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Interview With God

*Interview With God*

Kid's of all Age's

*Kid's of all Age's*

Lakewood Church of God {Click here to go to website}

My challenge of deafness

I am a individuals with disabilities, myself I have an 80% db loss in the high frequency have always viewed life as being filled with opportunities and challenge. I have always tried to take all the opportunities presented to me, and even some that were not! Nevertheless, I try to see the positives in life and in my co-workers. It is through the hearts of many who have helped me through the years, that I have maintained a positive attitude toward every-day life's challenge.

My primary challenge of deafness is invisible. I do have what's called an invisible handicap. Translated, that means it is unrecognizable to everyone, but me. I feel I must interject here: I really dislike the word handicapped and disabled. The very connotations of the words bring forth the image of "can't do."Do you know where the word "handicapped" originated? In the early years people with impairment would take their caps in hand, and beg for money to survive.

I propose that everyone of us needs to take a strong look at the "can do's" in the life's of those that have a limitation, it would certainly make life a lot more exciting. Too many people fall into the trap of the "can't do," and believe me, I know just how easy this is to do. I wish I had a nickel for every time someone told me I couldn't achieve something while I was growing up; I would have been a millionaire by age 21!

If one looks at normal physical or mentally challenging events in one's life such as, the fear of not doing a good job, or the fear of what your peers or colleagues think of you: these things are very stressful; [ This is true for all people.] However, with those individuals like myself with impairments, it's a double whammy!

Both the physically-and mentally-challenged and the non-handicapped .....(do you like that word-sounds bad doesn't it?, well, it's not)..... I must live the tremendous fears, and it is my feeling that only with the avenue of positive education and awareness, combined with the positive motivation of good business economics, will the fear and the misconceptions change. As you can see, I do not support separatist, militant, or radical advocacy avenues by which the handicapped person is treated. We've all been put down and shut out. Rather, I support showing the need for the physically- and mentally- challenged. We are a positive, viable resource when employers are aware.

The physically- and mentally- challenged have many unique talents, which we can use to give to others, proving that giving is indeed a two-way street. Do you know what the biggest handicap in the world is? The lack of knowledge and awareness about individuals with any type of impairment. Generally defined, it is a preconceived notion of what an individual can or cannot do. As you can see, progress is not consistent in dealing with the handicapped. But that is why the handicapped are now being recognized as a last minority. I would like to offer a challenge to you today and all forthcoming days:
believe in me, for I, may have a limitation, but my views of challenge are not limited by a handicap..

This very thing was the basis of what I am today!,
somebody name:
David Å. May


Birth Of Å New Earth .jpg

Golden Web Award


During times of distress or those extreme
turning points of life known as
"the dark nights of the soul,"
we may lose sight of our guides and teachers.
Seemingly bereft of any tangible support, we
may feel completely lost, at our wits' end.
Then, perhaps at the eleventh hour, a ray of
light and hope comes shining through.
The answer to our prayers arrives in
lightning like flash, or visitation from a
nurturing spirit offers us liberation.
Love is being sent to you by invisible helpers
and angelic spirits.
Don't despair if a problem seems
Believe in yourself.
Quiet your mind, and let an intuitive answer
materialize within your imagination.
A symbol, an archetype, or a special person
may be your link to happiness.
Remember the old saying
"Home is where the heart is."
Realize that you can be disbursed
Good person at heart.

Your soothing words, gentle touch,

or inspirational example can lead

a friend or loved one out of darkness and into



You Gotta Friend

RMHS 1974


Pass it on!
It only take's a spark,
to get the fire going.

get this gear!

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