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The Sailor Scouts Info Page


29 August I'm excited my new web page is going out on the web! On my pages you'll find surprises, info on all scouts, Pictures, links to my fave sites, and much more! I hope for you to not link these site to any of the pictures please and I would like to thank all the owners of the graphics I used plus I promise not to tell you people their names as on their web site it said not to link back the gifs and what ever.

UpDate!!!!! August 31 I have Added a Guestbook so please sign it please and you can now email me! and I promise I will add new things over time

UpDate!!!!! September 1 I have now added A CHAT ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!! 

UpDate!!!!! September 2 there is now a Chibi Chibi Tamagochi Game

Catherine =^_^=   

The music you are hearing is "The Power Of Love!"   <bgsound src="" loop=infinite>                               

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