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The Queen Of Xtreme Lita!!c!

(_ The camera in the backstage parking lot has just came on. And the back door comes open, the fans are waiting to see who will walk in and then it's ANGELICA and the fans are going wild they are going wild for her as she as a smile on her face. She makes her way down the hall and she comes put to a sign that has posted all the matches and she puts her finger on the poster and she see's women's title match, Angelica Vs. The Queen Bitch, women's title is on the line, Angelica holds her title close and she smiles, and she makes her way down the hall as the camera fades down and out to a long break for right now _) (_ When the camera comes back on, it show's Angelica walking down the hall, and she comes to this locker room that has a big sliver star and she reads the name and it says A.P. Feight the fans are booing as a few are going wild she knocks on the door, and she waits as he yells come in, and she opens the door and she walks in with a smile on her face and they say this today in the locker room and they begins to speek to each other _)

[Man Of The Hour | A.P. Feight] Hey!!! You did not have to knock you could of just came right in here 'ya know come by any time!

[Queen Of Xtreme| Angelica] Yeah, I know I could of but I just wanted to respect you by knocking and all. But don't worry, I did not come here to waste your time, I wanted to talk to you about last night's show.

[Man Of The Hour | A.P. Feight] Good, because I wanted to talk to you about it, and before we start that convo, I just wanted to say that you could never waste my time. But anyways back to last night match, I loved it what did you think of the out come of it? I think it's great! I mean the 1st time that we teamed up as a team we won! I mean I knew.

[Queen Of Xtreme| Angelica] That's great to know! But I just wanted to say in that match we kicked real ass! I mean we won. But we did get kind of beat down, but that's okay, we came back from it. I just wanted to say that was that was a great tag team match i've ever been in. I also knew we we're going to win, did they really think they was able to.

[Man Of The Hour | A.P. Feight] All I know is that match is over, and now we both have to put our titles on the line, I know that I will be able to beat Doughboy and I know that you will be able to beat Queen Bitch. And you know we will be the best thing in this federation for a very long time. Aww darn i've have to run but see u later? Alright..?

[Queen Of Xtreme| Angelica] Uh.. Yes sure! Well good luck with your match i'll talk with you later A.P Feight!

(_ Angelica smiles, and she leaves with A.P Feight but they go there differant ways. And she makes her way down the hall as the camera begings to fade down and out to a long break for now and later _)


(_ When the camera comes back on "MY TIME" hits over the PA the fans are going wild. Angelica does her pose on the top of the ramp. She runs down the ramp and she rolls inside of the ring and does a fast pose. She gets up and runs over to the trun buckle and does her pose. She jumps down and Angelica walks over to the ring announcer and she gets a mic, and her music stopes as the walks around the ring with mic in hand, and she begins to speek and she says this to everyone in the owf bulding to night and all of her fans she says this.

[Queen Of Xtreme| Angelica] I would like to say HA HA HA HA HA!!! I hate to say "I told ya so" but.. "I told ya so!" I told you, that we would beat you asses and we did! We told you that we would win, and we sure as hell did that. Yes, we kind OF got beat down but know what, who cares, just look at who won, we won, the betetr team one! "So don't mess with the best!" because we sure as hell are the best! Well i'm the best, the best female! The best women*s champ. Queen Bitch "if that is even your real name" you told me that you would of won my women*s title, well women here is your shot! But you know that's all right, you see if you think you can then keep on thinking that, but if you don't know then you will never win! I just hope you know what your in for. Because I know what i'm able to do, and I know what your able to do. But if you really think you can win pin me to the mat in the middle of this ring 1..2..3.. I would just like to say yout nutts lady. Yes, my women*s title is on the line but that don't mean your able to beat me. I don't know about you Queen Bitch but I am sure as hell ready for this match, and the question is, "are you ready?" I don't THINK you are because you are nothing to me! But the real question is are you ready for "this" -- "this" in being me! ha! This is so great because I can't wait until this match, because I want to wip your ass so bad! I will beat your ass to one side of the ring all the way to the other, and you know what, there is nothing you or "any one else" can do about it! So Queen Bitch, do you think you can handle me? Do you really think your good enough to be a champ? I don't think you are, i'm not sure why YOU should get the title shot. I mean you are really a NOTHING! It's funny because you think you are as good as me, or better, well Queen Bitch, if you were better then me, you and Doughboy would have beat us last night in that tag match, but did that happen? NO it sure as hell did not. So we all know who the better diva in the tag match was, that diva was me! I don't think you understand what the title means, okay. Where did you come from anyways? I'm so tired of people divas mostly, thinking they are better then me, you know what, you are not better then me, i'm better then you, you ask "why?" I will tell you why, i'm better than you because I hold the title, you lost your 1st match and your are nothing but a big ass ugly tramp! You want to come in here very 1st day and try to hate on me, well that's fine, then you want to come up in here and say that i'm ugly and I don't EVEN "look like a real women half the time!" WTF does that mean, I think you better take a better look at your self once more! I look a whole lot better then you will ever in a life time! So I hope that you are ready because I will kick ass in this match. I will do what ever the hell it takes because I am just that much damn better then you will ever be in a damn life time. "You should not even be in the same ring as I or even the same state!" And i'm serious! I know what's going on okay. If you don't want to respect me, that's fine, I sure as hell can live with that. But if you don't want to be truthful with me Queen Bitch "Game on" but if you want to try to do with ever behind my back "Game on again" don't f-uck with me okay, lady, because i'm the wrong women to fuck with here. And if you don't understand this I will teach this to you the hard way or you can learn it on your own the easy way ok? Do you get it? got it? good! Because you will lose! Because you can't beat me if you had to, if you want to beat me you could not ither, the best will win we will see who that will be!

(_ Angelica smiles and she walks back up to the ring announcer and hands the mic back. At the same time her music hits "MY TIME" over the PA she does her last pose. Then she leaves rolls out of the ring and she runs back up the ramp, she stopes and does her pose once more and she goes backstage as the camera fades down and out to black _)

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