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SkOo PiCtuReZ

Brenda, Shaunny, Allison, Kelsey n Erinne~

HeWoOoOoOoO everyone! haha..okae jus a lil hyper at the mo..

uhm~ this page is for all the picz that i take at saunders! haha..ightz?

much love~ Peace

ItS ChRIstL kIRSCh...ner? haha! lol!..aww ..she IS a cutie! hahah YUS! GO RUGBY! ;)

ERiCa MaSuR! aww! aint she so pretty!~ doesnt she remind u of a unicorn? ...its a compliment! unicorns r Soooooooo PuRdY! ErIca! ur Beautiful!

SAMS FACE..the side! lol...

..side view of sams face..haha she looks like a snob!

..its sci! much fun in sci class! ^----^

haha..its trevor the cutie! hahahaha

YUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSS! SMILE COOKIE SHIRT! haha..its trevorz shirt! aint it hot?

..Me..n tyler i guess in the back n beccaz!! still in science class...mwahahahahah

haha..erinne in the background..didnt cut her off..n its brian! haha class~ ^------^

haha OW OWWWW! cassy lookin hot!

..brian! were you bout to say sometin?..haha :P

BeCcA N Me..haha...jordon took this pic!

haha..uhm..kelseyz basketball friends?..haha i dnuo! we were takin random pix after skoo! lol

helia, bex, alma,n nadia~ haha..u galz r HOT! lol!

HAHAH! okae! we were takin pix in front of the gym..n josh kurpatrick (sp?) walkd out n he was like.! I WANNA BE IN THE PIC have a pic of him...:)

kels, josh, bex, shaunny~ front of spencer's locker...tyler tried movin it kinda looks weird!

adel, tyler n spencer

..2 gurlz in mi english class...jenn n carolyn?..i bad~

CAFETERIA PICTURES! yay! ^-------^! haha..

erinne n brenda~

allison coughin..haha..why the hell did i take this pic?!

KelSey belsey! haha..

kelsey....playin w/ garbage! lol

KELSEY AGAIN! y so many picz?! o rite..u were eitha sittin beside or infront of me! lol..haha..ooh! the day i took this pic is when i ....."yelled"!

SAM! hilar! ur tryin to hide! n u got ur finga up! haha..! eatin puddin w/ ur finger! lol

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