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Guinness and Leprechauns
Thursday, 29 December 2005
October and November
Mood:  caffeinated

So, as you can all see, I haven’t updated this thing in about 3 months… Pretty sad. In order to catch everyone up to speed, I’ll give you the highlights of my past few months.
Birthday—Went out with friends on both the Sunday and Monday (31st, actual birthday) nights. It was really good and I was happy that at least a few of my friends made it out with me. For Sunday Night, my American friend and I dressed up and went to Shite Night at the GPO. The GPO is the noisy club across the street from my apartment. It attracts a lot of students on Mondays. Needless to say the queue was really long when we got there at 10 because everyone was in costume. The place was jammers when we got in an hour later and everyone was in costume. Someone even came as Captain Jack Sparrow. That was probably the best costume I’ve seen as he did look exactly like him. My friend Padraic also went as a mime and proceeded to hit on girls by only using gestures such as reeling in the fish all night. Great fun. Kelly was white trash with God Bless America written on her wife-beater, some people didn’t understand she was joking and said things like stupid Americans all night, while others just had a laugh with us. I went as a waitress again, so I didn’t have to bother finding a costume. Shite Night was great and I imagine I have a few friends who would have loved it, as the only music they play is the worst music from the 80’s to present. Makes for a great laugh and lot’s of crazy dancing.
Thanksgiving—Since they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Ireland, Kelly and I decided to make Thanksgiving Dinner for our Irish friends. I took the day off from work, which was odd since I am so used to having the day off. Then, Kelly and I cooked all day long at our separate apartments and served everyone at mine. Kelly brought over appetizers including bruschetta and tortilla chips and dip, then sweet potatoes, and two pies, one pumpkin and one apple (which I helped with, yum yum!). I cooked two turkeys, one in my oven and one in the lad’s upstairs. Unfortunately one smelled funny and tasted toxic so we ended up throwing it in the rubbish, but the bigger of the two sufficed for our 15 guests. Then, I made vegetarian soup for our veg friends, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and I think that’s about it. I don’t really remember anymore. It was a very long day of cooking and I give everyone a lot of credit who has ever made a Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner as a lot more time and money goes into it than I had ever known. Our guests really loved the dinner, we had 13 Irish people, 1 Kiwi, and 1 Jamaican and all but 2 or so of them had never had a Thanksgiving feast before. Everyone chatted for about an hour or so after dinner before returning to their apartments as the big feast made them a bit tired… Sound familiar? It was a pretty big success, except when Brian toasted the chefs and said “Thank you to Stephanie and ….” (he forgot Kelly’s name). Most of the guests didn’t know Kelly that well, so no one pitched in for him, but instead there was a long silence and Brian turned really red and hid for a bit. But we all had a good laugh about this in the end. After that Barry and Ronan decided to throw water on passers-by from my kitchen window while we watched from other windows in the apartment. Pretty funny, except that it was cold outside and some people got pretty pissed off, yelling obscenities from below. Oops.

Posted by stars5/irishjourney at 12:01 AM GMT
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