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開始遊戲的人出一個題目,在自己的blog上寫下答案,然後把題目丟給另外五個人, 在文末附上這五個人的連結,並且到這些人的留言版上留下:「你被貼了!」。 這五個被tag到的人,在自己的blog注明(並附上連結)是從哪一個 blogger那裡傳來的題目, 然後寫下答案,再去貼另外五個人。如此繼續下去......

今次題目係: 怪癖............

1. Don't take off my contacts until I go to sleep......

2. Open the car window all the way and blast up music, only when I'm driving by myself.....

3. Can only fall sleep with my "猪猪 blanket".... (aka can't sleep well at hotels)

4. Whenever there is ice in my drink, I bite on the ice and end up eating it.... hehe^^

5. Have to fold those paper chopstick wrappers into a stand whenever I have it in front of me.....


Anna, Kelly, ah din, 3b, ah A