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Samantha's Blog
Saturday, 17 December 2005
December 17th, 2006
Mood:  hug me
Well, today was fun. I woke up and went about my day at 11 am. I went to a Christmas party with some friends from 12 to 5 and we had presents for eachother. We played some X-Box and mostly sharades and we also talked about random stuff. I was nice since I don't seem them so much any more. Well then I went to the store with my dad and got some stuff for dinner and we've made dinner which will be done soon so thi'll be short. I guess there's not much to talk about since I've done relative little today. But I think that after dinner I'm going to go and watch a Star Wars movie. Not sure which but probably The Empire Strikes Back cause I'm just lovin' Han and Leia and their love for eachother. Well....I guess that's all that I have to say. I'll try to remember to come here and update stuff.
Peace out! ^.^ Live long and prosper. ^.^ May the Force be with you. ^.^ Or what ever other farewell you can think of.

Oh, and if you get the chance, look at my photo albums and the stories I've written. Let me know what you think. Especially my Star Wars Fan-Fiction story. I wanna know what kinds of improvements I might make.

Thanks and adios!

Posted by stars6/jediprincesssami at 6:41 PM PST
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