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}O{ * LiTTLe LuKaS WayNe *}O{

*~~* Our Little Guardian Angel *~~*

*~*In Our Arms For Moments, In Our Hearts Forever*~*

Lukas Wayne was born on November 16th 2004 at 2:21am, four and half months premature... Little L weighed One Pound*Six Ounces and Ten Inches Long... After his birth Lukas struggled to stay in this world... Lukas had the normal up and downs of a premature baby... The hopsital only gave him a 40 percent chance of survival but We all felt in our hearts that he was going to be ok... While Little Lukas had his time in this big world, I sat next to his incubator and watched him open those big baby blue eyes... He could wiggle his toes and fingers a little but he was on a medication that would paralyze his little body so this breathing tube wouldn't move out of place... About a hour and a half passed a Little Lukas continued to get worse, you could see him suffering... His body and Lungs were way too weak for him to survive... Around 4:30am, I decided that the best decision would be to cut this life support off... Finally I got to hold Lukas for the first time... Little Lukas went to Heaven peacefully in my arms at 4:58am.... }O{

God Had Other Plans

God had other plans for you I guess this world's too mean He took you to a better place Where the grass is always green.

God had other plans for you Little angel, earn your wings protect those you're supposed to and always do nice things.

God had other plans for you All the way up in heaven I'm just a little sad I'll never teach you, count to seven.

God had other plans for you I know you're in good care After all his son was our savior head upturned; I sit and stare.

God had other plans for you his angels will keep you well You'll never have to know sickness Or this life that some call hell.

God had other plans for you Way above the stars in time the battle will stop bandage the open scars.

God had other plans or you a special little life preserved by love flying off to everywhere on the snow white wings of a dove.

God had other plans for you he'll have you wait for me how ever long that will take then I can rock you on my knee.

God had other plans for you so I couldn't tell you goodbye you were gone before hello no answer for the why...

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Other Pages & Memorials For Little Lukas

Lukas's A Place to Remember Memorial
