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On February 9, 2009 it was made official. Ashley Massaro had signed her name on the dotted line and had finally become apart of the rapidly growing wCw roster. With her leaving the modeling scene and finally coming back into the wrestling ring, many people wonder if she has what it takes to be a diva. Well folks, all I can say is that you will soon find out when she faces Kimberly Page this week in one on one singles action on Friday night Fury! Stay Tuned..

The wCw logo fades up on the bottom right hand corner of the screen for a few seconds before slowly fading away. Our first visual is of a lockeroom door that has the name plate ‘Divas lockeroom’ on it as the camera man quietly pushes the door open and walks inside. He pans his camera around to show what looks to be an empty room until wCw diva Ashley Massaro walks out from the bathroom. She has a very surprised and slightly disturbed look on her face as she places her hands on her hips and begins to speak.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Can I help you?

The camera man looked a little nervous as he almost dropped his camera seeing the sight of Ashley before him. She was wearing a black and pink plaid miniskirt with gothic-like black boots that went all the way up to her knees. She was also sporting a low cut black tank top that had a skull and cross bones on it and had her blonde hair with pink and black streaks in it up in pig tails.

:+:wCw Camera man:+: Dave Um…I-I apologize I should have knocked...

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro :smirks: Yes you should have. But you still haven’t answered my question.

Ashley then crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow as the camera man swallowed a lump in his throat.

:+:wCw Camera man:+: Dave I’m…I’m here for the interview.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro :raises both eyebrows: The interview? What interview?

:+:wCw Camera man:+: Dave Well I uh, was told that you were scheduled for an interview with Maria Kanellis at 3:00.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Is that so?

The camera man nodded quickly as Massaro narrowed her eyes a bit and walked over to the couch where her duffle bag was placed. She unzipped one of the pockets and pulled out her cell phone. The camera man looked even more nervous as she slid her phone open and saw that the time was only 2:30. Massaro then slid her phone shut and stuck it back in the pocket while zipping it shut. She took a few steps toward the camera man with her eyes still narrowed.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro You know it’s funny that you mention that seeing as how it’s only 2:30. So why would you come half an hour early? And I wasn’t informed at all that I was going to have an interview today. You want to explain that to me?

:+:wCw Camera man:+: Dave Um listen Ashley…there must be some miscommunication going on. I-:gets cut off:

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro No there’s no miscommunication going on here. I just see a huge pervert standing in front of me who perhaps was trying to get a peepshow!

:+:wCw Camera man:+: Dave No no no Ashley I wouldn’t do such a thing…I assure you.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Uh huh sure. Just do yourself a favor and get out before I go get security.

:+:wCw Camera man:+: Dave But Ashley I..

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Get out!

The camera man nodded again as he made his exit out of the lockeroom. Ashley shook her head as she walked over to one side of the room that has a huge mirror stretching across the wall with a counter underneath it that has several drawers. It looks kind of like a big makeup station as Massaro opens a drawer and pulls out a zip lock bag that has several body piercing jewelry in it. She takes out a small hoop piercing and puts it in the left side of her lip. She then pulls out another one and places that one in the right side completing her snake bites look. As she sets the bag down, she hears several knocks at the door which makes her sigh a little thinking the camera man has returned to annoy her some more. Ashley strolls over to the door and begins speaking before she even gets to see who it is.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Listen man, I already told you to…Matt?

Matt Hardy was shown standing in the doorway with a confused look on his face as he looked around a bit before returning his attention to Ashley.

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy Hey Ash…did I come at a bad time?

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Oh no, I thought you were the camera man. I had to kick him out…

Matt leaned against the doorway as he smiled at Ashley. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail as he was sporting a UNC hoodie with faded jeans. Matt stared at Ashley....she was just as beautiful as ever in his eyes.

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy you are seeing one of the camera crew guys? I didn't mean to interrupt an altercation between you and your boyfriend.

: +:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro :scrunches up her face: Nooo! He is definitely not my boyfriend! He was just some pervert trying to catch a peepshow :rolls her eyes:

Matt raises his head as he hears those wonderful words and smiles. He realizes he is smiling and then coughs getting all serious as he looks at Ashley.

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy Do you want me to find him and beat his ass ‘cause you know I will.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro :laughs lightly while shaking her head: No it's ok. I threatened to get security so I'm sure I'll be fine now. Thanks what brings you by? I have to admit, I wasn't expecting to see you around.

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy Well I was talking to Jeff and looking at some pictures and I came across ones of you and I. got me thinking about you and I.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Oh really? :looks interested: So what exactly are you thinking about?

Matt isn't sure how to approach the subject that he still had feelings for her. Their relationship was awesome when they were together no doubt but had a sudden end that left both hearts broken.

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy know....about us. I can't help but think about how great our relationship was and how wonderful of a person you are Ashley. I also think about how it ended as well and I know I shoulder most of the cause....but if I had to do it all over again....I think my decision would have been different. I know you said to never bring it back up but I can't help it....I can't shake the thoughts of it....of you.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Aw Matt :sighs: You know I hate it when you put me in such a weird position like this. I honestly don't know what to say right now. I have so much goin’ on, I don't know if I can stomach this right now. My first match is tonight and I really want to win. Can we just talk about this another time? I don't mean to sound like a bitch and all, but I really need some time to myself. :looks down at the ground: I'm not trying to be rude...I'm sorry if I'm coming off that way.

A disappointed look crosses his face as it wasn't the reaction he had expected. He takes his hand out of his pocket and rubs his face with it trying to mask and cover his feelings.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro :places her hand on his shoulder: I hope you understand Matt...I do still care about you.

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy It's cool and I'm sorry Ashley. I talked to Jeff about it and he said to come talk to you and say what I felt and everything.... :Matt looks up and realizes he is rambling, quickly changing the subject: ....hey good luck in your debut match even though I know you will do awesome and smoke your opponent and the fans with your talent.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Hey don’t worry about it. I have time to talk about it after the show if you want? and thanks for wishing me luck. :smiles:

:+:King of Mattitude:+: Matt Hardy :smiles: I would like that a lot Ash.  Here is something to help give you some luck. :Matt leans in and kisses Ashley on her cheek: Make Jeff and I proud girl. :Matt flashes his boyish grin:  Hey I have to jet....need to get going for my match with Batista as well. Can I call you later?

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Yeah that’s cool. My number is still the same so I’ll catch you later.

Matt nodded agreeing with her as she waved to him and reentered the divas lockeroom closing the door behind her. Matt smirked and headed off down the hallway as the scene slowly came to a close.

The scene reopens with Massaro stretching out her arms and legs as she notices a different camera man in the room with her filming her every move. Ashley sighs heavily as she shakes her head in disappointment and begins to speak.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro I swear you camera guys have no manners. But anyway since you’re here, I might as well get some things off my chest. You see tonight will mark the first night that I get to compete in the ring for a very long time. Many people have doubted me and said I belong at the bottom of the ladder. Well you know what? I totally agree with you. I do need to start at the bottom so I can work my way up to the top and earn a shot at the women’s title. :grins: You see I’m not going to walk around flaunting my “assets” to management just to skyrocket to the top. No. I don’t need to go that route because I am better than that! And tonight when I take on Kimberly Page, I’m gonna prove it! I don’t need anyone’s help, I can win this on my own. I have been training on my time off and I have been keeping up with this company. You see I had my eye on wCw for a long time. I see this place as the land of opportunity and I will take whatever opportunity I get and grab it by the horns! I am the motherfuckin’ punk princess and I will rock this place!

Ashley throws up the devil horns with her hands and sticks out her tongue briefly before continuing on.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Kimberly Page, I know you’re a veteran and I respect the fact that you have decided to return to the wrestling ring. But before we go out there and put on a show, there is something I want you to know. :smirks: Don’t underestimate me because if you do, that will be your biggest downfall. I may be another pretty face but I have the strength and talent to bust some heads and kick some serious ass! My good friend Trish Stratus has showed me the ropes so I know the tricks of the trade. I know what to look out for and I know how to maintain my stamina. So all I have to say to you is bring it! Because I have The Hardy Boyz backing me up and I’m sure the fans have my back as well. This Dirty Diva is here to make an Impact and that is exactly what I’m going to do, win or lose.

Ashley looks to have her game face on now as she speaks a little more.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro So come tonight’s Fury, get ready to get down and dirty. I know I have a lot of haters out there and I am ready to shut them up for good. I know what I am capable of but you on the other hand don’t. So if I were you, I would be a little worried because you’ve got nothing on me and my wrestling background. Sure I posed for Playboy and I am damn proud of it but that has nothing to do with our match right now. I know your probably going to stoop down to the other divas levels and call me a Playboy slut or whore. Well guess what? I’ve been there and done that. I’ve pretty much heard it all. So if you want to bring up me posing for Playboy then go ahead. I’ll just let that roll off my shoulders because that kinda stuff doesn’t phase me anymore. So I guess now all I really have left to say is good luck Kim. I’m already pumped up and ready to shake this place up a little bit. Are you ready to jump on the bandwagon and do the same? Lets go out there tonight and show these fans and other superstars and management that the divas can hold their own just as well as the men.

Ashley smirks a little as she has one last thing to say.

:+:Dirty Diva:+: Ashley Massaro Oh yeah I almost forgot. Kimberly, get ready to be Starstruck!

The scene slowly fades to black as Massaro flashes a somewhat wicked smile to the camera.