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Cheesey's Captees

Aphrodite the female Bayleef
Level: 15
Item: None
Trait: Overgrow

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Razor Leaf, Reflect, Ancientpower, Attract, Poisonpowder, Leaf Blade.

Aphrodite was my very first captured pokemon. She drank a Custom Juice a while ago and now the leaves around her neck are silver. She's a very, very loyal pokemon - perhaps the most loyal that I have! She's a little distant sometimes and a little hard to warm up to, but when you get to konw her she's great to be around. She'll do anything to help her friends and would never think of doing anything to ever betray them. She's also very determined - She's most certainly not a weak hearted pokemon. She loves a good fight now and then and loves it when she wins. However, she's very sportsmanlike about it and doesn't rub it in. She also loves a bit of adventure and discovery, and will sometimes run away from my side to see what something is. I don't mind though, because she's strong enough to fend for herself if she ever happens to get herself in a bit of a sticky situation.

Transmogrification the genderless Ditto
Level: 10
Item: None
Trait: Limber

Moves: Transform.

Transmogrification is odd, to say the least. He's usually very quiet, and he'll always listen if you tell him something, but there's something about him that's just a little weird and I can't seem to put my finger on it! He's a really undersanding little guy, and if any pokemon he knows has a problem then he'll try his best to help out. He also has a good idea of how other pokemon think, because he likes to transform into them and see the world the way they see it. He studies the way other pokemon act so that he's extra convincing when he transforms. Quite a lot of the time I completely mistake him for one of my other pokemon! That makes him laugh but it also makes him feel pretty pleased with himself for making such a convincing transformation.

Remus the male Umbreon
Level: 9
Item: Pokemon Collar
Trait: Synchronize

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Curse, Toxic, Sand Attack.

Remus is very independent and he has been ever since he was an Eevee. I used to be confused as to why he liked sitting out in the moonlight so much but I should've known that it was because he wanted to evolve into an Umbreon! Unfortunately, he wanted to so much that he startled me whilst I was accepting a Genetic Accelerator Gene at Goldenrod Tower and I exposed him to it. He's quite cold and not very talkative and therefore doesn't really mix with others very well. His closest friend is his little twin sister, Opal - they can talk about anything and everything. I think he secretly wishes that he had more friends but he denies it if I ever ask him, so I'm not all that sure. He likes sitting watching the moon at night, and often sleeps by day, because I'm fairly sure he doesn't like the sunlight. It's a bit mysterious actually... There are a lot of things I don't know about him.

Opal the shiny female Espeon
Level: 6
Item: None
Trait: Synchronize

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Psychic.

Opal is a calm and collected pokemon. She drank a shiny juice a while ago, so that's why she's a shiny pokemon. Like her brother, she doesn't really socialise all that much, and would prefer being on her own to practise her various psychic powers. Every day her mind gets stronger, and I think that her mind skills will be more advanced than I could ever have thought possible one day. She's actually a very nice pokemon and will speak to you if you go up and chat, but she would never want to start a conversation because she's either too shy or just doesn't like socialising. Her best friend is her big brother, Remus, but she thinks he's just a little overprotective. I don't see it, myself - All I see is a brother and sister being close and caring for each other. She likes challenges for her mind, but lately it's been hard to find them because she's just so intelligent.

Azure the female Vaporeon
Level: 8
Item: Mermaid Curse
Trait: Water Absorb

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power: Psychic, Rain Dance, Muddy Water, Sand Attack.

Crystal is a kind Pokemon, but also quite mysterious. There is something about her that makes her presence seem mystical, but she’s still very approachable, and easy to talk to. She loves to swim through waters elegantly when she has the time, and when another Pokemon needs help, she’ll do what she can. She can’t stand seeing another Pokemon in pain, or in just generally in need of help.

Tequila the male Flareon
Level: 7
Item: Matches
Trait: Flash Fire

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power: Fighting, Flamethrower.

Tequila is quite aggressive, and is always brimming with energy for an intense battle. Nobody knows quite what it is that makes him want to fight so much, but nevertheless, he does. He’s still quite friendly, but not what you’d call approachable. Sometimes he seems rather intimidating, but he’s perfectly nice really. You just have to get to know him, that’s all.

Khaki the male Jolteon
Level: 10
Item: None
Trait: Volt Absorb

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Wish, Thunderbolt, Substitute.

Khaki is easily excited, and when he is excited he’s a nightmare to handle! He dashes around the room, eager to get even faster than he already is. He loves to get the first move in a battle, as it makes him feel really speedy. When he’s running, all you see is an electric flash dart before your eyes. When you go near him you’ll probably get a static shock from his fur, but you grow used to it.

Rodas the male Bulbasaur
Level: 11
Item: 4 Leaf Clover
Trait: Overgrow

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Vine Whip, Sludge Bomb, Mega Drain.

Rodas has quite a weird personality. Sometimes he’ll be hyper and he’ll have so much energy he won’t know what to do with it, and sometimes he’s calm, collected, and would much rather sit down and look at a book or something. He likes having conversations with Aphrodite, and is often talking to her about, well, anything that comes to mind. They’ve really bonded with each other.

Forte the male Snorlax
Level: 15
Item: None
Trait: Thick Fat

Moves: Tackle, Amnesia, Defence Curl, Earthquake, Body Slam, Belly Drum.

Forte, like most Snorlax, simply loves to eat and sleep. He has a squishy belly, which makes him quite cuddly. His chubby structure and his dopey expression make him a rather lovable creature, but in a battle he’s a very tough opponent. His large size may make him look intimidating… But most Pokemon realise he’s a nice guy.

Xero the male Glalie
Level: 16
Item: None
Trait: Inner Focus

Moves: Powder Snow, Leer, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind, Earthquake, Ice Beam.

Zero always seems to have a sneaky look about him, which isn’t surprising. He’s quite a sly creature, and he likes to sneak up and scare people. He’s very skilled at it; his icy aura sends a shiver down his victim’s spine before he decides to scare them. If he builds up a trust with somebody he won’t do it, but he’ll still do it to others – He loves a little joke.

Tourniquet the male Absol
Level: 15
Item: None
Trait: Pressure

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace.

Tourniquet is very, very quiet. You’ll hardly ever get a word out of him. His voice is dark and grave, and his eyes are a cruel red. He never trusts any other Pokemon fully, but he likes to have friends that he can go to, even if he doesn’t talk to them. He’s not nasty, but he isn’t nice… He looks cruel, but if you take the time to get to know him, he’s a good friend to have.

Ignatius the male Houndour
Level: 10
Item: None
Trait: Flash Fire

Moves: Leer, Ember, Howl, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Reversal.

Ignatius is a bouncy little guy, and loves to run about. This (naturally) means he’s a fit little guy, and he’s growing stronger by exercising even more. He loves to battle and whenever he can, he will. Sugar also seems to make him go insanely hyper, so I try not to give him too much at a time. When he’s hyper, he likes making a lot of noise, usually by barking.

Ragnarok the male Camerupt
Level: 22
Item: None
Trait: Magma Armour

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Ember, Magnitude, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Earthquake.

Ragnarok is one of my most powerful Pokemon, and in battle it’s easy to see that. He always has a rather dopey expression on his face, but he’s smarter than you would think. He’s not hard to make friends with, and he likes having a lot of friends. Sometimes the volcanoes on his back erupt though, and you never know when that’s going to happen!

Faithless the male Aerodactyl
Level: 7
Item: None
Trait: Rock Head

Moves: Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Aeroblast, Double Edge, Earthquake.

Faithless is a very determined Pokemon. He is determined that he will do his best in every battle he gets into, and he will grow to be very strong. He looks strong and rather scary, and he is, but he’s not bad when you get to know him. His fangs creep me out a little though – Just think of what he could do with them! He loves to learn about new ways of battling, and is always trying to get better.

My Adopted Pokemon
Pictures of my Pokémon