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Crew of Helpers

Special Chair This student gets to sit in our classroom's recliner for the week. They also get to take home the Mysetry Bag.
Line Leader This student always gets to be in the front of the line. They also get to take home the Show and Tell Bag.
Passer This student will help pass out supplies that we need for our lessons.
Library Bucket This student will take the bucket of old Library Books to Mrs. Jost and bring back the new bucket after Library.
Flag This student will hold the Flag every morning while we say the Pledge of Alliegance.
Door Holder This student will hold the door open for the class.
Lights This student will turn the lights off and on for us.
Board Eraser This student will erase the Marker Board and the Smartboard after our lessons.
Calendar This student leads us in doing the calendar. They will put up numbers, names, and weather.
Playground Bucket This student helps to take the ball outside for recess.
Soap Person This student passes out soap at Snack Time and Lunch Time.