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On these pages you can find out a bit about several places where I have either lived or visited, and to all my crazy mates around the world, you can find amusing and higly embarassing pictures of you all! Oh and me included for that matter! There are guides, travel tips, jokes, quotes and a place to share your stories so that everyone can keep in touch. Above all though, there is a huuuuuge photo album. Enjoy! There are guides, travel tips. jokes, quotes and a place to add you amusing comments and stories. Plus there is a massive photo album!

I am currently studying BA International Business and German at Sheffield Hallam University, and as part of this course, I spent 6 months studying in Giessen, Hessen and I also worked for Siemens in Munich for a year. These 18 months abroad have been amazing and although it is all quite daunting, it is something that I am very happy I've done and would recommend to anyone. Germany is quite a vast country, which you come to realise when you drive across it, and there is always something to do. Whilst I was over there I attempted to see as much as possible, and although I did see a lot, there are still things that I would like to do. My favourite places there are Giessen, for the memories (not much else there to be honest!) Munich and Berlin. Outside of Germany I also visited many places in Austria, Zürich in Switzerland, Slovakia, Zagreb in Croatia, Prague, Paris and Florence. So as I said, I was pretty busy! Have a gander and laugh!

My site: Page 2: Gießen
My site: Page 3: München