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Cheesey's TPM Stuff

Hello there... If you're looking at this, it's probably because you're from TPMs AC/CC subforum, but I know it may also be due to my signature at TPM or from Tsuyoi's Lair. Regardless of how you found me, anyway, this is my information for my various TPM stuff, basically. It's where you can find information on all my adopted and captured pokemon, as well as my ASB team. I only know basic HTML so this is a very basic page, but if/when I learn any more advanced skills then I'll make the page a bit more exciting. But for now, you'll have to make do with this. So yeah. If you want to organise an AC/CC battle with me then by all means PM me or contact me over AIM (Kuro Denryuu) - I'd like to get a few more battles going. Also, feel free to talk to me on AIM whenever you see me even if you don't want to arrange a battle. I'm usually cheerful enough to talk to you, whoever you may be.

These are the various things I attend to and stuff:

Worker at Expedia
Worker at Who's That Trainer?
Worker at the Crystal Caves Capture Centre
Intermediate ASB Ref
Owner of The International Club
Referee at the PokeZoo Battle Tower
Co-owner of Goldenrod Tower
Administrator at Wolfsong's Wilderness
Moderator of Obligatory Polls, Clubs and Games at Tsuyoi's Lair


Ex-Moderator of Polls, Clubs and Games

» Item Pack «

837 Stamps
23 CCPs
132 Red MGcoins
117 Blue MGcoins
5 Green MGcoins
Solar Gem x3
Photosynthesis Gem x4
Hollow Stone x4
Rainbow Gem
Lunar Gem x2
Light Gem
Spark Gem x3
Darkness Gem x2
Flame Gem x2
Ocean Gem

» Lingo Plushies «


» Hangman Plushies «

Blissey with a golden egg

» Charmander Central Plushies «

Plushie of my adopted Mareep, Lightning
Baby Charmander
Honour Plushie: Jay
Spring Bellossom Plushie
Honour Plushie: Cheesey

» Cheesey's Adoptees «

Athena the female Swablu
Level: 10
Item: Miracle Berry
Trait: Natural Cure (Status Changes are healed when switched.)

Moves: Peck, Growl, Haze, Aerial Ace, Ice Beam, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Astonish, Body Slam.

Athena's really peaceful - Almost too peaceful in fact. She spends most of her time daydreaming, no matter whether she's in the middle of something or whether she's not doing anything at all. It's difficult to tell if she's ever listening to you, because she can suddenly drift into her own little world at the most random of times. Sometimes her difficulty to focus properly works against her during battles, because she's not been unknown to drift of into Athena-land and completely ignore what I'm trying to get her do. She's nice enough, but given that she's always away with the fairies she doesn't have any particular close friends - Pretty much everyone she meets gets a little bit annoyed at the fact that she may well just ignore what you're saying. She's also quite good at falling asleep whenever she feels like it, but I'm not sure how she does it... She's not especially energetic, so I don't know how she manages to sleep when she wants to. If anything, I'd have assumed she'd always stay awake because she never does anything.

Hera the female Blissey
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Serene Grace (The chance of a move having an effect doubles.)

Moves: Pound, Growl, Tail Whip, Substitute, Thunderbolt, Water Pulse.

Hera is like a pokemon psychologist. She's fascinated by the way other pokemon act and behave, and she's intrigued by the way people can change and act differently depnding on the people they're surrounded by and such. She's very approachable - most Blissey's are, of course - and she'd like to be an "official" therapist one day. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how she could manage to get such a qualification; for now, she'll have to deal with Imarad and Amethyst's rough past stories. Whenever a pokemon is in need, she'll rush to their aid - It doesn't matter whether they're hurt physically or emotionally, because she's eager to help in any way that she can, whether it's with on of her nutritious eggs or with her psychological skills. She evolved as early as she did because a Genetic Accelerator Gene that I was carrying fell out of a hole in my backpack when she was walking alongside me. She was a bit taken aback by it at first, but she soon realised that she would have more advanced skills in helping others by being a Blissey rather than a Chansey, so she seems to prefer it.

Imarad the female Zangoose
Level: 10
Item: None
Trait: Immunity (Cannot be poisoned.)

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Counter, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Secret Power, Swords Dance, Brick Break, Blaze Kick.

Imarad's extremely short-tempered and difficult to talk to. Her reclusive attitude was caused by her past, I believe. When she was young, her mother and father constantly fought with each other - The only reason that they stayed together was because they needed each other to support Imarad and each other. He ended up leaving the two of them, and they managed to struggle along without him. Unfortunately, her mother wasn't very skilled in fending for herself or providing support, and she got killed defending Imarad from a Seviper. As she was an orphan, Imarad had to find someone else to support her - She did, another Zangoose. Unfortunately, she got betrayed by her, and that was one of the factors that made her get even more angry and reclusive. She knew she couldn't defend herself all on her own, though, and so she fended for herself poorly until she found the Dragon Tamers Adoption Centre. She didn't want to be adopted by a human, but it was the only way she'd be able to survive. Nowadays she's very violent and often refuses to talk to anyone if she's feeling depressed. She's a vulnerable girl at heart - One who had to make choices she didn't want to to survive.

Kane the female Arcanine
Level: 7
Item: None
Trait: Intimidate (Upon entering battle, the opponent's Attack lowers one stage.)

Moves: Bite, Crunch, Roar, Ember, Fire Blast, Take Down.

Kane is your average Arcanine - Tall, sleek, strong, fast and loyal. However, she's still got that little bit of cheekiness left from being a little Growlithe. She was one of the first pokemon I adopted along with Lightning, and so she's well adapted to the group. Her outer shell may make her seem rather intimidating, but she honestly isn't - She's really loyal and trustworthy, although she's really rather fussy about who her friends are. She absolutely adores large areas because it means she can run to her hearts content - it's one of her favourite hobbies and she tries to do it at whatever opportunity she manages to seize. To be honest, I didn't really want her to become an Arcanine so soon... I'd wanted to keep the cheeky little Growlithe for a while longer, but the sugar-high Lightning decided he wanted to snoop into my bag to see what we there. He ended up knocking some stuff out and Kane happened to be beside him at the time - She ended up getting exposed to a Fire Stone I'd been carrying, and that's how she evolved. Some people are surprised that she's so young because she looks rather old and wise - I advise you not to say she looks that old though!

Thank you to Susan_Rocket of TPM for this sprite of Lightning!

Lightning the male Mareep
Level: 5
Item: Berry
Trait: Static (Has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that hit Lightning with an attack that involves physical contact.)

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Body Slam, Thunderbolt.

I can describe Lightning in one word - hyperactive. He is completely mad. I had an idea of that when I first adopted him, but I didn't realise the extent of his hyperactivity! The first time I picked him up he let out a jolt of electricity in his wool because he was a bit startled and shocked me. Thankfully I've grown used to that... good thing, really, because if I didn't then I don't know what I'd do. Nowadays if he shocks anyone he apologises, so of course, he's saying "sorry" to people an awful lot. His newest hobby is charging people who he doesn't even know, necessarily - he just seems to be brimming with so much energy that he'll run into anyone he happens to see. It isn't meant to hurt, but it can most certainly scare people out of their wits sometimes. Lightning's also not terribly bright, and if you try to explain something to him it takes him a long, long time for him to catch onto what you're saying. He'd much rather run around since he always feels hyper!

Thor the male black Mareep
Level: 5
Item: Berry
Trait: Static (Has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that hit Thor with an attack that involves physical contact.)

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Body Slam, Thunderbolt.

I got Thor from Amanda (Discothéque). He's the total opposite of Lightning, which balances out the crazy Mareep behaviour with some calm and collected Mareep behaviour. He's quite good at falling asleep at unexpected times - Unlike Athena, though, he does it because he's actually tired and not on purpose. I think he's usually sleepy because he spends a lot of time reading up on battle strategies or just stories, really... Anything from "How to Win Your Battles Graciously" to Terry Pratchett's "A Hat Full of Sky" is good for him. He talks to Amethyst a lot, but not because they have much in common. I think it's just because they both like reading so much. Generally, Thor wants to be educated and he likes building on his intelligence by reading. He would go on the internet but it's rather hard for him to type on the keyboard using his hooves. He only has a couple of close friends - Amethyst and Lightning - but when I say good friends, I mean he's really tight with them.

Mars the male blue Ralts
Level: 11
Item: None
Trait: Synchronize (When Mars becomes Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burnt, so does the opponent.)

Moves: Growl, Confusion, Will-O-Wisp, Thunderbolt, Double Team.

To be honest, I hardly ever hear Mars talk. He is unbelieveably quiet, and I'm not terribly sure why. For some reason he never starts a conversation with anybody else... I've asked him why on countless occasions, but funnily enough, he doesn't like talking about it. He's not experienced in the art of continuing conversations either, but he's perfectly nice. If you give him a puzzle or a maths problem or anything remotely like that he'll happily while his hours away trying to solve it. He loves a challenge. He is also rather advanced at using his abilities, and can often be found using his psychic powers to make things levitate or even make the hands on a clock go backwards. He finds experimenting fun and spends a lot of time trying to read the minds of others.

Quartz the male Togetic
Level: 11
Item: Gold Berry
Trait: Serene Grace (The chance of a move having an effect doubles.)

Moves: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Psychic, Flamethrower, Sweet Kiss, Mist Ball.

Quartz is adorable and so friendly to everybody. His eagerness is something that made me expose him to his Genetic Accelerator Gene - His inability to keep quiet when someone else was in need of assistance (even if he couldn't actually help) was quite annoying! He's quite shrewd, so even if he's not terribly bright academically, he doesn't give off that impression. He loves talking to others, but he gets confused rather easily, much like I do. I think it's impossible to dislike him because he's so nice all of the time, even if he's not in the best of moods. His best friends are Hera and Maria and they can happily waste all of their spare time talking to each other about nothing that has any particular importance!

Proteus the male Wailmer
Level: 8
Item: Status Modification Die (When used, causes a random stat change to either the user or the opponent.)
Trait: Oblivious (Cannot become attracted.)

Moves: Splash, Growl, Surf, Ice Beam.

Proteus drank a Kecleon Juice so he'll change colours in battle, depending on what attack he was on the receiving end of last. His favourite thing to do is swimming in large bodies of water. He doesn't like small expanses, because he's too large to have any fun in them! He tends to splash other whenever he's swimming and even if it's fun for the first little while, it can get just a teensy bit annoying after he does it too much. He's really playful and rather childish, and he never wants to grow up. Unfortunately though, he is always mistaken for being older than he actually is since he's so big! He's physically strong because he is always active, and he's also constantly trying to do tricks. He makes a lot of mistakes but laughs them off; Practice makes perfect, after all.

Katia the female Raichu
Level: 6
Item: Status Modification Die (When used, causes a random status change to either the user or the opponent.)
Trait: Static (Has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that hit Katia with an attack that involves physical contact.)

Moves: Thundershock, Growl, Tail Whip, Charge, Wish, Thunderbolt.

The reason why Katia became a Raichu so soon was because me and her had a bit of an argument when I first adopted her. She got really angry at me, and sent a Thundershock straight at me before raking through my bag to steal something to spite. Her anger backfired, though, as she found a Thunderstone in there; her exposure to it made her evolve from a Pikachu into a Raichu and she didn't have to strength to prevent it. I don't think she ever properly got over that, and as a result she's really rather moody. Sometimes she'll be really nice and very friendly, and other times she'll be very blunt with what she feels about a particular subject. She's not very subtle with her views and will just blurt out whatever she feels about something, no matter whether it could be viewed as offensive or not. She can also swing wildly from one mood to the next, so you never really know what she's about to do. I guess you just have to be on your toes, as it's impossible to tell if she's walking up to you for a hug or to send a Thunderbolt crackling through your veins... She really hates Narcissus, and she's also not on the best of terms with Ade's Umbreon, Milliardo.

Talis the male Onix
Level: 7
Item: Status Modification Die (When used, causes a random status change to either the user or the opponent.)
Trait: Rock Head (Does not take damage from recoil.)

Moves: Tackle, Screech, Rock Slide, Taunt, Slam, Sandstorm, Rock Throw, Harden.

Talis was abandoned by Rachel (DarkPrincess), so I adopted him. He has a rather scary appearance, and at times he can be a rather scary pokemon, but he'll never be frightening for no reason. If you take the chance to get to know him you'll understand that he's a great guy - He has a sharp sense of humour and he's not afraid to make fun of himself. However, he does get rather irritated when he gets called "Tails" - it's a mistake that far too many people seem to make! It's also irritating that he can hardly ever be released inside a building, since he's just so gigantic. He's actually slightly bigger than an average Onix, which is even worse. He's grown to get used to it, though, and even though it gets on his nerves he knows he has to deal with it.

Topaz the female Charmander
Level: 5
Item: Berry
Trait: Blaze (When HP is below 1/3rd, Fire's power increases to 1.5 times.)

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Seismic Toss, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Flame Wheel.

Topaz's mother is Gabi's Charizard, Amber, and her father is Amy's Charizard, Flame. Topaz is a really cute pokemon, and she loves watching her team mates battle and socialise with others. She's a bit more nervous about doing the same herself, though - Since she's small she is rather easily intimidated by others. Tending not to stray far from me, she has grown to be rather dependent on me, but I'm teaching her that she can't depend on me for everything. She has quite an adventurous nature, anyway, and she oftens dreams about going on big journeys. It's weird to think that when she's so little now, she'll become a big Charizard one day. I cherish the current days though, because she's a lot easier to hug when she's the size she is now!

Amethyst the female Mr. Mime
Level: 8
Item: Status Modification Die (When used, causes a random status change to either the user or the opponent.)
Trait: Soundproof (Unaffected by sound-based moves.)

Moves: Confusion, Barrier, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Role Play, Substitute.

Amethyst is rather nervous when she's around other pokemon, because she is under the impression that she will be considered strange. This is because her gender contradicts her name - She's a female Mr. Mime. She hates it, and always has, but I hope to help her make it less of an issue to her. She is quite insecure and difficult to become close to, but as soon as I became close to her, she poured out all her insecurities to me. It's sad to see that she finds it so hard to cope with the fact that she's not like everyone else, but she is surprsingly strong about it at times. Soemtimes she isn't though, and will put up Barriers all around her to make everyone leave her alone.

Narcissus the male Milotic
Level: 5
Item: None
Trait: Marvel Scale (Defense raises to 1.5 times when induced with a status condition.)

Moves: Water Gun, Wrap, Confuse Ray, Surf.

Narcissus got his name because of his incredible self centered attitude. Since he evolved from his unattractive Feebas state into a Milotic at the mere level of 5, he appears to be under the impression that he is the most gorgeous creature ever to exist and is always admiring himself whenever he can see his reflection. It's a bit annoying - He will blatantly ignore me when I need to talk to him and he's not the easiest of pokemon to chat to anyway. He seems to think that he is superior to everyone else, and I desperately hope to change that. He's got an awful lot of potential to go far, but we won't get on if he keeps acting like this. He's very talented, and handsome too, but he keeps acting like he's God's gift to female pokemon!

Maria the female white, winged Dratini
Level: 8
Item: None
Trait: Shed Skin (Every turn, Maria has a 1 in 3 chance of healing from a status condition.)

Moves: Wrap, Leer, Surf, Zap Cannon, Aeroblast, Light Screen, Thunder Wave.

Maria originally belonged to Sage Of Laughter, and then to Connor, and now, she belongs to me. Her mother was Gabi's Dragonite, Lagi, and SageOfLaughter's Gyarados. Her wings were natural, but Connor gave her a White Juice to make her the colour she is now. She's a very sweet pokemon, and rather angelic - She'd never do anything wrong and will always do everything to the best of her ability. She has pretty much every single quality anyone would want; she's intelligent, she's very friendly, she's sweet, she's popular, she's bright, and she's nigh on perfect. She is best friends with Hera and Quartz - she bonded with them both immediately. Zap Cannon was a TM given to her by Connor, so that whenever she uses it, she'll remember the times when he was her trainer. She fitted into my team at once, and I'm sure we're gonna have a lot of fun times in the future.

» Cheesey's Captees «

Aphrodite the female Bayleef
Level: 15
Item: Status Modification Die (When used, causes a random status change to either the user or the opponent.)
Trait: Overgrow (When HP is below 1/3rd, Grass's power increases to 1.5 times.)

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Razor Leaf, Reflect, Ancientpower, Attract, Poisonpowder, Leaf Blade.

Aphrodite was my very first captured pokemon. She drank a Custom Juice a while ago and now the leaves around her neck are silver. She's a very, very loyal pokemon - perhaps the most loyal that I have! She's a little distant sometimes and a little hard to warm up to, but when you get to konw her she's great to be around. She'll do anything to help her friends and would never think of doing anything to ever betray them. She's also very determined - She's most certainly not a weak hearted pokemon. She loves a good fight now and then and loves it when she wins. However, she's very sportsmanlike about it and doesn't rub it in. She also loves a bit of adventure and discovery, and will sometimes run away from my side to see what something is. I don't mind though, because she's strong enough to fend for herself if she ever happens to get herself in a bit of a sticky situation.

Transmogrification the genderless Ditto
Level: 10
Item: None
Trait: Limber (Cannot be paralyzed.)

Moves: Transform.

Transmogrification is odd, to say the least. He's usually very quiet, and he'll always listen if you tell him something, but there's something about him that's just a little weird and I can't seem to put my finger on it! He's a really understanding little guy, and if any pokemon he knows has a problem then he'll try his best to help out. He also has a good idea of how other pokemon think, because he likes to transform into them and see the world the way they see it. He studies the way other pokemon act so that he's extra convincing when he transforms. Quite a lot of the time I completely mistake him for one of my other pokemon! That makes him laugh but it also makes him feel pretty pleased with himself for making such a convincing transformation.

Remus the male Umbreon
Level: 9
Item: Pokemon Collar (50% Physical attack boost.)
Trait: Synchronize (When Remus becomes Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burnt, so does the opponent.)

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Curse, Toxic, Sand Attack.

Remus is very independent and he has been ever since he was an Eevee. I used to be confused as to why he liked sitting out in the moonlight so much but I should've known that it was because he wanted to evolve into an Umbreon! Unfortunately, he wanted to so much that he startled me whilst I was accepting a Genetic Accelerator Gene at Goldenrod Tower and I exposed him to it. He's quite cold and not very talkative and therefore doesn't really mix with others very well. His closest friend is his little twin sister, Opal - they can talk about anything and everything. I think he secretly wishes that he had more friends but he denies it if I ever ask him, so I'm not all that sure. He likes sitting watching the moon at night, and often sleeps by day, because I'm fairly sure he doesn't like the sunlight. It's a bit mysterious actually... There are a lot of things I don't know about him.

Opal the shiny female Espeon
Level: 6
Item: Pokemon Earring (50% Special attack boost.)
Trait: Synchronize (When Opal becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burnt, so does the opponent.)

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Psychic.

Opal is a calm and collected pokemon. She drank a shiny juice a while ago, so that's why she's a shiny pokemon. Like her brother, she doesn't really socialise all that much, and would prefer being on her own to practise her various psychic powers. Every day her mind gets stronger, and I think that her mind skills will be more advanced than I could ever have thought possible one day. She's actually a very nice pokemon and will speak to you if you go up and chat, but she would never want to start a conversation because she's either too shy or just doesn't like socialising. Her best friend is her big brother, Remus, but she thinks he's just a little overprotective. I don't see it, myself - All I see is a brother and sister being close and caring for each other. She likes challenges for her mind, but lately it's been hard to find them because she's just so intelligent.

Azure the female Vaporeon
Level: 9
Item: Mermaid Curse (Azure's Defense is doubled.)
Trait: Water Absorb (Restores up to 1/4 max HP when hit by water attacks, instead of taking damage from them.)

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power: Psychic, Rain Dance, Muddy Water, Sand Attack.

Azure is the daughter of Amy's Flareon, Brianna, and her Meowth, Oliver. She is a very kind pokemon, but very shy, so she doesn't always show it. Something about her makes her appear fairly mysterious, but I think that the same could be said for many other Vaporeon's. She's very approachable, and once you start talking to her, she's also very easy to talk to. When she has the time, she loves going swimming. She's a very talented and elegant swimmer but sometimes it's easy to lose sight of where she is - she appears to melt into the water! She's not terribly keen on battling, but she does battle when she has to, and she's very good at it too. Her morals are very strong, and she believes there's good in everyone; unfortunately, because of that, she doesn't like voicing her opinions on things in case she offends someone.

Tequila the male Flareon
Level: 8
Item: Matches (Tequila's Speed is doubled.)
Trait: Flash Fire (When Tequila is hit with a damaging Fire-type move, his Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and he is immune to offensive Fire-type attacks.)

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power: Fighting, Flamethrower, Sand Attack.

Tequila's the son of Amy's Vaporeon, Shayna, and her Mightyena, Dakota (although he was a Poochyena at the time of breeding). Rather the opposite of Azure, Tequila is very eager to battle and tends to force his opinions down the throats of others. I think he likes fighting so much because he's always brimming with so much energy, but I'm not entirely sure. He's perfectly nice, but still rather aggresive, and therefore rather difficult to talk to sometimes. He doesn't seem to understand that his aggression can give others the wrong impression from time to time. Either way, he's not got any enemies or anything. When he has spare time he loves to run about outside or just chase things in general - He tried chasing an old lady once, but it wasn't very fun for him since they aren't very fast. He hates it when it rains because he doesnt like his fur getting wet; I think it makes his energy fade away until it's stopped.

Khaki the male Jolteon
Level: 10
Item: Gold Berry
Trait: Volt Absorb (Restores up to 1/4 max HP when hit by electric attacks, instead of taking damage from them.)

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand Attack, Wish, Thunderbolt, Substitute.

The one thing which is a little irritating about Khaki is that he's extremely excitable. When he is excited, he constantly dashes around the room in an attempt to become even faster at running than he already is. When he battles, his fur always bristles with static electricity and he's constantly dying to get the first move, because it makes him feel very speedy. I don't think he can ever keep still, and I dunno whether that's because he's brimming with energy or if it's because electricity keeps building up in his fur. He gets on well with Tequila because they both love running about outside and doing things like that, but to be honest, he's not nearly as aggressive. When there's a thunderstorm he's at his most energetic, because he finds the lightning fascinating.

Rodas the male Bulbasaur
Level: 12
Item: 4 Leaf Clover (Rodas' Defense is doubled.)
Trait: Overgrow (When HP is below 1/3rd, Grass's power increases to 1.5 times.)

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Vine Whip, Sludge Bomb, Mega Drain.

Rodas' personality is unpredictable, to say the least. Sometimes he'll have so much energy to burn he won't know what to do with it, and on other occasions he's calm and quiet, and would much prefer to read or sleep or something. His best friend is Aphrodite, because they have a lot in common. The bond they've built is really strong. He likes art and stuff, but he doesn't like drawing for some reason - He's just got a fascination with things he sees. He's not a terribly happy pokemon all the time - He's not unhappy, but for some reason he often seems either irritated or just not really terribly talkative. He's not rude though, and if you talk to him when he's in one of those moods he'll be as friendly as he possibly can be. He knows it's better to be nice than to have others misunderstand you.

Forte the male Snorlax
Level: 17
Item: None
Trait: Thick Fat (Takes only 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice attacks.)

Moves: Tackle, Amnesia, Defence Curl, Earthquake, Body Slam, Belly Drum, Headbutt.

Like most Snorlax, Forte simply loves eating and sleeping. His belly is very squishy because of his constant munching away at food. His chubby structure and dopey expression mean that he isn't as intimidating as some other Snorlax but sometimes he scares away others without meaning to because of his sheer size. The last time I tried to weigh him he broke the scales, so I have no idea what his weight actually is! He's a very tough battler, but he'd much rather have a nap than fight anyone. He's been known to fall asleep in the middle of conversations so you can never be sure if he's really listening to what you say to him. Even if he does listen, though, he's terribly forgetful and will most likely have forgotten what it was you said within about an hour or so, generally...

Xero the male Glalie
Level: 16
Item: Beach Ball (Xero cannot be poisoned or confused.)
Trait: Inner Focus (Will not flinch.)

Moves: Powder Snow, Leer, Double Team, Bite, Icy Wind, Earthquake, Ice Beam.

Xero looks rather sneaky. Well, most Glalie do. But Xero is slyer than a normal pokemon of his species, and he loves to play jokes on others too. Sometimes he floats up behind people or pokemon and taps them on the back - They get a big shock when they turn round! He's very skilled at pulling these jokes, but occasionally the person he's trying to pull the prank on realises he's there beforehand because of his icy aura. He's learned not to do it to me though, because I think he's unsure of what I might do if he did it too often. I always make sure to stay away from him on April Fools Day though because that's when he has a whale of a time. Unfortunately, everyone around him doesn't have quite as much fun as he does.

Tourniquet the male Absol
Level: 16
Item: Pokemon Collar (50% Physical attack boost.)
Trait: Pressure (When hit by a move, the opponent's PP lowers by 2 rather than 1.)

Moves: Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Aerial Ace, Perish Song.

Tourniquet is terribly quiet. Sometimes I worry about him because he doesn't speak for days at a time... He does speak, though. He has a dark and grave voice, and his eyes are a piercing red. He's very intimidating but doesn't try to do anything about it; his attitude is pessimistic. He believes that even though he could try to get others to not be so intimidated by his presence, there will always be more who judge him at a first glance. He refuses to trust any other pokemon fully, and he doesn't really have any friends as such - he just has folk who he can go to when he needs to talk. He's not a nasty pokemon, although occasionally he's so harsh that he may appear to be. I don't know why this is, because it's too difficult to get him to talk in any particular depth on the subject.

Ignatius the male Houndour
Level: 10
Item: None
Trait: Flash Fire (When Ignatius is hit with a damaging Fire-type move, his Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and he is immune to offensive Fire-type attacks.)

Moves: Leer, Ember, Howl, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Reversal.

Ignatius is very bouncy and very fit, and he loves to run about. Well, he loves to exercise in general, because he wants to grow stronger and be the strongest Houndoom around. He isn't aggressive but he does love to battle and will pounce on whatever chance he gets to do so. Sugar makes him go insanely hyper, so I try not to give him too much at one time! When he is hyper, he makes an awful lot of noise, usually by barking. He also doesn't take as much care at being cautious and such; he's been known to knock objects (and others) over. However, he's very cheerful and loves chatting. Sometimes he talks a bit too much but he doesn't care. He's just a pretty carefree pokemon all around!

Ragnarok the male Camerupt
Level: 22
Item: None
Trait: Magma Armour (Cannot be frozen.)

Moves: Growl, Tackle, Ember, Magnitude, Body Slam, Flamethrower, Earthquake.

Ragnarok is very powerful and very wise, even though his dopey expression might not make you think so. He likes having friends, and sometimes others wil come to him for advice or help on something. He tries to give the best help he can whenever they do so. He's a bit like an oracle, I think. He's really calm and collected and hardly ever gets mad - However, just like everybody else, he has to get angry sometimes, and when he does he lets out his frustration by letting the volcanoes on his back erupt! He can control it easily, but that hasn't always been the case... I have a few stories about uncontrollable lava eruptions, I can tell you. He's a really nice guy, and very strong too. He's certainly a force to be reckoned with in battle.

Faithless the male Aerodactyl
Level: 7
Item: None
Trait: Rock Head (Does not take damage from recoil.)

Moves: Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Aeroblast, Double Edge, Earthquake.

Faithless is the son of my Ditto, Transmogrification, and of aragornbird's Aerodactyl Dargonis. Well, Faithless is an extremely determined pokemon. He's determined that he'll do his best at everything he gets himself into, and he knows that when he grows older he'll be very strong indeed. His fangs are very sharp and he takes pride in that, although sometimes it scares the folk he talks to. In fact, they scare me a little - Just thinking about what he could do with them sends a shiver down my spine! He's not an academic pokemon, to be honest, but he is interested in reading about different battle strategies and trying them out in a fight. Whatever method he uses, he simply loves winning. He's a good sport though and will always go to an enemy and thank them for the battle, whether he won or he lost.

Persephone the female Larvitar
Level: 10
Item: Deflection Coat (Persephone's Special Defense is doubled.)
Trait: Guts (Raises attack by 1 grade if affected by a status condition.)

Moves: Bite, Leer, Sandstorm, Dragon Dance, Body Slam.

Persephone was a Greek goddess, who was the goddess of the springtime for half the year and a ruler of the underworld for the other half. So that's how this little Larvitar got her name; her happiness and bounciness represent the spring, but the evolution chain is very strong and rather dark too, so that represents the other part of the name. I caught her because she latched onto my leg because (apparently) it was squishy. She was disappointed when I held out a Great Ball to her because it wasn't squishy, though. With her love of the great outdoors and of course, her love of all things squishy, she's very adventurous and also very friendly. She can't wait to grow big and strong, but she hopes that she won't grow to be too frightening!

» My ASB Team «

Artemis the Dratini [F]

Ferdinand the Flaaffy [M]

Sirius the Eevee [M]

Violet the Eevee [F]

Current Bank Total: 2 points

» Pictures Of My Pokémon «

Lightning and Thor, my adopted Mareep.
Done by: aragornbird.

Thank you, ab!!