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*-*BrItTaNi'S pRiNcEsS hAnGoUt*-*

*-shoutouts TO friends-*

*-MY favorite WEBSITES-*

WaNnA mAkE a FrEe HoMePaGe?¿
WaNnA mAkE uR oWn DoLl?¿
WaNnA sEe My ChEeRlEaDiNg SqUaD?¿
FrEe GuEsTbOoKs, PoLlS, aNd MoRe!i
WaNnA pEn PaL?¿
HoW tO kEeP aN iDiOt BuSy!i
WaNnA sEe Ur NaMe In HaWaIiN?¿

Cheerleading Rocks* Hey Ya'll whats up not much here... being bored as i alwayz am... thats the only reason i even made this webpage is b/c i got bored and but ne wayz my names Brittani and im 13 years old im in 8th grade and im the youngest... i cant wait till im 16 and can hobbies are talkin on the internet talkin on the phone and cheering. Cheerleading is my FAVORITE sport (and YES IT IS A SPORT!!!)so hope u have a fun time... i gonna try and put some of my favorite websites on here so u dont get bored... HAVE FUN!!! ThIsIsMeAnDmYcHeErLeAdInGsQuAd 3OfMyBeStFrIeNdSlEfTtArItE-KeLsEy,CoUrTnEy,BaIlEy LeViAnDcOuRtNeY MirandAandAleX KeLsEyAnDbRyCe ItSmEiTsMyNaMe!