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Welcome to my webpage!

Hi everyone! I have created this website for each of you to enjoy. There may not be a whole lot here, but you can find out a lot about me in these next three pages.

The first page that I created has some military poetry on it. My boyfriend spent 7 months in Iraq this year and these are just a few of the poems that made me realize that this isn't something we were facing alone. There are millions of families who experienced everything that we did. It was extremely comforting to be able to communicate with other people who felt the exact same why you did.

The second page is made up of some of the photography projects that I have completed in the past year. Before I moved up here to go to school I worked in a photography studio. The first set is one of the weddings we did during the summer. And the little girl was one of our regular customers who was always cooperative. These are some of my favorite pictures that I took while working at Cole's Photography.

The third page that I created was from a recent trip that I took to California. I went out there to visit my boyfriend. One day while he had to go to work for a few hours I had him drop me off at the pier that was right on the ocean. I spent the day there wondering around and taking photos of just about everything. It was so relaxing. I can't wait to go back!

Here is a video clip that I created while I was in highschool. My bestfriends and I went to Panama City Beach for Spring Break. We definatly had the best time of our lives....take a look!

Spring Break Video Clip

Poetry lllll Picture Perfect lllll Oceanside, California lllll My Christmas List

Here are three links that I look at on a daily basis:
The Hawkeye Newspaper

The UNI Homepage

Bed, Bath, & Beyond