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user: Invalad
pet : Invalad
LG : 50

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Welcome to LPOL!
LPOL® is a guild on, that helps out all pets in need. Anyone may join the Lupe Pack of Life Guild, young or old. The guild is based on the one pet, Lupe, but helps all kinds. Please, browse all you like. New members are needed!

The Loop Times

Read All About It!
Issue 5 is almost out! Read more about the Underworld and about layout help here! More is coming!


Yes, the LPOL Guild has made many updates! The guild layout was made by _fuzzie_peach, I've worked out this new layout for the hompage, and the Underworld. Neomail egirl20023 if you have any suggestions!

What's with the links?

I'm sorry that the links are the same as on neopets, I don't know how to change them. The Login, Log out, News, Neomail, and Explore are the same, but Help is the Health Center, World is the Underworld, Shops is The Guild Mall, and chat is the Guild Message Boards. The two at the top, are not links. Thanx for coming! ^_^

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Moulin Rouge is the new movie of the month!


LPOL now has some Cool Backgrounds!


  • A new Pet of the month contest!
  • Logo contest!
  • Writing contests!
  • Drawing Contests!

  • Latest News!

    4th day of Sleeping, Y6
    7:56:45 am NST

    The Underworld
    The Underworld is still having bugs. You can look at some of the layout, but it's still under contruction.

    Lupe Pack of Life
    The Lupe Pack of Life is has been making alot of changes. The layouts are different, the Underworld is open, and more members are joining!

    Why the change in layout?

    To attract more members of course! The LPOL is becoming a more advanced guild as we speak!


    Are you tired of hearing about the Underworld and the layout? Go to the message boards and talk about whatever you want!

    Free food! Now at the health club!

    Go venture the Underworld.

    You could earn 100 LG points!

    Neo Poll

    Do you like the new guild layout?
    Yes, alot!
    More then usual
    It's ok


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