
The U. S. president has called for a day of prayer and fasting to seek guidance and direction from the Lord. The U.S. has made a proclamation to the Moslem world to turn in these radical Moslem so that U.S. will not have to take further action.
The Lord has compared the U.S. to ancient Israel who turned away from God and serve idols. And as a result they went into captivity by the Assyrians .. The Lord has compared Canada to ancient Judea, who did not learn from Israel's sins., so that in about a hundred years or so, went into captivity by the Babylon's and 70 years later we are released by the Persians. God is a God of judgement as well as a God of mercy. The U.S. has got away from the one true God and has served other god's., so that is why this has happened to them.
If they will repent and serve the one true God the Lord will forgive them and heal their land. (1Chr.7:14)

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Stars and Signs
Truths in the Stars
See Constellations - North / South

-- The 12 Signs / Decans --
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