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Cheesey's Adoptees

Athena the female Swablu
Level: 8
Item: None
Trait: Natural Cure

Moves: Peck, Growl, Haze, Aerial Ace, Ice Beam, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Astonish.

Athene is a very peaceful pokemon, but she spends most of her time daydreaming about evolving into an Altaria. Sometimes when I try to talk to her she's miles away, and it can be ages until she decides to pay any attention to me. Unfortunately, this difficulty to concentrate properly leaves her unsuspecting in battles and completely unaware of when she's going be attacked. Sometimes she's in a distant world in the middle of a fight and completely ignores my commands! When she's not away with the fairies she is a really friendly pokemon, and it's really nice when she decides to sit on my shoulder and have a chat. She tends to fall asleep really easily though, so whenever I'm talking to her I never know whether she's about to doze off or not. I don't know why she's so exhausted half the time. All she's been doing lately is daydream about the future!

Hera the female Blissey
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Serene Grace

Moves: Pound, Growl, Tail Whip, Substitute, Thunderbolt, Water Pulse.

Hera is somewhat of a psychologist. She is absolutely fascinated with the way other pokemon act and behave, and how they change during the course of their lives. She is really friendly and approachable - I think she'd make an excellent therapist! She can never sit around whenever she sees a pokemon in need - It's like an illness, she is so obsessed with being nice to others! Sometimes she'll give folk one of her eggs even if they don't need one, because they are so nutrious and delicious. She evolved so early because a Genetic Accelerator Gene I was carrying fell out of a hole in my backpack whilst she was walking beside me; her exposure to it caused her to evolve. She was a bit iffy with it at first, but she's grown to be happy with it - After all, what's not to be happy about when you're a Blissey!

Imarad the female Zangoose
Level: 9
Item: None
Trait: Immunity

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Counter, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Secret Power.

Imarad is short tempered and not terribly easy to talk to most of the time. However, if you stick with her she will be one of the most trustworthy pokemon you could possibly encounter, and no matter what happens she'll try her very best to keep a friendship strong. Occasionally she'll throw a tantrum - Thankfully not as much as she used to though, since she's gotten used to the fact that she can't always get her way. She's very violent in battle, and she insists it's because she's got a wild sort of nature, but I think it's because of her past. When she was a baby her father abandoned her and her mother. As she grew up she made a very close friendship with another Zangoose, but she betrayed her. I think that's why Imarad is like she is now - She's terrified of being betrayed again.

Kane the female Arcanine
Level: 7
Item: None
Trait: Intimidate

Moves: Bite, Crunch, Roar, Ember, Fire Blast, Take Down.

Kane is beautiful. I got her when she was just a little Growlithe; back then she was cute, but simply not as majestic as she has grown to be now. She may seem a bit intimidating, but I assure you, she most certainly isn't. One of her favourite hobbies is running, and if we ever arrive in an open field (or just somewhere vast and empty) she can spend hours just leaping and bounding around to her hearts content. She tends to sleep for long stretches at a time, so she is full to the brim with energy as she wakes up. I didn't actually want her to become an Arcanine so soon; Lightning, the pokemon that I adopted at the same time as her, was raking through my bag in the Eevee House when I was away and showed it to her. He got a big of a surprise when Kane evolved! I had wanted her to learn more about the world before exposing her to the stone, but we've grown used to it.

Lightning the male Mareep
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Static

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Body Slam, Thunderbolt.

Lightning is far too excitable. I knew this as soon as I adopted him - The first time I picked him up he let out a jolt of electricity and it shot down through my arms and legs! Unfortunately this habit of getting excited too easily has not changed for the length of time I've had him. He's really apologetic about it though - He won't stop saying sorry if he ever shocks anyone! He loves meeting new friends (and tries his best not to shock them when he does meet them). He would like to get into more battles than he usually does - He always has static electricity built up in his wool that he can't release outside of a battle!

Thor the male black Mareep
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Static

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Body Slam, Thunderbolt.

Thor is not terribly excitable. He's very quiet and often falls asleep in the middle of things (much like Athene, in fact). He's a lot better at controlling the electricity he has stored up in his coat than Lightning is, and he's also more intelligent than your average Mareep - He loves reading. I'll often be looking for him and find him curled up in a corner with a book. He's rather hyperactive if he has an overdose of sugar, though - Once he's had that it's hard to tell him apart from Lightning (well, apart from the wool colour, obviously). He's really nice too, and he loves spending ages simply chatting to folk. He'd rather make a proper friendship with someone before talking to them in any particular depth, though.

Mars the male blue Ralts
Level: 9
Item: None
Trait: Synchronize

Moves: Growl, Confusion, Will-O-Wisp.

To be honest, I hardly ever hear Mars talk. He is unbelieveably quiet, and I'm not terribly sure why. For some reason he never starts a conversation with anybody else... I've asked him why on countless occasions, but funnily enough, he doesn't like talking about it. He's not experienced in the art of continuing conversations either, but he's perfectly nice. If you give him a puzzle or a maths problem or anything remotely like that he'll happily while his hours away trying to solve it. He loves a challenge. He is also rather advanced at using his abilities, and can often be found using his psychic powers to make things levitate or even make the hands on a clock go backwards. He finds experimenting fun and spends a lot of time trying to read the minds of others.

Quartz the male Togetic
Level: 11
Item: None
Trait: Serene Grace

Moves: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Psychic, Flamethrower, Sweet Kiss.

Quartz is adorable and so friendly to everybody. His eagerness is something that made me expose him to his Genetic Accelerator Gene - His inability to keep quiet when someone else was in need of assistance (even if he couldn't actually help) was quite annoying! He's quite shrewd, so even if he's not terribly bright academically, he doesn't give off that impression. He loves talking to others, but he gets confused rather easily, much like I do. I think it's impossible to dislike him because he's so nice all of the time, even if he's not in the best of moods. His best friend is Hera and they can happily waste all of their spare time talking to each other about nothing that has any particular importance!

Proteus the male Wailmer
Level: 8
Item: None
Trait: Oblivious

Moves: Splash, Growl, Surf, Ice Beam.

Proteus drank a Kecleon Juice so he'll change colours in battle, depending on what attack he was on the receiving end of last. His favourite thing to do is swimming in large bodies of water. He doesn't like small expanses, because he's too large to have any fun in them! He tends to splash other whenever he's swimming and even if it's fun for the first little while, it can get just a teensy bit annoying after he does it too much. He's really playful and rather childish, and he never wants to grow up. Unfortunately though, he is always mistken for being older than he actually is since he's so big! He's physically strong because he is always active, and he's also constantly trying to do tricks. He makes a lot of mistakes but laughs them off; Practice makes perfect, after all.

Katia the female Raichu
Level: 6
Item: None
Trait: Static

Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Charge, Wish, Thunderbolt.

Katia became a Raichu so soon because... Well, we had a little spat when I first adopted her. She got angry at me and sent a Thundershock through my body before raking through my bag to steal something in spite. I had a Thunderstone in there, though, so she felt the consequences of doing such a bad action. She evolved against her will because she wasn't strong enough to prevent the Thunderstone from working its wonders on her; she never really got over the fact that she evolved when she didn't want to. That experience has made her a better pokemon, though, even though she is rather unpredictable nowadays. She's grown to be really nice though, but she's always concerned that others won't like her - I've never really understood why.

Talis the male Onix
Level: 7
Item: Status Modification Die
Trait: Rock Head

Moves: Tackle, Screech, Rock Slide, Taunt, Slam, Sandstorm, Rock Throw.

Talis was abandoned, so I adopted him. He has a rather scary appearance, and at times he can be a rather scary pokemon, but he'll never be frightening for no reason. If you take the chance to get to know him you'll understand that he's a great guy - He has a sharp sense of humour and he's not afraid to make fun of himself. However, he does get rather irritated when he gets called "Tails" - it's a mistake that far too many people seem to make! It's also irritating that he can hardly ever be released inside a building, since he's just so gigantic. He's actually slightly bigger than an average Onix, which is even worse. He's grown to get used to it, though, and even though it gets on his nerves he knows he has to deal with it.

Topaz the female Charmander
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Blaze

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Seismic Toss, Fire Spin, Flamethrower.

Topaz is a really cute pokemon, and she loves watching her team mates battle and socialise with others. She's a bit more nervous about doing the same herself, though - Since she's small she is rather easily intimidated by others. Tending not to stray far from me, she has grown to be rather dependent on me, but I'm teaching her that she can't depend on me for everything. She has quite an adventurous nature, anyway, and she oftens dreams about going on big journeys. It's weird to think that when she's so little now, she'll become a big Charizard one day. I cherish the current days though, because she's a lot easier to hug when she's the size she is now!

Amethyst the female Mr. Mime
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Soundproof

Moves: Confusion, Barrier, Psychic, Thunderbolt.

Amethyst is rather nervous when she's around other pokemon, because she is under the impression that she will be considered strange. This is because her gender contradicts her name - She's a female Mr. Mime. She hates it, and always has, but I hope to help her make it less of an issue to her. She is quite insecure and difficult to become close to, but as soon as I became close to her, she poured out all her insecurities to me. It's sad to see that she finds it so hard to cope with the fact that she's not like everyone else, but she is surprsingly strong about it at times. Soemtimes she isn't though, and will put up Barriers all around her to make everyone leave her alone.

Narcissus the male Milotic
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Marvel Scale

Moves: Water Gun, Wrap, Confuse Ray.

Narcissus got his name because of his incredible self centered attitude. Since he evolved from his unattractive Feebas state into a Milotic at the mere level of 5, he appears to be under the impression that he is the most gorgeous creature ever to exist and is always admiring himself whenever he can see his reflection. It's a bit annoying - He will blatantly ignore me when I need to talk to him and he's not the easiest of pokemon to chat to anyway. He seems to think that he is superior to everyone else, and I desperately hope to change that. He's got an awful lot of potential to go far, but we won't get on if he keeps acting like this. He's very talented, and handsome too, but he keeps acting like he's God's gift to female pokemon!

My Captured Pokemon
Pictures of my Pokémon