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You think you wanna know more about me
Monday, 02/07/2005
Long Long weekend
Mood:  a-ok
Hey there it's February finally and my birthday is coming up....YAY...and well there's not much else to say my boyfriend and I are still together although the Valentine's Day curse is already looming on me....things are getting somewhat tough like they do each and every year at this time. Oh well I think I can survive it, I do care about him enough. :)

Posted by Kibbie at 1:36 AM CST
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Monday, 01/31/2005
Another day in class
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Nothing
I'm sitting in my web design class now with nothing to do so i'm working on my page that just shows how bored I am... At least i'm doing something class related. But then again my English teachers never let me read books in English class. Oh well I hope this day goes great so far I have had an awesome week, you know those weeks where everything just goes your way. Gotta love it.

Posted by Kibbie at 10:16 AM CST
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Friday, 01/28/2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Family Guy DVDs
Well I don't know what the blogs problem is I posted an antry a few days ago and it lost it. Damn technology. Well things are going great and it's been a very busy week I had to have lost 5 lbs. already with all the running around i've done. I'm starting a new organization on campus so a lot of what I have been doing is that but then there is my classes which happen to be positioned all over campus no two are in the same building. Urgh....
Well i'm out.

Posted by Kibbie at 11:31 AM CST
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Wednesday, 01/19/2005

Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: The Who
YEA!!! I have a really cool blog now
Yep i'm starting to understand all of this html stuff. My teacher will be so proud.

Posted by Kibbie at 11:36 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 01/19/2005 11:48 AM CST
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