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Me And Derbie 
Before Prom 2005

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I wish that you and me were closer and that you could tell me more things than you do, I want you to know that I have been through everything u are going through. I wish you would talk to me because i have been there. I know you think that you are at the I hate him stage but you know, I know what you are really feeling deap inside. I love you more than you could ever imagine and I have tried to get your attention more than you know, and someday you will see how important i am to you and how much i really do know. I know just because i am a mom now that makes you weery of what to tell me but you know I am probably the best person to take advice from at this point in your life, I know you probably think that i am some big blab and tell everything about your personal life but you know that sisters are forever and i wish that you could see that i not only want to be your sister but the bestest friend that you could ever have. I love you and if you need to talk i am always here no matter what, no matter what advice i try to give you or what shit we go through I will be here forever for you and some day you will realize that! Friends are great but sisters are forever!

your sister | August 02, 2005