F o r w a r d

When you look at the women's division today in eCe, it is so obvious that it is definitely missing something. I mean seeing Stephanie McMahon and Victoria go back and fourth in matches for the women's title was entertaining but now...let's face it folks, nobody wants to see them wrestle match after match after match. And even though they just recently signed the so called "Sweet and Innocent" Torrie Wilson...we all know that she won't be bringing much excitement to the women's roster. So I took it upon myself to sign a contract here in eCe. And although I can't tell you exactly what is going to happen now that I'm here, you can bet that I am definitely going to be spicing things up not just with the divas, but with the male roster as well.

F o r w a r d

Scene; 1

Location; Arena

Time; 5:30pm

Camera Status; On

Coming from a commercial break, eCe cameras take us backstage where we see the backside of a long curly haired brunette woman in a very short and tight hot pink sleeveless dress with clear high heel shoes on. She also has a matching wand in her hand that she is dragging along the wall while she walks down the hallway. As she turns into a lounge room, she spots Edge fussing at a soda machine with his hands on his waist. She smirks as she makes her way over in his direction and stands behind him without him even noticing with her arms crossed.

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| goddamn machine! Give me my fuckin soda!

Edge furiously kicks the soda machine and yells at the top of his lungs in frustration. He then rakes his hair and begins to breath heavily as Candice clears her throat to get his attention.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| does someone need a little help?

Edge glances over his shoulder behind him and then does a double take before he completely turns around almost dropping his jaw to the ground by how hot she looks.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *smiles* hi I’m Candice…

Candice sticks her hand out for him to shake it as he seems to be in a little trance. He finally shakes out of it moments later and shakes her hand as he begins to speak.

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| I’m Edge, the “R” Rated S-*gets cut off*

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| oh I know who you are mister “R” Rated Superstar. *slowly slides her wand down his chest* but anyway, I couldn’t help but notice that you were having a little trouble, with the soda machine.

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| *completely forgot* oh yeah…the damn thing took my money.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| well maybe all this machine needs is a little special touch… *bites her bottom lip*

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| *swallows hard* and what exactly do you have in mind?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *holds the wand to her cheek* hmm…maybe I have the certain “touch”…that the machine may need in order to work.

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| well you can give it a shot…and I want a Sprite by the way if the machine by any chance happens to spit it out.

Candice nodded as she walked over to the machine and pressed the Sprite button three times. The machine made a loud functioning noise as a Sprite bottle dropped to the bottom. Candice stuck her hand in and grabbed the soda, tossing it to him.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *smiles* your welcome

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| *looks surprised* I guess you DO have the magic…“touch”. *smirks as he opens it and takes a sip* Thanks a lot.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| no problem. But since I DID do a favor for you, perhaps you can do a favor for me. *flutters her eyelashes*

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| *looks a little uneasy at first* sure, what do you need?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| um, can you tell me where Shane McMahon’s office is?

|//The [R] Rated Superstar\\ Edge| sure…just go right down the end of this hallway and make a left and then a right. It’ll be the third door down on your right by the way.

Candice nods and walks over to him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *smiles* thank you

She then waved good-bye as she exited the room and headed for Shane’s office. Edge touched his cheek and watched her leave with a big grin on his face as the scene slowly faded to black.

Scene; 2

Location; Shane's Office

Time; 6:00pm

Camera Status; On

The cameras are rolling once again as Candice is shown standing outside of Shane McMahon’s office with her wand still in her hand. She swings her hair over her shoulders and takes a deep breath before she knocks on the door. He calls the knocker to come in as she turns the knob and slowly swings the door open. As she enters the room, she closes the door behind her and makes her way over to his desk. Shane is currently looking over some contracts and doesn’t even bother to look up as she takes a seat in front of him.

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| *reading a contract* what can I do for you?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| well first of all, you can start off by looking at me…

Shane sighs a little annoyed but his whole expression changes as he sees who is sitting across from him. He clears his throat and immediately drops what he is doing as she smiles.

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| Candice, I am VERY sorry for the way I just acted…I thought you were just another superstar or backstage worker wanting something.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *sets her wand down on the desk* oh it’s okay, I completely understand.

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| SO, what brings you to Extreme Championship Entertainment?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *twirls a strand of her hair* weeeell…I was thinking about becoming an active diva here on YOUR roster.

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| *raises his eyebrows* oh really?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| yes really…and I was wondering what I would have to do to get a contract here. *bites her bottom lip*

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| *places his hands behind his head* well I’m not gonna lie to you Miss.Michelle…eCe is a HARD federation to get into. I mean the best of the best wrestle here. And I don’t think it would be FAIR if I were to just “let you in” just like that.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *thinks for a second* well maybe I can convince you to change your mind?

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| *looks interesting* oh? And how is that?

Candice smiled devilishly as she got up from the chair and walked around the desk where Shane was. She stood behind him and began to massage his shoulders as he closed his eyes and looked like he was enjoying it.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| are you beginning to change your mind NOW?

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| *smirks* oh you’ve got to do a lot more than give me a massage.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| well I guess I will just have to try a little…HARDER.

Candice stopped massaging his shoulders and climbed onto his desk where she kicked all of the papers off, REALLY getting his attention.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| so tell me Shane, how many eCe divas do you know can do THIS?

Candice slowly twirled around in a circle performing her Go Daddy Dance as Shane raised his eyebrows looking impressed.

|//Mac Daddy\\ Shane McMahon| NONE that I know of…but you still haven’t convinced me.

Candice pouted and poked out her bottom lip as she crossed her arms and tapped her foot repeatedly on his desk. Another idea then came to mind as she climbed down and straddled Shane with a seductive look in her eyes. She began to slowly kiss him down his neck while unbuttoning his shirt. She then rubbed her hands up and down his bare chest as a grin came onto his face.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *talking in a sexy tone* oh you like that don’t you Shane?

Shane gave a little nod as she then grabbed his hands and moved them onto her shoulders. She then took his hands and slowly slid them down onto her breasts. Shane’s eyes widen a bit as she rubbed his hands ALL OVER her chest, particularly on her nipples. She then took his hands and ran them down her body onto her NICE, FIRM, ass. Candice leaned forward and playfully tugged and licked his left ear. He started to get a little aroused as she took his right hand and started sucking on each individual finger.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *pauses* how you liking me now Shane’O?

Shane can barely talk as she moves his hands onto her thick smooth thighs and slides his hands forward and back on them. She then unbuttons his pants and pulls the zipper down with her teeth. Shane is starting to sweat now as she puts her hands in his pants. The cameras suddenly black out leaving everyone curious as to what happened next.

Scene; 3

Location; Stephanie's lockeroom

Time; 6:15pm

Camera Status; On

After coming from a quick commercial break due to “technical difficulties” we had earlier, we spot Candice Michelle JUST NOW leaving the office with her hair a little wild as she tugs down on her dress. She looks a little exhausted as she walks down the hallway and finds Stephanie McMahon’s lockeroom which she enters. Stephanie had just walked out of the bathroom and looked at Candice in confusion as she took a seat on her couch.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *crosses her arms* um excuse but I don’t remember hearing anyone knock.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *gets up* oh how rude of me…

Candice got up and walked over to Stephanie where she stuck her hand out and introduced herself.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *smiles* I’m Candice Michelle…I’m the NEWEST addition to the eCe roster.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *shakes her hand with a fake smile on her face* Stephanie…

Stephanie let go as Candice walked back over to the couch and plopped down on it. She took off her clear high heel shoes and laid back with her eyes closed.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| um Candice…I don’t mean to sound like a bitch or anything…but WHAT THE HELL are you doing in my lockeroom?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *opens her eyes and sits up* for your information Stephanie, this is MY new lockeroom for the day. They didn’t have one for me so Shane told me to just share this one with you and then when we move onto the next show, I’ll have my OWN lockeroom by then.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *looks in disbelief* Shane as in…my BROTHER Shane? *raises an eyebrow*

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *glances down at her nails* yeah that Shane. *flips her hair over her shoulder* god who knew he was such a hard guy to please?

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *frowns* EXCUSE ME?

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *laughs to herself* oh…nothing. Anyway, so where’s your hubby Triple H at?

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *gives her a cold stare* we’re NOT together..

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| oh so he’s FREE now? *grins devilishly*

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| NO…he’s not. And don’t you get any ideas either…because I will CUT a bitch.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *laughs* oh is that so?

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *stares at her seriously* it is…

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| well I seriously DOUBT you would go THAT far. Besides, your brother Shane likes me too much and he wouldn’t let his bratty little sister do anything to me.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| oh you think so? Because then you OBVIOUSLY don’t know my brother very well. And I don’t know exactly what you did to get a contract here, but I will get to the bottom of this.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *glances down at her nails* go ahead, it’s not like I’m going anywhere…not for a WHILE at least.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *starts heading for the door* not if I can help it.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *rolls her eyes* what’s your problem Steph? Are you jealous because you know I might actually have a chance with your ex husband Triple H? Or are you mad at the fact that I will be a threat to the women’s division and can possibly WIN the women’s title? *Stephanie doesn’t answer* Or does it eat you up inside because you know NOW that I can get whatever I want through your brother Shane? *raises an eyebrow*

Candice crosses her arms and waits for an answer as Stephanie grinds her teeth and clenches her fists. As Candice continues to trash talk Stephanie, she finally loses it and attacks Candice. Stephanie grabs Candice by her hair and slings her onto the ground. She then gets on top of her and begins to bang her head against the floor. As she is screaming in pain, some security guards hear her and rush into the room. Two guys yank Stephanie off as another two help Candice up.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *yelling* yeah say something now you slut! I’ll fricken kill you if you try to get close to Hunter!

Candice is now irate as she pushes past the guards and spears Stephanie to the ground. Before she could manage to really retaliate, the security guards pull Candice away and drag her towards the lockeroom door.

|//Go Daddy Girl\\ Candice Michelle| *yelling back* oh don’t worry about Hunter, worry about YOURSELF now bitch!

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| oh I will Candice, cause this isn’t over…it isn’t over by a LONG SHOT!

Security finally manages to get Candice out of the lockeroom and send her to Shane’s office as Stephanie begins to fight with the security guards that are still holding her back.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *still shouting* let me go!

|//Security Guard#1\\ Donald Thomas| not until you’ve calmed down.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| I am calm, now LET ME GO!

|//Security Guard#2\\ Tim Turner| *looks at the other security guard* I don’t know man, should we let her go now?

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| don’t you know who I am? I can have BOTH of your asses fired if you don’t release me this instant.

|//Security Guard#1\\ Donald Thomas| *looks uneasy* we better do what she says…after all she IS the bosses daughter.

|//Security Guard#2\\ Tim Turner| alright, we’re going to let you go. PLEASE stay calm.

After the guards eventually let her go, she turns around and vigorously slaps one of them across the face and kicks the other one right between the legs.

|//Billion Dollar Bitch\\ Stephanie McMahon| *pointing to the door* NOW GET THE HELL OUT!

The guards quickly leave as Stephanie slams the door after them and crosses her arms, thinking of a way to get back at Candice.