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* sit back and chill*


This is me........





If ya really wanna know stunnin' peep the rest....

Page 2....................Stunnin' Stats Newsflash

Page 3.....................Stunnin'z picz



Just to let you know, I did this so ya'll would get to know me better. In the words of my girl Kris.." Don't worry about trying to keep everyone close, let them go on to become acquaintances, as long as you can count your REAL friends on one hand you'll be all right"

This is from the main man with the master plan himself, LLoyd Banks "Yeah I'm young, but I ain't dumb, I know some tricks but I ain't one!"- G-G-G- Unit Baby!"


* please note that this is my first webpage so no need to diss...Thanx*



Click here to leave your comments.....if ya sweet I'll get back to ya...........




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