
Take these quizzes and more at Quiz Diva.com!

You Are Quite Open Minded About Sex

You're a total wild child in the bedroom
Totally experimental, who knows what you'll try next!
But, you do draw the line at anything too extreme
For you, sex is about pleasure - not mind games
How Open Minded Are You About Sex?

Your Sexual Flavor Is Chocolate

Deeply sensual. Complicated and over the top.
You're a bit of a "problem child" in the bedroom... But that's also what makes you so hot.
You tend push limits, make lovers uncomfortable, and cause trouble.
In other words, you're an incredible lay!
What's Your Sexual Flavor?

Your boobs are Sweet Strawberries!

They might not be THAT big, but they sure are the sweetest thing.

Guys like to lick them and see how your nipples harden.

If you ever feel ashamed of your little ones, don't be!

Remember that strawberries are usually everybody's favorite -- they should be yours too.
What Fruit Do Your Boobs Resemble?

Snickers - The best of everything!

You are fun, and funny.
You know how to have a good time.
You are the life of the party and the girlfriend everyone wants.
You enjoy sex and like to try new things.
What Kind Of Candy Bar Are You?

Your Penetration Personality is Anything.

You don't care how, when, where, who, or what, as long as you are getting nailed.
You're just as happy giving a hand job as you are taking it inside of you somehow.
A real renaissance woman.
What Is Your Penetration Personality?

Your Sexual Lucky Charm: Green Clovers in Hats

You're happy go lucky in bed, always up for a little nookie. You don't take anything too seriously in the bedroom - and are often laughing. No matter who you're with, you tend to have a great time between the sheets.
What's Your Sexual Lucky Charm?

little bo peep

You Should Dress Up As a Little Bo Peep!

Innocent yet sultry.
You're a bad girl trapped in a good girl's body.
Unlike Little Bo Peep, you like some creepy crawly things!
What Should You Be For Halloween?


When you shop you shop malls!
A place where you know it has your style and keeps it all along the same priceline.
You definitely know how to shop and where to go.
Your money may go fast but you still have enough in your pocket for a stop in the food court after your day of shopping.
What Kind of Shopper Are You?

You are WILD.

The virgin mother turns in her grave!
How Pure Are You?

You're a "Kinky Fuck".

You're all about role play.
You wanna be the one giving daily "check ups" or being the naughty school girl.
But you also like a man to please you and treat you good.
What Kind of Fuck Are You?

You Are Summer!


What Season Are You? Take This Quiz :-)


You are SIZZLIN in the bedroom!
You're quite kinky yourself, and enjoy pleasing and receiving from your partner.
You have a healthy sexual appetite, and are quite sensual as well.
What Temperature Are You In Bed?

What Language Should You Scream In Bed?

Rough, But Slightly Romantic

You like it when things get a little rough, but you also love to get romantic and soft with your partner.
Do You Like it Rough and Dirty? Or Soft and Romantic?

You Are Chocolate Ice Cream!

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

You are Aphrodite

The goddess of love.
You love to chase and to be chased.
And you love to love.
Which Greek Goddess Are You?

Your Specialty: Anal Sex

And frankly, I'm sure that's no surprise to you.
You love anal and all things ass related.
Anal beads, anal sex.
Chances are you've done it *all* before.
Maybe you should try double penetration for a little variety, if you haven't already...
What's Your Sex Specialty?

You Wouldn't Go All the Way...

You like the thrill of making out in public, but you wouldn't go all the way.
You're afraid of getting caught.
But you also think it's better in public when it's just you and your partner.
You old romantic you....
Are You Brave Enough For Al Fresco?

The PJ's You Are Most Like: His Shirt

You're a loyal and caring girlfriend who can't get enough of her man So much so that you love to have him with you 24-7 And when he's gone, wearing his shirt is the next best thing
What Kind of PJ's Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

You are "The Devil in Miss Jones"!

What do you do when a women is possessed by the horny devil. She needs to be screwed at all times and she will not take no for an answer. The devil is inside her and he wants you to join him...
What Classic Porno Are You?

You're a Direct Diva

No need to tease... you still get what you want
You're honest, straight forward, and agressive
And so what if you scare meek guys away?
You only want a man who can keep up with your spirit!
Are You a Tease?

What's Your Sexual Battle Cry?

Your Sexual Personality: Princess / Prince

You desire one thing from sex - to be pampered and taken care of completely
Sex is about romance, connection, and caring for you... not just grinding naughty parts
And you certainly don't mind playing a submissive role, as long as you are swept off your feet
If love is a big red velvet cake, then sex is the cream frosting.

Your sexual power position is you on the bottom, overpowered by your love.

You are most compatible with another prince / princess and sensualists.
You need a lover who understands how awesome it is to be spoiled in bed.

Get with a tiger, and you may feel taken advantage of and used.
Get with an adventurer / adventuress and you'll feel that they've only tried to conquer you.

Kink things up with Bed Of Roses.
Live the fantasy of making love in a bed of roses, anytime the mood strikes you.
What's Your Sexual Personality?

You Are Left Brained In Love

Cool and clearheaded
Tend not to get swept away
Dependable and trustworthy
Able to look at thing objectively
Honest and direct in relationships
Rely on standards when picking a man
Good at solving relationship problems
Ready to compete for your sweetie's heart
Articulate, a good conversationalist, and witty
Think overly romantic displays are a waste of time
A few serious boyfriends as opposed to many flings
Notice all of the details about your guy - good and bad
Are You Right Brained or Left Brained in Love? Take This Quiz :-)

You Are Tera Patrick

Exotic, beautiful, and known to be a total man pleaser
You and Tera Patrick are both the biggest dickhounds in your zip code
Unlike many porn stars, you'd be in porn for the guys... not the girls
Like Tera, you enjoy a nice hard man whenever you can get one
What Porn Starlet Are You?

screaming dragons

Your Orgasms are Like a Screaming Dragon!

Loud, overbearing, and the stuff myths are made of.
What Firework are Your Orgasms Like?

Your Erogenous Zone Is Your Skin

You're just one big ball of sensitivity
You pretty much get turned on from any touch
And any of your body parts can be erogenous ... easily
If anything, you can't take too much touch - feels too good!
What's Your Secret Erogenous Zone?

You Are 100% Skilled @ Blowjobs!

Woo Hoo! You are 100% skilled when it comes to sucking dick. Who could have thought that one person could possibly suck and blow at the same time.
You have got it going on in the tongue tango department.
Your lover is the luckiest man alive.
You know how to handle Mr Happy in every way unimaginable.
In your eyes, the penis is your friend.
You enjoy giving oral sex, and it is without a doubt enjoyed!
How Does Your Blow Job Rate?

You Do It Like a Cuddly Koala!

At the surface, you're a cutie all about cuddles
Foreplay is your forte - and you're very physical with lovers
That's not to say you don't enjoy or provoke good orgasms. You do!
It's just that you prefer to be romanticly entwined while you're getting it on.
What Vibe Do You Do It Like?


Your Sexual Energy is Magenta!

You ooze passion and love, as well as a romantic sensuality.
Your strength is the intensity of your passion - it can last forever.
You can stay with the same lover for months, and every day still feels new.

You crave closeness - intimacy is your path to incredible sex.
Foreplay is your speciality - little whispers, touches, and kisses.
You have the ability to bring passion to any situation.

As for finding lovers, you usually don't find yourself needing a lover.
Chances are that you've been with the same person for quite a while.
If you seek someone new, you usually date traditionally - until you find a spark.

Challenging your passionate approach to sexuality could spice things up.
Try having sex with someone you think is hot, although not "the one"
Seduce a complete stranger (or two) for some intense anonymous sex!

Magenta sexual energies include Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston.

For the best match, look for people with pink, red, and yellow sexual energies.
What Color is Your Sexual Energy?


You Are An Intense Kisser!

Deep tounging, nibbling, and locking lips for hours are on your agenda.
You've been known to wear lovers out with your kiss, before getting to anything else on the menu.
And given that you kiss so well... imagine how you do everything else.

What Your Kissing Style Says About You:

When you want something you go for it, and you don't let go until it's yours.
And when you feel, you feel intensely (surprised?). You have a dramatic streak, no doubt.
If you're in a relationship, you don't take anything lightly. And neither should your lover.

Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches:

Hook up with other Intense Kissers to have the experience of a life time. You'll both feel incredible things, both in your heart and down there! If you are looking for an even more sexual fun, find the nearest Carnal Kisser. You'll get kissed down there just right.

Stay away from Manic Kissers at all costs. They spread it around a little too much to give you the passion you crave. And forget about Juicy Kissers as well - they seem a bit too superficial for you.
How Do *You* Kiss?


You are Marijuana!

Laid back, dreamy, and maybe a little stinky from skipping a shower.
You rather hang out on the couch watching That 70s Show than go clubbing.
All you need is a big joint, TV, and some Twinkies covered in chocolate syrup!
What Drug Are You?

scarlet passion

Your Passion is Scarlet!

You're more than passionate - you're burning hot!
Love is a serious thing for you, and you don't take the game lightly.
You are always open to passion... in every possibile form.
No doubt about it... you're a wild ride!
What Color Is Your Passion?

passion fruit lube

You Are Passion Fruit Flavored Lube!

Passionate, intense, and lusty.
You are the flavor most likely to fall in lust on the first night.
You are the flavor least likely to have lukewarm sex.
Sound yummy? Get Passion Fruit Flavored Lube Here :-)
What Flavor Lube Are *You*?


You Get Off on Goldilocks and the Three Bears!

It's obvious that you have no trouble sleeping in a stranger's bed...
Preferably with three strangers.
But are you Goldilocks or one of the bears?
Papa's rough and tough, Mama's sweet and tender, and Baby bear's eager but inexperienced.
In any case, Goldie, you prefer the warm cuddly type...
And sooner or later we'll find out if the curtains match the rug!.
What Fairy Tale Gets *You* Off?

passionate kiss

You Are a Passionate Kiss!

When you kiss, the world either stops or spins
At least for the minute that your lips are locked
No question about it, you tend to get carried away
It's no wonder your kissing often leads to other things :-)
What Type of Kiss Are You?


The Aphrodisiac You Should Try Is: Honey

Honey is an ancient aphrodisiac... seen in the Kama Sutra and used by Cleopatra
And honey is even the inspiration for the term honeymoon - where newlyweds drank honey wine
Honey can be found as a the first Viagra in practically every civilazation!

Sweet smelling and smooth, honey is perfect for spreading around naked bodies
What you do with it after that is up to you!
It's often said that the sugar and B vitamins from honey gives you energy to keep going all night...

Try mixing your honey with a little nutmeg, a potion designed to heighten orgasm.
Or mix it with ginger like the ancient Indians did for sexual potency
And if you're looking for a kissable bod, try getting some honey lotion or powder
What Aphrodisiac Should You Try?

Kiss Me

Your Candy Heart Is "Kiss Me"

You're a romantic at heart - which is quite sweet
You fall quickly and often for many people you meet.
While you're romantic, you've been know to crawl up with a dirty book
Warning to all: You're not as innocent as you may look.
What Naughty Candy Heart Are You?


You Will Get Fed Chocolate While Tied Up For Valentine's Day!

What does a cross between abundant love and crazy naughtiness give you? A night tied up in bed being fed chocolate!
Your man and you both get off on very kinky things, such as being tied up in front of a whole bunch of people.
But you guys also have a weak spot in your hearts for each other.
None of your girlfriends would ever guess that you'd be getting tied up for Valentine's Day!
To the outside world, it is only apparent that you guys are head over heels in love.
And you know that being tied up will evolve into more than just chocolate eating!
Use your imagination. Perhaps you can give him a naughtier treat in return!
What Are You Getting For Valentine's Day?

giving head

Your Tongue's Talent is Giving Head!

Your thick, wide tongue is the perfect size and shape for giving him pleasure. Not to mention, you know just how to work all the curves.
You'll do just about anything to make others happy, and when you're uncomfortable, you don't like to say so.
So that probably means your mouth is starting to get worn out. Slow down, and learn how to speak your mind!
You'd be most compatible with a Nipple Sucker. They're sure to give you the attention you so desperately need.
You've been giving everything for so long that you forgot what's it's like to be pleasured. It's time for you to lay back and get licked.
What's Your Tongue's Talent?


You Are Submissive!

Pain may or may not be your thing, but chances are at least a little spanking turns you on.
Submissive doesn't mean your a masochist (though you could be!)
It means you like your lover to take charge ... and take care of you
In return, you like to worship your partner - in whatever way (s)he wants!
Are You Dominant or Submissive?

lavender cuffs

You are Lavender Cuffs!

You're submissive, but only because it gives you the power
You know that your subbie ways are sexy as hell...
And a ticket to getting what you want from your love
Plus, you just love the way a collar looks around your neck :-)
What Kind of Handcuffs Are You?

vaginal sex

You Are Vaginal Sex!

Traditional, romantic, and very vanilla.

ass target

You Are an Ass Target!

You are a butt sex afficiando of sorts - you love receiving
And being a total bottom makes you a prized commodity... and take full advantage
Sure you'll bend over, but only for dinner, drinks, and diamonds
You give a whole new meaning to "Work That Ass!"
Do You Take It Up The Butt?

You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated
You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.
And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.
What Kind Of Coffee Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

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