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Here is the ferret page! This page is dedicated to our little fuzzbutts. Without further adiu here they are.

Here is Dove. Dove is the first female ferret we have had. Dove is a chocolate. She is our smallest ferret also.

This is Oliver. He is a sable with mitts. Oliver is a very laid back boy and very lazy.

This is Owen. He is a Cinnamon. Owen is deaf and very hyper. He is a very sweet boy and is the cutest when he hops and dukes. :)

Here is Angel. She is our newest ferret. Angel has never bitten anyone, even at the pet store they said she was the sweetest ferret. Angel is a dark sable.

This is a picture of all our ferts, six in all. Some of them do not have a pic of just themselves, which we will try to get up soon. Aren't they cute?

Here is Oliver, Oscar, Owen and Otis taking a nap from playing. How cute!