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A sign of hope

For centuries, mankind has looked to the jewls in the sky for guidance, comfort and hope. I know the feeling of looking up and seeing something magical. I get the chance everynight to feel the warmth that their glow brings. At night I climb ontop of my car and just stare at the stars in the sky. Not really knowing what I'm staring at, I do know this, that these precious items high above us hold hope. Hope for each and ever person, that their dreams and wishes will come true. Everynight when I was little my father used to tell me to watch for the stars to pop out of the sky, and when I saw the first one to recite this poem to make all my dreams come true. I would find that special star, squeeze my eyes as tight as I could and say

"Starlight, Starbright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may I wish I might
grant this wish I wish tonight."

My Dreams

I live for my dreams. I hope for so many things and half of them don't come true and I'm left with disappointment. But I look at it this way that those things are evidently items that are not supposed to happen in my life so I move on and find new hopes and dreams. Currently one of my dreams is to oneday own and run my own coffee shop in a small town but not too small. I want it to be a semi growing town not one that is dieing. I want to be able to know all the customers and have a personal realationship with them. I also plan on taking Greek at my college of choice and then evenually making enough money to retire in the Greek islands or Greece which ever is best. I know that every step I take is going to effect my future. If I take to long walking from my room to my car, and then driving to school I could miss a fatal acident that I will drive by that if I had taken less time walking up the stairs from my room I could have been died in. Everything happens for a reason so I don't like to make mistakes, I feel that it sets you back, unless its something that is supposed to happen and pushes you forward, you never know. I am a true beleiver in Fate and Destiny. They are the items that really control the universe. I see that Fate and Destiny go hand and hand with the stars. I don't know why but I can feel it like they have connection between one another. I feel that when I look to the stars I see things that no one else sees. That there is a huge universe out there, and that even if I'm unhappy now or don't have the love of my life I know that he is out there. Somewhere and I will find him one day. I sound so fairy tale like but its ok I'm ok with that. :)

My Future Plans

Well currently I'm a Senior at Millbrook High School, but school is almost over YAY! Next year I will be at Hollins University in Roanoke, VA. YEAH! I'm excited about that too. I have wanted to go to Hollins so much since when I was little and my parents would talk about it when we would drive past it. Lets see I am going to miss my friends so much. I guess one of the things I worry about is staying in touch with them the most. I have moved once and I rarely talk to my old friends even those I thought I could never ever loose touch with. But the only one I really talk to any more is Christen. Ok so I will miss talking to everyone especially when they are all over the country (Joe and Larry)! I'm not ready to leave home but at the same time I am. I'm ready to be gone and to live MY OWN LIFE for first time ever.


Here is just some Random things about me that I love to share with people, you may find them fasinating but then again you may not. Thats up to you but I love it anyways so...

One thing I that have found addicting is hot tea. I went to europe this year and that is all they ever gave us so since then thats all I have drunk. Morning, lunch, night, and I have to say that when your trying to sleep, caffeine doesn't really help much. lol

The only random thing I can think to say now is that when people say my name sometimes they say it Hilrey but really its Hillary, there is a la in there! And also at one time a crush of mine was named Larry so I get made fun of a lot like people say Hi-Lary to me or they will say Hilarious around me alot which I hate!!!

Another random thing is that I love to make websites. I just do it for fun cause I know HTML coding. its cool.

I love to day dream too...

and go for long drives in my car just so I can listen to a cd and go fast! :D

I love One Tree Hill. I so want to buy the first season on DVD. Ok its a deal I will teach you about websites if you let me in on the wonders of slinkies. I know I'm going to Hollins. I really like Gilmore girls too.

I like to laugh to. I think that Will Farell is the funnest

Ok I am trying to not say honestly so much cause I seem to be addicted to it.

I got this fish at prom(they were our center pieces) and he was a beta fish and I named him Karl. Then when I went on vacation he died or killed himself he jumped out of the bowl, and I went and bought another fish, same kind same color, and I named him Karl two and just acted like the first one never died, tho all my friends know he did. he is still alive and well actually.

I love Eternal Sunshine of the spotlessmind it just blows my mind and I am so into all that fate and love and destiny thing. I believe in soul mates.

I love the stars, I can't help looking at them and feeling hope that no matter what happens in my life the beauty of them will still be there to make me feel better.

I believe in past lives.

When I burb I say "burp"

My middle name is Marcella

My initalls can be folded in half HMH

I can't spell at all (spell check is the best thing ever!)

I have so many nicknames that I forget who is talking to me. Crazy being one of them and then Cubby being another.

I love formal wear. I love prom, I don't know why but if there is a reason for getting dressed up I'm there

I seem preppy but I'm really not and lately I seem to be a big drama queen but I think its just a phase I'm going through because I'm normally not like that.

I have shirly-temple hair too only mine is really long so its not as curly as it would be if is were short.

When I was five, I wanted a hair cut and my mom would take me right then so I cut off all my hair my self. Thats why one side of my hair is curlier than the other.

I had to teach my 13 year old brother how to use a cell phone last night (its is first one)
And I'm addicted to smilies! even if they don't match what I'm saying, I love all the colors, I'm a very colorful person. Everything I do, has to have color. Its like my signature!

I love the color Blue!

My friend and I have code words for guys that I stole from this book, DD-Definatly Doable, SD, sorta doable, UD un doable. We used them when we were around the guys and they had no clue but its funny to watch them try and figure it out.

I never wear the same color socks. I always have them mismatched and on purpose. I tell people its a trend, and suprisingly enough it seems to be catching on! lol

I once out of the blue looked up at the sky while driving with my best friend and saw this really pink cloud and said "Look at that cloud, I want to eat it!" It was funny at the time

It appears to me last night when I was chaning clothes, that I like the color Peacock blue. But it only occurs to me because I look around at my room which is painted that color, the shirt I was wear was that color, two shirts that were lying on the floor were that color, my prom dress last year and this year are that color. Its amazing!

my room is never clean, when it is I can find nothing and then throw things everywhere to find them again, then its mess but I can find things. Its less stressful but if I could convince my parents of that it would be easier than fighting with them about cleaning my room

I'm addicted to Italin food

I live on line IM if you want, my aol aim name is Socurplnchick18H I'm always on.

I love hugs and even better snuggle time with a guy which is always nice and warm :)

I don't like chocolate, or when I do its cause I have a craving for it but its rare.

I collect piggy banks and teddy bears

I am afraid of plenty of things but not the normal things people are afraid of.

man everytime I try and go to sleep at night I come up with a million things I could post here and then when I get here to post them, I forget. Thats me for ya.

Ok this I remember, to people that don't know me when I act hyper and actually happy, they think one of two things or maybe both I'm not sure. 1. I'm either very dizty and stupid or 2. I am extremly drunk, which in my case I am neither so its really quite funny.

I just got my ears peirced for the first time ever!