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Wicca World

~*Wicca World*~

22nd March 2004

Greetings and welcome to Wicca World. I hope that this site will give a little insight into the religion of Wicca and also serve as a reference for experienced Wiccans. I will be be updating slowly but surely throughout the next few months, so please, bear with me!

Until next time

Blessed Be

NOTICE: Any images used on this site are available using a search engine. I do not own them unless specified. As far as I know I am allowed to use them as they are not protected by copyright (in other words they do not become distorted in anyway when copied) however if someone knows differently I would be glad to hear from you. Images taken directly from other websites will have been used with permission and will be credited.

Wiccan Beliefs ||| Scrub Brushes ||| Gumball Houses ||| Finger Snappers ||| Ice Cream Magic