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Tina's Journal
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Now Playing: Tina and Snake..
Topic: Snake in my tree!
Omg yall today a fried of mine came over with her 3 boys and they was plaing outside and the oldest one came running in and said there is a snake in aunty tina's tree and i said WHAT!!! and omg yall well take a look for ya self..
i first called david and he just laughted at me.. he was like what am i suppose to do i cant come home from work cause of a black snake.. then i was like well how am i suppose to get out to pay the bills?? i hate snakes!! ewww... then i got the neighbor and bless his heart he tried getting it for me but he couldnt get up the tree and the other neighbor wouldnt let me borrow his ladder to get the stupid thing out he kept saying aww just leave it along... then i called my dad and well he just laughted and said he wasnt coming to my house anymore LOL so i finally go the nerve up and got chey in the car and we took off and i went and bought me some moth balls LOL well i stayed over grandmas til david got home LOL thank god the snake was gone LOL

Posted by stars5/mc_scrapbook at 12:04 AM EDT
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Michael started band!
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Michael
Topic: Our Star
Michael got his sax today and oh boy LOL I need some ear plugs LOL bless his little heart! I do hope he learns something in this class LOL He is real excited about getting his sax and being in band so lets see how this will end up..

Posted by stars5/mc_scrapbook at 12:01 AM EDT
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Chys 1st Sleep Study
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Tina, David and Cheyenne
Topic: Sleep Study #1
Its sunday and we are traveling back home from WVa. We get home around 2 pm and then we had to turn around and go back to Charlotte for Cheys sleep study for her narcolepsy. She had to sleep all night with these wires all over her and then get up at 6 am and take 5 naps. she had to take a nap every 2 hrs to see how the study went.
the putting on the wires we a breeze but taking them off was a different story.

Posted by stars5/mc_scrapbook at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, June 3, 2005
Our Weekend
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Tina
Topic: What a weekend!

Friday Jason and Jessie got married! We went to TN. It was a beautiful wedding until this crazy stupid hillbilly cut off Jasons $50 pants! It just ruined it all. But it still was a pretty good one. I cried like a big ol baby.
After the wedding we went to WVa. We visited my grandma and my uncles and everybody.

Posted by stars5/mc_scrapbook at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
I got my blessing today
Mood:  special
Topic: Thank The Lord!
Today I found out what my preacher meant when he whispered in my ear that I was going to recieve a blessing this week. And boy did I get one!!! My parent have been having hard times and bouncing around from place to place and my dad just had open heart surgery like a few weeks ago. Well they came doing to visit and so my dad can get fitted for his tux for my little sisters wedding. Well, lastnight they came over to eat dinner with us and they was talking about getting a place here where I live. They called my landlord and guess what!! They are moving back home cause my wonderful landlord sold them a place!!!! Well, I didnt realize that this was my blessing the preacher was talking about until today when I was watching a video I made sunday of our church.. the people singing and the preacher preaching... well my dad (just rededicated his live right before his surgery) spoke up and said well I guess we will be going to that church when me move down here... I was about to cry that sounded so wonderful to my heart cause my dad has fallen back on the lord for so many yrs now and to just know that he is saved and he is actually planning on going to a church just blesses my heart. I thank you lord for this wonderful blessing Thank you Jesus!!!

Posted by stars5/mc_scrapbook at 12:41 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, June 2, 2005 12:45 AM EDT
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