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Upcoming and Current Litters
Last updated April 16, 2004

  • We have one breeding pair right now and after these two have a litter we are separating them and will probably not have any more litters for a good while so this page will probably not be updated any time soon. We have decided to mainly focus on breeding our trio pair of chinchillas. We still plan to breed hamsters later but we have decided to down size our herd to a few aquariums.

  • Zippy's babies are now almost 3 weeks old. Here are pics of when they opended their eyes at 12 days old. Click here to see Zippy's babies

  • Zippy had 5 babies on Tuesday, February 17, 2004. Hopefully all babies are healthy.

  • We have recently had a litter from Molly and Henry. They are now 12 days old. The colors of the litter are Blue, Dove, Argente, Blue Fawn, Mottled Dove, and Mottled Agouti. Click here to see the babies.

  • We have paired Zippy and Benjamin together. So far Zippy has been the only female that will tolerate him so we are really hoping they will have a litter together.
