popup my cbox
Pink Destruction

Pink Destruction is a website created to entertain you. There are many things to do here. You can check out my photos in the

Photo Section

. (But I don't see why you would if you weren't one of my friends or something). You can also view banners, templates, graphics, and more in that section. So check it out. The

About Me

section is just a section about me. Lol. Just basic information about the creator of this site. Nothing really interesting, unless you want to know about me? And the other sections



Things to do

is exactly what it says it is. I couldn't think of anything to name it so I named one other and things to do. Pretty funny, eh? I still don't know what to put in those. I was thinking of putting, oh, I don't know.. some poetry, stories or something. I don't plan for this website to go big. (Which i'm pretty sure it's not going to) (1 visit each day ::snort)Oh, and remember to comment in my c-box. It's on everypage. The right side bar ---->. If you can't see it you must be blind? Jkjk. Look to the right and you see

Popup c-box

. Now, click on it and my chatter box pops up. ::Snort:: There, now comment! Well, that's basically it for my site. Credits are also on the side bar. Thank's for visiting!

You may wonder why my website is named Pink Destruction and my banner, and everything else, is mostly blue. Well, I can answer that easily and then you'll probably think i'm some kind of retard. :p

Question: Why is your site name Pink Destruction when everything on it is blue?

Answer: The banner I made for this page was pink at first. And the I thought it was too ugly so I added a few more details and changed it to blue. The blue one looked wayyy better as you can see

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