ROR A Message In A Bottle - SOS
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A Message In A Bottle - SOS

Welcome, to the memorial of a lost saga.

In my vulnerable years as just another wondering soul good hearted and virtuous, I found my fantasy island. And as everyone else does, i saw my island as the best most perfect piece of land floating in the vast blue crush. Without caution i roamed the island and got to know it even better until i was one day i was whole and at home willing to give all to protect it and its freedom. Everyday was an illuminated euphoria, better than the last. But then one day in the gleam of the morn, the sky changed. And without warning or consideration a storm passed through the island destroying it and all its meaning forever. I was cast out to sea, with only a few traces left. That of a bottle and paper and pen. So with these came the makings, all the history, the memories, the feelings even. Their fate shrouded and bottled up. And so the current drifted, as did i, and so did the my message, in a bottle, my SOS. Slowly pushing on its own journey, with its destination unknown, slowly into the horizon. The bottle and its contents, I hope always for, as it shall silently drift on in all its ache, most likely never to be heard. A powerful story of a silently sad saga to be remembered only in the glimpse of an eye, which shall forever be lost unto the graveyard of all lost stories. Silently drifting away.

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