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:) Darkness~Within~Her~Soul

~Go~ Home~

written by : Alicia C Morgan

All copy rights Reserved


Until the crimson, wet blood dripped down her arm Lily looked into the mirror at her reflection. An ugly, sad, girl looked back at her and her face turned away. Her now covered arms laid against the bathroom sink as she washed the wet, crimson regret away. It twirled into the sink, into the clear water now red. Thinking to herself, what a mess she had made, this time. Once the wet crimson was off her arms she sat against the cabinet that rested on the floor which the sink sat upon. She put her hands on her face and the cold tear’s rolls down her pale cheeks, when she opened her eyes she could see blurs of things around her, and the scars of before seemed like yesterday. She sat for a while. A thought about why she did it again. Music played in the background of her soft sobs. So no one could hear her crying.

The cold tears ran down her face, many more times, until she had to get up, and go on with her day. She put on her clothes, brushed her Curly, red, long hair, and grabbed her bag to leave. She turned to grab her jacket off the counter. Put the black jacket on her to cover her arms and walked out the bathroom door slowly as too not wake up the house. She took steps out of the door and buttoned up her jacket. Placed her cold hands upon the door knob and turned it leaving the warm house behind. Closing the door behind her softly, Lily sighed and went on her way walking the same paths every day the same way. Not knowing is the path she left before would still be there waiting for her feet to pass over it leaving her one mark on the world. The smoke escaped her lips as she breathed out the cold winter air, the sign of heat came from her mouth slow breaths in and out at times. As people walked past, she flashed a fake smile and walked on her way. As she got to her work a small coffee shop, two miles from her house, she put on her apron and walked in to clock in. She opened the iced over door knob turning quickly as too not freeze off her hands. She stepped in quickly, and placed her second jacket on the rack by the door. Sighing she walked to the backroom passing customers on her way into the small shop. Grabbing her time card she placed it into the old workout time slot, pushed down the lever and click she was in. Placing the time card back into its place she grabbed her order sheet and walked out to get some orders.


"What can I get you? " Lily said softly to a young girl siting down writing into a torn up book.

"Um well, I’d like a cup of coffee please with not too much cream, and a muffin. Chocolate if you have it" the young girl said with a light smile on her face that escaped when she said chocolate.

" So, cup of coffee. Not too much cream and chocolate muffin.. Be right back with your coffee" Lily said with a fake smile escaping her mouth.

"Thanks" the young girl said as lily walked away.

Lily grabbed the pot of coffee and poured the girl her cup. She looked over and saw one last chocolate muffin. She leaned over and picked it up Placing it on a napkin as she put the cup of coffee on the tray. She picked up the tray and walked it over to the girl. Placing it on the table which was where the girl was writing in that torn old book. Lily picked up the coffee cup Placing it on the table, then the muffin. Turning to walk away, Lily grabbed the tray and went back to her counter, where someone came up to pay.

Lily stared into the empty window covered in ice and frost, longing for the good times back. Siting at the counter waiting for more customers to come into the little coffee shop lily thought about the past six months of her life. What had happened and maybe what she might have done wrong, maybe even what could she have done to stop it all. Sighing heavy she remembered the night of the accident, and half of it she couldn’t remember, half of it was a blur. She knew what had happened that dark night. How she was driving her car with all her friends inside it, including the one she loved in the front. She smiled over to him with her lovely smile, as their car flew over the edge, later throwing everyone out.


Tears rolled down her cheek as she remembered waking up in the hospital, iv's hooked up, everyone around her. Her eyes look around to see everyone but the one she wants with her, the one she really needs no where to be found. She blinks and flashes in and out of him flying out the window, the car flipping over and over, the pain in her side from the seat belt locking then breaking as she fly's outside of the car, and face first to the ground.. She calls out to him but there is no answer only her cries are heard for miles. She closes her eyes and she's back in the hospital. She tries to speak but no sound comes out, she lays there as her mother pets hear head softly.

" It will be okay." Her mother says calmly.

Everyone around her nods and whispers among the others in the room, sounds of soft whispers fill her room. No one is loud but she knows they are talking about her. She closes her eyes and remembers the tears that fell when her family told her he was gone that he had died at the scene, that he wasn't saved he couldn't be helped. How horrible she felt at his burial. how hard she cried herself to sleep. how many cups of coffee she had dropped. How she lost all of her friends she stopped talking to them, pushed them all away. she stopped talking to everyone, she stopped talking period. She blinks again and a soft sigh, the sounds of the coffee shop are back inside her mind. looks over at the girl who is eating her muffin and writing in her torn book. lily wonders what about, and the girl looks over and smiles, lily flashes a fake smile back and walks over to the new people who have come in to get there orders. Some want coffee other soda, muffins, one even wants a piece of cake. Lily writes it all down and walks away to fill the order. she gets everything she needs and places it on her tray. walking slowly back to the table to give them all what they wanted. placing each thing down softly then waking back to the counter. The owner of the store tells lily its okay for her to leave now and she walks over slowly to clock out and grab her coat on the way out, placing the coat on, the smoke excepts her lips as the cold air whisks her face. Lily begins to walk slowly but surely she walks down the street looking inside the shop windows at the people inside. Some are smiling some are laughing, some are doing nothing. she reaches a walk way and begins to walk up it, she can see the big white building ahead of her. she walks past a sign hat reads " Dr. Jane Gore Ph.D. Mental hospital" lily looks over at the sign and then keeps walking when she can see the building clearly, the bars on the window remind her of the time she spent inside them. She walks to the door and with a heavy sigh she opens it. A lady inside behind the desk as usual looks up at lily. same as always thin, hair in a bun, glasses on her face, blank looks.

She walks up and says " I'm here to see Dr. gore, as usual" lily says softly.

" yes, I know lily she is waiting for you." the lady says. turns to a button on the desk. lily walking to the door beside them and looks in the Little windows. see she's the people inside them scattered around. a buzz sounds and lily walks in the door. the stale air hits her nose and she gasps. she turns to her right and walks toward the office that reads" Dr. gore" she knocks on the door and a sound inside says "come in" so she turned the door knob and walks inside. Dr. gore is behind her desk reading papers signing things books everywhere she waves lily to sit down and lily sits on the old couch placed in the back of the room. She looks at the doctor who is once again signing papers, writing things down. Lily glances over at the book case full of books. Probably ones lily would never be able to comprehend. Lily looks over at the desk all a mess, filled with papers, probably months old. She signs and the doctor looks up from her glasses.


" Lily, are you okay?" the doctor asks. Is she okay lily thinks. is anyone okay. will I ever be okay, what does okay mean.

" yes, I'm okay.." lily trails off with her thoughts.

" okay lily, So do you want to begin now? Or would you like to think a bit more like Last time."the doctor asks lily. Lily looks down at her feet inside her boots she can feel her toes wiggling inside them. She looks up at the doctor, then away out the window, glances for a bit then says softly." We can start now."

" okay lily, lets start back from where we left off last time, you were saying. "The doctors shuffles her papers to read notes." The car flipped...and.." the doctor said while reading her notes.

" yes, the car..flipped." lily said anxiously

" and then what?" the doctor said questionably.

".. and flew out the window of the car.. and then..ah, everyone else fell okay as it kept rolling.. one by one.. Lila hit her head on the window by her and she fell out" Tears ran down her cheek softly " then Kaly flew out and john was holding on to her so she wouldn't fall out.. but..she did... and then john went with her.. happened so fast, the car came out of no where, and the car just swerved I didn't even move the wheel..." lily touched her face to wipe the tears away, placing her hands on her mouth, running her fingers along her lips. " and then I had this sharp pain in my side where the seat belt was locking in.. before... before john fell out with Kaly. And the car suddenly stopped flipping, and I was outside of the car on the ground looking to my side.. I...I don't know how I got there. I called out to him.. but he didn't answer I could see him by me not too far away... I tried to move but I couldn't. so I kept screaming his name to help me..but he didn't move. he just laid there.." Lily paused.


" where were you when the car hit you?" the doctor said.

" We um, we were coming home from the coffee shop, and we went around this was a hill.. and we turned.. this car just...hit us and are car went over the edge of the hill..and started flipping down the hill till it reached the bottom." Lily said sadly.

" what was his name lily..?" the doctor asked.

" who's name...?" lily asked questionably.

" your boyfriend lily, the one who died.. what was his name?" the doctor asked

" his his name" lily said as she twirled something on her finger,

" his..his name...was.. Max." lily began to cry.

" Lily, is that the first time since the accident that you have said his name, when you were here with us, you wouldn't say it.. You didn't talk." the doctor asked and stated. ".Yes.. it is the first time since that day." Lily said while crying.

" its okay Lily, you can say his name. Anytime, at any point in the day and it will be okay." The doctor said reassuringly.

" I know. Its just, He.. um, he was so important to me..I Love..Loved him so he ‘s gone." Lily said with a glace to the floor and all around the room.

" it will be okay to say his name one day lily and not cry, you’ll learn one day to cope with his loss." the doctor said." what else lily, tell me what else you remember after that day?"

" Well, I remember wake up in the hospital, and everyone was around me whispering. everyone looking at me like I was helpless or something. I saw john, he looked over at me and began to cry, I wanted to tell him I was sorry... but he grabbed Kaly's hand and walked out of the room. I think it was tough on him... M..max was his best friend." Lily stated slowly but surely. " Lila was in the room at the window holding her arms, I looked over at her and she had a few cuts here and there. She kept wiping tears from her face, I wanted to tell her it was okay and to stop crying. But, I couldn't talk. And she got up off the window and left. I looked around for m..max and he wasn't in the room. He was no where. And I kept looking like maybe I just missed him in the crowd..But. He wasn't in the room at all and I began to cry. And my mom looked at me, and I could see it in her eyes, She knew what I was wondering and why I was crying. She knew she always knew everything." Lily said softly.


" would you like to stop now lily." the doctor asked.

" yes, Please I would...Doctor,...can I ask you something." lily said

" yes lily what is it?" the doctor asked.

"... If someone cant sleep..and they keep losing a lot of sleep, is there some kind of medicine that can help them sleep..?" Lily asked

" Lily are you not sleeping again?" the doctor asked.

"yes." lily stated.

" I’ll see what I can do." the doctor said.

" thank you." lily said softly to the doctor who was writing down notes and filling out something for lily.

Lily got up from her chair and over to the doctors desk. the doctor handed her a piece of paper with doctor words on it, ones lily didn't understand, And said " lily take the pills to help you sleep and only as many as the bottle says. no more.. no less. Do you understand?" the doctor said. Lily nodded, and walked toward the door and out it and knocked on the double doors she entered once before. the lady on the other side Buzzed her out, and lily went on her way. she put her zipper up on her coat and put the hat which was inside her pocket on her head. Breath like smoke came out of her lips and into the air as she walks down the walkway where she came before many times. She read the sign the one she read as she came by it before and kept walking. She walked a bit, until she reached the main road.

It was, Lily's Senior year in highschool that her life changed and how she met Aiden, she had no friends who cared for her because of her shutting everyone out, and no one to love her she drafted from most loved to most no one saw. She made new friends with the people who mostly didn’t notice her anyway, and she got to be invisible just as she thought she was, nothing to anyone, after the accident that’s how it was.


Waking up one morning just like every other morning she would get out of bed somehow get dressed into her jeans and black t-shirt, put on her jewelry, sometimes some eyeliner, an be on her way. Hide from the family downstairs as she ran out the door without breakfast. She would leave for school earlier then she needed to hide from the words that might have been said every morning by her mother. She grabbed her walkman out of her bag, put it upon her head turned it all the way up, and sang as loud as she could. She didn’t care what anyone thought of her singing. She just sang her life away all her problems she let out everything she felt in her songs she sang every morning. She'd walk her cold miles to school every day sing her life away. When Lily got to school this one day it seemed different, Seemed more open, more happier. she walked the halls to her class and sat in the seat she would always sit in, waiting for the day to begin. As the other students pilled into class, they never even saw Lily siting they all would come in at times sit down talk to each other and never notice Lily, they worked around her. She was like another person just there to be there. The scars of the looks Lily was given were shown within her looks given back to those who didn’t care much about Lily.

As Lily sat in her desk, then entered another student, the boy from the coffee shop, then last of all the students. He was new to lily has never seen him before. Siting in her desk everyday she noticed who was new and who wasn’t. This face, bawd, rough, wasn’t one she had seen before in class. The boy walked into class, and up to the teacher giving him a piece of paper as the boy stood there angel couldn’t help but stair. The boy then walked toward Lily and she felt a gasp of breath go from her body as he sat infront of her. The teacher began class, and Lily was still lost in her sea of breathlessness. The boy sat infront of lily, and then turned around and said softly " I'm Aiden what's your name?"

Totally out of breath Lily replied " Lllily" she stuttered.

"nice to meet you Lily." he said in his deep voice, and turned back around in his desk. Looking around the room Lily wondered if anyone saw her talk. Or never heard there short conversation that took place. No one seemed to take notice that Lily had moved or even spoke. Class ended and all the students rushed out to their next class. Lily slowly but surely got out of her seat bend down and grabbed her bag to notice as she lifted her head and moved her red curly hair out of her eyes that the boy, Aiden, was standing infront of her waiting.


" I don’t know where this class is.." said Aiden trailing off into a stutter, looking down upon Lily's Red hair gleaming at him.

" Well I don’t mind showing you."Lily said softly.

The two walked out of the room after Lily got her bag and she walked him down the hall next to them. Walking down the hall, together Lily noticed the way he would walk close to her and brush on her arm as it laid beside her body as she walked, and how his hair would kinda have sparkle in the lights from above. Lily walked past the people in groups at their lockers carelessly throwing there books into the already cluttered lockers, slamming the doors, and walking with friends to class. Looking carefully at every person that walked by her, not letting them see she was looking, of course. Lily would look quickly at each passing person wondering where they might be off to. Arriving at the end door of the long loud hallway, Lily stopped.

" Here it is." Lily said quickly.

"so it is.." Aiden said quickly back to reply, " So um..would you maybe. um maybe...*ahem* what im trying to say is.. would you like to wait for me after class walk to me the next I don’t get lost. your great company..would you mind?"

Lily said happily with a smile on her face, " sure I’d love to. ill meet you right here" As she walked away slowly to the door next to her which was the one she would enter, grasping the door knob, still looking at him stand there, turning into the door. Lily then sat down in her seat as usual in the back of the class room with a smile upon her face. Her usual straight face was brighten by a bright white beautiful smile, which all the students coming in didn’t see or notice. They came in are usual walking around Lily not noticing the difference in this girls day. The once loud crowded hallways are now quiet with the sounds of silence. Lily sat in class smile and all, and waited for the bell to ring so she could see that boys face which made her smile so much. Siting in class no one seemed to see that Lily seemed different today. The day went on and the teacher came in taught his class, about the world, as Lily sat and didn’t listen to anything said. She was in her own little world.

"Bingggggggggg" the bell rang.


All the students jump from there seats to leave the class all at once, Lily stood up slowly Placing all her books back into her bag. And slowly walking to the door. she peeked her head out, there was the boy waiting at the door. She put her bag on her shoulder and walked out the door, with a smile upon her face. He waited for her everyday since the day she got out. he met her one day at the coffee shop and asked for her name..She pointed to her name tag and laughed. He laughed along with her and asked if she would like to have dinner. And she did. She didn’t tell him about that day but she hoped one day she could.

" how was yesterdays session?" Aiden asked.

" it was okay." lily said

" any progress?" Aiden asked lily " I don't know.. maybe." lily said

" well I guess a little is better then nothing. Right? " Aiden asked

" Guess so." Lily answered as she turned her head and looked out the window. " can we not talk about this?"

" Yeah, sure." Aiden said quickly.

She put her hands to her face, brushing her hair from her eyes, licking her lips as she watched the people in the town move about. The ravishing Settings of the town where more then lily could bare are times. Seeing the happy people around the town, all on there ways going places. She looked over at Aiden, his handsome eyes starting at the road ahead. To be sure not to make any mistakes and take the same paths. She Glistened a smile his way, and he Flashed her ones back. She ran her fingers along her Damp lips and sighed satisfied. " So do you want to go get something to eat?" Aiden asked Lily with a smile.

" sure, how about Mr. Jacks Place?" Lily asked happily.

" that’s fine we'll go there." Aiden said. The car sped off into another street where not many people were. the car came to a stop and lily got out. As she stepped out of the car she looked up, and there was john and Kaly walking down the sidewalk smiling, cheerfully, hand in hand. Lily smile over to Aiden and walked up to him, he opened the door for lily and she stepped inside. He went in after her and shut the door behind himself. Lily sat down in a booth and looked at the menu. Aiden walked over and sat down across from her and picked up one of the menus, smiling up at her, and looking down to read it.


Lily laid on the bathroom floor, soft music played in the background. She stared at the walls of the pale exterior. Sighing gently as she grabbed her jeans to cover her scared and slightly naked body. Covered slightly she stands up, sliding her jeans all the way up and buttoning them fast. She grabs her shirts and sliding them over her head, adding extra layers to beat the winters cold day. Lily grabs her bag, turning off the radio and opening the door to the silent house. Slipping out the front door to the cold wind whipping her fervent skin. The bleak air escaped her moist lips. Walking down the lengthy road she spotted Aiden, walking quickly, she meets up with him grabbing his hand from his pocket, dragging him into the near-by bushes. Giggling Lily jumps on him, Aiden grasps her buttocks tightly and pulls her close. Lily wraps her arms and legs around his waist. Their lips meet. She shudders at his touch upon her skin underneath her layered body. his lips run along her neck, kissing slightly and nibbling lightly. Her eyes close as she moans with fancy. He leans her up against a tree, as his hands wonder the unknown places of her clothed body. she clinches his neck and pulls his face to hers, kissing him again, slightly biting his lower lip, teasing him variously. Lily puts one of her legs down on the ground to support herself, and Aiden holds her other leg up tightly in his grasp. He unbuttons her jacket, pulling it off her shoulder and down her arms, then pulling her top shirt over her head, doing this to the others, till the last layer stands alone. He pulls the last shirt off her unbuttoning it slowly kissing each undone portion of skin. Lily ran her hands through Aiden's hair laying her head on the tree, Aiden takes off his jacket, lily shakes from the cold breezes of the winters air, and Aiden's places the jacket each arm with each of Lilys hands inside the arms and up to her shoulder, kissing her lips.

Lily pulls Aiden's shirt over his head kissing his chest, pulling him close to her warm body. He runs his hands along her stomach to the buttons of her jeans, He then bends down and unbuttons them. Pulling her jeans down, kissing her hips softly, her black mesh-like panties hit the cold air, she squirms. Aiden's looks up at Lily, an she smiles. he kisses around her hips, then her thighs, and last he stands back up and places his hands on her breast moving his hands along the back of her bra, like a sly devil it is undone in a seconds time. She laughs playfully, as Aiden's grips one of her vibrant breast in his lips sucking upon it devilishly, rubbing the other between two of his fingers. She squeals with pleasure. His lips meets hers once more as they kiss placing each other tongues into their mouths. She looks into his eyes and smiles as she slides her hands down to his pants unbuttoning them, then puts her hand up to her lips and licks her hand sliding it inside. He smiles back, biting his lips twitching as she slides her hand up and down his ridged shaft. Watching his every twitch, using it to her advantage. He bites his lip hard and makes a painful sound, she stops looks over to him and he takes a deep breath. She slides herself down and pulls it out of his pants placing it inside her welcoming mouth. Licking and sucking it hard up and down and around her mouth. she slide her hands slightly teasing it with her wet tongue, with every inch he squirmed with erotic pleasure. She used everything she could to her advantage. He looked down at her with twitching eyes, and she gulped up everything he had to give her. He pulled her up turning her around and kissing her back as he pulled the jacket down from her sholders. Gasping she shivers and turned herself back around kissing his lips. Beside himself he pulled away from their kiss, and placed their clothes on the ground. Turning back to her and kissing her softly. Aiden grabbed lily and picked her up placing her on the clothes spread out on the ground.


Lily spread her legs out to grasp him and he dove down on top of her, kissing her neck, she giggled. His hands wondered aimlessly around her hips and sliding into her inner thigh. her skin filled from head to toe with goose bumps, as he rubbed her in and out. Slight and lightly quirking , she moans. His member throbbing, he slides off her panties as she arches her back he slides the long swelling in inch by inch, thrusting it in deep and harder each time. Aiden pulls the long swelling shaft slightly-out teasing her folds with its tip. She moans louder, and he thrusts it in deeper and harder, feeling every thrust she gasps for breath and holds on to him her arm on his back. Gasping tightly sliding the throbbing shaft in deeper, and finely as deep as possible Lily flinches and moans with light sighs in her breath as it becomes heavier. Aiden lifts her up toward his chest holding her tightly, still pumping the throbbing shaft in and out, Lily arches her back once more and falls back to the ground. Aiden still pumps, Lifting himself up and grasping her buttock and pulling it toward him as he plunged the shaft in profoundly twirling it around inside as it becomes fully erect, he pumps it harder and harder, faster and faster. Lily groans underneath her heavy breath, his hands still on her buttock as she slightly off the ground her head, still down, to the floor. Aiden Pumps it in once more roughly and leans in slowing down. He places her buttock back down and lily sits up grabbing Aiden by the neck and flipping him to the floor as she straddles on top of him diving his thrusting shaft into her, Her hips roll back and forth rolling each time on there own. Aiden places his hands on Lily lower back pulling her close, and sliding it in deeper. Lily jerks her head back and with no breath left she moans once more. Lily keeps rolling her hips back and forth on top of Aiden as he grasps guiding her, she feels his breath quicken, she squirms around still pumping it in. His eyes twitch and his toes curl up and his throbbing shaft expels inside of her. Lily laid on top of Aiden, panting out of breath. She places her head on his sweaty chest and listened to his beating heart, The erotic pleasure tingling inside of her. A sigh expelled from her lips and her head moved with his soft suttee breaths, his arms around her holding her close. Lily closed her eyes as the cold winters air dried her wet skin, it had felt as if they were there for hours. which really was only minutes. Lily blinked, siting herself up, Aiden opened his mouth to speak and she placed her hand on his mouth.

" We have to go soon, just savor this moment." Lily stated

" I'd Savor this moment a lifetime." Aiden said.

" So they all say.." Lily says softly brushing the hair from her sweat filled face, looking down at Aiden then laying back down. He held her close, tightly for a while. Lily got up soon after placing the layers clothes to her head almost over, Aiden looks over at her glaceing at her arms, then grabs one.


"What is that!?" Aiden says quickly.

"nothing!" Lily hisses back, pulling her arm from his grasp stepping away, then putting her clothes on buttoning her pants up with a jump.

Lily grabs her shoes and leans down to put them on lacing them up and grabbing her bag, mean while Aiden slowly but surely is getting all his clothes back on, still puzzled from the marks he saw upon her skin. Lily begins to walk through the brush and reaches the opening, waits to see if anyone is around and jumps out walking down the path she was just on. It is still morning, no one is out yet. Aiden runs out from the woods from where they were, he finely reaches Lily and nudges her arm.

"Come on Lily talk to me." Aiden says in a somber tone.

"It's nothing okay, just forget it, it’s a mistake, it's nothing..just forget you saw it." Lily says back sternly.

" How can I forget something like that Lily come on, You know I can’t do that. That not a mistake. That’s a problem.. God Dammit, Lily talk to me!" Aiden say yelling at Lily.

" Look, Just drop it." Lily says stopping.

" I Cant do that.." Aiden says reassuringly stopping with Lily.

"Learn too." Lily says, as she starts to walk away. Aiden stands there, blank faced, He‘s not to sure what to do about Lily. He watches her walk away as her form gets farther and farther the fog of morning sucks her up and she disappears. Aiden blinks and Lilys’ gone, he begins to walk, then quickens and begins to run after her. Lily is no where to be found.

Aiden stands there, starts turning around in the fogy air. "Lily!" Aiden yells loudly. "where are you Lily!?"


A ways away walking at a pace like everyone else, Lily is close to Aiden but he cant see her. The next few weeks Lily avoids him at all costs. Siting in her normal seat in class not answering his whispers of contact. Lily sits in her seat not noticing him for days, then weeks. After a week goes by Aiden walks up behind her and opening a near by closet throwing lily inside.

"Why aren’t you talking to me?" Aiden asks with anger.

" I'm just not" Lily says turning her head away from him.

"Fine, you don’t leave till you tell me why?" Aiden says firmly.

" I cant tell you okay, so just leave it alone." Lily says with a single tears roll down her cheek.

" Yes, you can. you can tell me anything Lily." Aiden says holding Lily in his arms.

Lily put her arms around Aiden and he held her tightly. Lily sobbed lightly for a while then looked up at Aiden, he looked down at her and wiped the tears from her cheeks. He leans down on his knees wrapping his arms around her waist and kisses her stomach lightly. Lily gasps for her breath and runs her hands in Aiden's hair. Hhe sniffles a bit and he keeps kissing, her holding her tightly. Lily unhooks his grasp kneeling down to his level, she moves in close to him and kisses his lips. Aiden grabs lily and pulls her to him tightly passionately kissing her for what seems forever since the last. The kiss ends and Lily huddles in his chest holding him tightly he rubs her back and they sit together in the closet. Lily moved a bit, and lifted her head from the little nook she was in, looked up at Aiden.

"Aiden, if I tell you something..will you ever love me?"Lily said with a tear rolling down her pale cheeks.

"Of course Lily, I love you more then you know." Aiden said Kissing the top of Lilys head.

"then I will tell you..why."Lily said as she lifted herself up and looked into Aiden eyes. Aiden nodded.


Lily to a Deep breath and started. "A really long time ago..I think I was about 15. I had a friend he was a guy and long story short. I loved him a lot he was my only friend I trusted him with my life he protected me kept me safe and talked to me about everything. he was everything to me..and I never cared about anyone like I did with him. and in the end he hurt me severely by trying to rape me. he beat me, and tried to rape me in a bathroom downtown on a day we skipped school. in time..I don’t even remember his name..or.who he is..In my dreams..All he is a shadow. I got away..And he didn’t rape me. But I was terrified of guys ever since then..He told me if I told anyone he’d finish what he started and ever since then..I saved the thing I kept from him like my life..I wouldn’t let anyone get close to me he moved away..And then I started having nightmares and thought I saw him around me a lot. But he was gone..I started too loose my mind. I started trying to forget about him by cutting my flesh. I thought if I did that he wouldn’t want what I had if he came back so..I have a lot of scares. my thighs have so many marks on them I cant wear a bathing suit anymore. so..when someone tells me im beautiful..I see my arms and my legs and my tights and I know im not anymore." Lily Paused.

" I don’t feel beautiful I feel torn. so..after a while..I kept doing that..and I tried to kill myself and I ended up in a paddled room for a while.. I don’t remember how long..I blocked that out.. one knows I went into a padded room..not even my ex. about the guy and my dreams and cutting he told me to stop that..every time max hurt me id cut my flesh he didn’t know what he was doing to me he opened it back up.. I started dating Max and he’d lie to me..and I did stop the pain I created my own. I didn’t tell him.. He doesn’t know I did that..And I wouldn’t have told him..Because I didn’t want him to be upset.

Every time he’d lie to me or flirts with someone I’d make myself bleed till I’d cry. I didn’t tell him I started having nightmares again.. he asked me if they stopped and I lied.. I told him they did..Max new everything...he never showed any love or anything to make me feel better Max use to be nice to me. I felt safe even tho he wasn’t here.. and I believed him when he said he wanted to live the rest of this life with me have babies with me and marry me and save me from this hell. I just don’t sleep..I close my eyes..and he‘s there hell never hurt me and hell never ruin my life again but its there in everything I do." Lily Said with millions of tears rolling down her face, Aiden looked over into her eyes. A tear rolled down his face, she saw it and smiled. Aiden grabbed lily and held her so tightly.


After a while, Aiden and Lily's silence ended as the end of the day came. Everyone inside the school was getting ready to leave and so were they.

" I will never let anyone or anything hurt you again." said Aiden, running his hands along her long hair.

Aiden got up and picked Lily up, they hugged once more, Lily grabbed her bag and put it on her back. Aiden grabbed his and put his hand out to Lily. Lily gripped Aiden's hand and they walked out of the closet. The silence of the closet was deafened by a loud hallway. No one noticed Aiden and Lily hand in hand. They walked down the hall and when you reached the door to exit aiden opened the door for Lily. They walked the path they walked before, and ended up at Lilys house.

Lily and Aiden laid in the living room watching the blaring TV. they huddled into the nooks of the couch and Aiden held lily tight. Lily closed her eyes and slept in Aiden's arms. Only there sighs kept them safe. Nothing more they needed, nothing more could help. Aiden brushed lily face softly kissing her forehead lightly. Lilys’ nose twitched, and she cuddled into the nooks of his body. He smiled down at her Angelic face, and saw her eye peek up and then close abruptly. Her lips formed a smile, and her eyes both opened. She wiggled into a comfortable spot and kissed his cheek. He leaned down and kissed her shoulder, then her neck, gripping her tightly he closed his eyes. Lily closed hers too, and they slept.

"Aiden, wake up, We're late.!?" Lily said out of the sudden silence of the room.

"what?" Aiden said with still sleep in his voice.

"WE ..are.. late, for school!" lily screamed as she threw her bathroom door closed, turning on the water in the tub.

"we are?" lily heard him say from behind the door stumbling around.

"yes! we are." lily said as she opened the door to yell it then slamming it again.


The steam filled the small bathroom as lily pulled off her cloths and hopped in the shower, closing the curtain. The hot water hit her body in sprits, it becoming moist with drops rolling down here and there. Lily put her head under the water and brushed her hands through her hair, it becoming wet as well. The door squeaked open, she didn't hear it. The curtain moved and Aiden stepped inside, he grabbed the bottle of shampoo putting some in his hands then extending them to lily head. He startled lily, she jumps and he begins to work it into her hair. Her head moves in his hands, side to side, around and around. Lily turns around she leans in a kisses aidens lips, he breaks her kiss and pulled her head with his hands still in her hair into the water. The bubbly hair washes clean, lily extends her arms out and wraps them around aidens waist pulling him close.

He teases her with kisses that don't become, lily begins to twitch inside and grabs him and they lock lips. Aiden pulls his lips away and pulls lily head to the side with his hands kissing her neck, sucking and nibbling on it lightly till he hears little squeaks come from lily. Aiden pushes Lily to the wall and lily lifts her leg aiden grabs it pulling her upward. Lilys breath begins to quicken, she squeaks more. The hot water covers them both, the water agitates down their backs. Aiden's ridged shaft extends and penetrates Lily's gem. Lily slams her hand up and runs her fingers and palms on the wall above her moaning with pleasure as the ridged shaft runs in and out of her, tingling her spin up and down.


Her hands reach her head she grabs a hold of her hair and bites her lip roughly. Aiden pumps it in and out softly and roughly inside Lilys gem. Their moans become insync, lily gripes aidens back with the hand that was once in her hair, Aiden grabs Lilys hand and throws it back to the wall holden it by her wrist tightly. He pumps harder and harder until they both become somnolent and fall. He pulls it out, and they finish there shower. Aiden pulls the curtain open and cover lily in a towel, then himself. Lily drys off and puts her cloths on as she watches Aiden in the mirror from inside the bedroom. He smiles at her as he put his shirts on, he leaves the bathroom and sits in the bed next to lily putting his shoes on.

Lily begins to tie hers up, put in on her black tank top and meshy top, then her coat, aiden puts his arms out and grabs her pant loops pulls her close and kisses her stomach, thus looking up at her, Lily closes her eyes briefly then leans down and kisses him, they break away and she grabs her bag. Aiden grabs his and puts it over his shoulder. He puts his hand out, lily grabs it and then her keys and they walk out into the cold winter air. Lily turns to lock the door, Aiden brushes her hips with his hands, Lily locks the door and they walk hand in hand to school. Aiden walked lily to her locker, lily turned the knob slowly then pulled the handle up, the locker opened and lily got her books out. Lily grabbed aidens hand and they walked a bit and then came to Aiden's locker. Aiden opened his locker faster then Lily opened hers and grabs his books putting them under his arm and grabbing Lilys hand again and pulling her to their first class. They walked into class still hand in hand and The let go, Lily sat down and Aiden sat behind her Lily got out her books, then opened to the number written on the board. Aiden did the same. The kids soon came into class all scurrying to their seats.

The loud sounds from the halls soon became fainter and fainter until they were totally silent and class began. Lily sat and watched the teacher talk about whatever it was that she was talking about mostly she thought about the person siting behind her. Lily watched the clock, it ticked on and on. She leaned down and turned her head looked up a bit and saw Aiden paying attention, she opened her bag grabbing her compact and sat back up. Lily opened it up and positioned it to see Aiden, she smiled into the mirror, and she saw him smile back. She then closed it and put it on her desk. The bell soon after rang and Aiden got up. He picked up Lilys' bag for her and handed it to her as she got up.

He watched the other kids leave and grabbed her hand, and then left for there next class. Their day went this way until they had to departed for different class rooms. The bell for "schools out" rang and lily jumped out of her seat and ran to Aiden's class. He wasn't there. Lily walked inside and looked around. she was puzzled, she left him there. Why wasn't he in class? She turned around and there he was in the door way. Lily Ran to him and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly he carried her out the door letting her down and they held hands in the cold winters walk to the doctors. Just as Lily did everyday, Except today Aiden was with her.


Lily and Aiden sat in each others arms, Lily twitched a bit in her sleep waking Aiden, he'd look over at her and smile Closing his eyes back. The morning sun came up and they awoke. Aiden's eyes slowly opened, he looked over and saw lily still in the same spot as before, his arms. He sighed and whispers softly in Lilys ear to get up, stroking her hair gently. Lilys’ eyes opened slowly and she smiled up at him as he stroked her hair. Lily sat up and her lips met his. she curled back up in his arms afterwards and snuggled up closely. they went about there day together, as normal. Lily got up like always, went to work at the little coffee shop, then went to the hospital.

Today, Lily was more devoted. After work lily left the copy stop smoke coming out of her lips with every breath, but aiden came around the corner. he walked up to her and asked if he could come with her. She said he could if he wanted to. And he grabbed her hand and she lead him to the hospital. They walked inside and there everything the same as she left it the last time. She lead him to the door where the lady buzzed them into the door. Aiden looked around curiously. The got to the Doctors' door and Lily turned the knob, and they walked in. The doctor was siting behind her desk like always waving them in never looking up.

"Aiden is here with me Doctor, is that okay?" Lily asked. "Of course Lily, that's fine." The doctor replied and the two sit.

Lily started to tell the doctor everything that had happened in the last few weeks, how close her and Aiden are. How much she cares about him. Aiden sat in the chair and listened to every word Lily had to say. He watched her lips move, the way her eyes sparkled when she said some words. He sighed at many things, he thought while watching her talk to the doctor. Lily paused and looked over at Aiden and smiled.

" Lily, you have not talked this much,, you haven't talked this much ever. What happened?" The doctor asked shockingly.


"Aiden happened" Lily Replied.

" How did Aiden happen? What was different then before?" The doctor asked.

" He ran after me. He didn't give up on me. He listened to me in a closed, and held me after I opened my can of worms." Lily replied.

"worms?" said the doctor.

"yes, Worms. Everything from my past I haven't even told you Dr." Lily said back to her.

" what haven't you told me?" asked the doctor.

" A lot." Lily said

"Like what?" asked the doctor.

Lily looked up at the doctor, and then everything she had told Aiden before, everything came pouring out of her, she began to cry again as well Aiden slid over and held her rubbing her back as she kept going, not pausing or leaving out a detail.

"Was this before Max?" the doctor asked when lily was all finished.

"yes, very long before Max."Lily replied.

He looked over at lily. She looked back at him and her eyes said, not yet. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"What about Max?" Aiden asked lily when things got quiet in the room of three.

"Max is gone" lily said.

"how gone?" Aiden asked

" very gone, max died." lily said back.

"How did he die?" Aiden said slowly with concern.

"He died in a car accident, I was with him and all my friends,"Llily replied tears rolling down her cheeks.


Aiden leaned over and grabbed lily by her shoulders pulled her close and held her tightly. she sobbed in his arms she held on to him.

" Lily, Are you sleeping?" the doctor asked.

"yes" lily replied

"that’s good " the doctor said." I think that's enough for today."

Lily stood up and Aiden still holding her they walked together home. Lily stepped inside his house. she had never been inside before. she let out a sigh, he looked over to her and smiled. She walked over to his bed and threw herself at it lying on the pillows thrown about, grabbed the blanket and covered herself up. He came up beside the bed and slid in tight next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him, she shut her eyes, and went to sleep. Lily slept all night and in the morning when she opened her eyes she didn’t feel him tightly next to her anymore, she got up in a panic and looked around she found him lying on the couch near by curled up in his own way. she got up quietly, kissed his forehead, and left the somber man lying on his couch and out the door she went.

The music blared louder then she could even expect. Wiggling her hips along with the beats pounding into her head. the vibrations reached her chest. He leaned into her an swayed along, close along, ever so goofy. She remembered the night before and how great she slept next to him. The thought of that section with the doctor played out in her head. He was okay, with everything. It amazed her. She smiled back at him as he was behind her breathing softly along her neck. She leaned up and latched onto his ear lobe. Giggling inside she sucked lightly on it and felt him quiver. With a big smile on her face she spun around, he was engulfed in her spell, he just watched in aw as she danced around swaying and snapping to the beats of the loud music, drool came down his face. The beats moved as they filled each other in the motions of the music. Lily was entranced in his spell as he was lost in hers. Something inside her turned for him. she lost herself in the rythem. There bodies inner twinned and lily gasped for her own breath. He took it all out of her striped it all away. From no pain in her heart, to no guilt on her chest. She was lost in him, just for their one dance. He held her close as they danced the night away. Beads of sweat rolled down her back, also down his face. She smiled up at him as she whipped them away with her hand. He smiled back at her. The night fainted faster then they expected. She didn’t want it to end, but it did. They slept together in his room, which it was weird because she didn’t remember getting there, just dancing. Early that morning lily dreamed like she never dreamed before of sweet things and so did he. She woke up he was still there. She smiled and his awkward breaths told her he was dreaming. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.


Something inside her told her not to move, that he was dreaming and not to make a movie. She took soft breaths and thought about everything that had happened. How she loved being inside his arms, how great his kisses felt on her lips, how every time he looked at her she knew this was it. She loved being around him even if she knew he didn't understand what had happened to her and she wasn't ready to tell him everything about herself yet. How he didn't care about her past, none of it mattered to him. She loved that about him, how nothing mattered. She wanted to get lost in those deep eyes of his. Get swallowed inside his kisses and held tight in his arms. She felt his breath quicken a bit and his eye slowly but surely opened. She leaned up a bit and kissed his nose. A soft smile came from his mouth, and she smiled back.

He got up slowly and pulled her closer, as close as she could possibly get. His hands traveled down her back and rubbed it slightly. She nuzzled his nape and tucked herself in tight. He kissed the top of her head and held her tightly. She could hear his Heart beating to a certain sound. She liked it. She looked up at him and her lips brushed over his, her tongue slightly came out and she ran it along his dry lips. He grabbed a hold and pulled it inside and their kiss began. Nothing like it before fulfilled her dreams. Wild yet soft, simple yet, uncommon. She was excited by it and the warmth went between her thighs. She pulled her leg up and placed it on his thigh. He grabbed her leg feeling the smoothest skin he has ever felt before just wanting to kiss every bit of it from the top to the very bottom, consuming every bit of her. He pulled her leg close and she wrapped it tightly against him.

" I want you, Now "Lily Said softly with a soft wildness in her voice.

" Then have me" He replied quickly.


Lily looked up at him his eye were, deep and easy to get lost in. She was already lost and nothing had even happened yet. He lifted her up and she was lying on top of him. He put his hands on the back of her hips and ran his hands under her shirt, upward to her breasts. The tight grasp he had on them told her he wanted more, as he ran his fingers over them and up until there was no where to go, he had his hands on her shoulders under the shirt and pulled her forward landing another knee weakening kiss. He lifted the shirt over her head exposing those beautiful breasts he longed to kiss. He leaned up and held on with his hand kissing the nipple in specks till it perked and he nibbled lightly till she giggled. She ran her arms around his back and lifted up his shirt kissing his chest in little wet soft intervals. Nibbling roughly on his nipples until he turned a shade of red. She stopped and looked at him again. Still those Soul loosening eyes she thought. What would she do if they ever left her. She sat up and started to unbuckle his pants. She wondered why he didn't take them off when he was in bed with her before. Why she didn't take off her own clothes? Kissing his hips she slid his pants down to his ankles throwing them off his feet and onto the floor. Took off his shoes and socks..but not this pants? Weird. She pulled off her belt, and he stopped her before she unbuttoned her jeans.

" Let me." he said. And..She did.

He put his hand on the buttons and undid them one by one. It was those kind of pants that all men hated took to long to get off and just were a pain to get off. So skin tight it was a wonder how they got them on to begin with. He pictured her jumping around the room trying to fit that cute butt of her inside these horrible to many buttons jeans. He didn't minded but my god he loved ever inch of her. He sat up with one push he swung her to the bed, and was on top of her Kissing the pants right off her legs, over her knees, and off her ankles throwing them somewhere on the floor. She tingled with anticipations, she couldn't wait any longer she was ready for him. She leaned up and grabbed his hand pulling him to her face kissing him madly. He reached for the covers but she kicked them off, pushing her hand into his boxers using her feet to pry them off his sweet skin as she kissed his chest. He took his hand and rubbed her thighs. Pulling on the Strings to her panties. She smiled as he kissed her teeth.

They laughed, and he got them undone. She lifted up and felt his Man-ness touch her Soft skin. She bit her lip, she couldn't wait any longer She didn't care anymore she just wanted him inside her filling her completely, She put her hand on him and slid it inside, he had end noticed until he felt her wetness on him. His eye got wide and she thrusted him with his hips inside her deeply. He got the hint as she grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. He pounded it in just like she wanted him to. He did everything she wanted when she wanted just how she wanted it. Like he read her mind. She got just what she wanted..when she wanted it , at some costs he thought to himself. She didn't even let him put on anything. She just went for it. He couldn't think much, he just did what he needed to do for her, and himself. They fulfilled each other with warmth. She loved how it felt to be with him. Him inside her, she just loved it. She held out and long as she could till she couldn't hold it any longer and they climaxed together like one big earthquake. They just laid in a heaping pile of moans and heavy breaths together. Until he pulled out of her slowly, rolled over and took her with him holding her in his arms. And they just blinked together.


He was supposed to be there the next morning when she got up. She opened her eyes and moved her hand out to reach for him on the pillow next to her but no Aiden. She saw a note on the wall across the room after looking around. It said he had to go somewhere, and would see her later when he came to get her. He told her to make herself at home, that he'd be back soon with coffee and food. Not to answer the door to anyone, that he had a key. That he loved her and again.. He'd be back soon. Lily smiled at the note and kissed it. Placing it back on the wall with the little bit of tape that held it up. She sat on the bed and sighed.

What was she going to do while he was gone? She wondered why he didn’t have any family with him, in this place he called home. She'd ask him later. She sat for a while, and got up to the bathroom. Noticing she didn’t have anything on she laughed and found a robe. Put the funny looking white robe on and tied it. Lily walked up to the bathroom door and turned the knob it creaked and opened slowly. She pushed her way inside and looked at the old looking bathroom. She went up to the mirror and held out her arms. She took one of her hands and ran it on the other arm slowly. Looking at the reflection in the dirty mirror. She sighed and put her arms down. She lifted her arms once more and ran them on her face looking hard at herself. She closed her eyes. The moment was so quiet she didn’t realize what happened next. She felt a hand on her shoulder and startled. It was Aiden, his blurry dirty image starred back at her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She wiggled free and spun around. Wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

" I got coffee" Aiden Said softly.

" I read the note" Lily replied quietly, as tho only they needed to hear.

" Want some?" Aiden asked.

" Yes, Please." Lily Said as she took his hand and he lead her out of the bathroom into the liveing room area.

He picked up the cup-like boxy thing, and gave her a hot cup. She winched a bit at the warmth, But drank it anyways. He blinked down at her. He wasn’t sure how she liked her coffee. Obviously Black. Aiden smiled and slipped his own siting down on the chair patting his lap for her to sit. She made a funny look and sat down anyway. He laid back and slipped his coffee till it was done and sat it down next to him on the floor. Looking up at Lily smiling.


He wasn't sure she knew what she siting on his lap would be doing to him, But he surely wasn't going to tell her. She sat there like an angel, sweet and soft, talking to him but he could only watch her mouth moving. Sometimes the words he heard, but not always, he was to busy admiring her beauty. Though, the thought of her naked popped into his mind many times, he kept that to himself also. The beauty that she was, he didn't want to push or scare away. So he mostly just watched her, listened and tired his best to make. It looks like he was really listening, though he couldn't but admire. She talked about the night before, and how much it meant to her. He knew how much it did. She really didn't need to say. He told her about how much it meant to him, and she smiled. That beautiful captivating smiles that caught his breath when he tried to exhale. He didn't know what he would ever do if she decided they weren't meant to be. An from before, he knew it might happen again, but he would try damn hard to not make it that way again. As long as he live, he would love Lily, even if she didn't understand the torment he gave her with that beautiful smile. How many times he just wanted to kiss those luscious lips, she did have. What was he going to do? How could he tell her. He was madly in love with her, and she didn't understand. He told her before but did she really believe him. She told him all those things that day, Maybe she did love him.

" Aiden, We have to do something about this day," Lily said smiling.

"Yes, we do." Aiden replied pulling Lily close to him and plunking onto the bed. Soft giggle could be heard from her sweet voice, They were playing wildly among the sheets of the messy bed.

Lily Laughed " what should we do today?"

"I think we should lye in bed all day long." Aiden said " And bask in the warmth of each others hot sweaty bodies." He added.

" Oh should we?" Lily said raspy unsure of her own voice, being so out of her mind.


"Yes, and ill start with kissing you, and then, ill make love to you all over again." Aiden said smiling widely.

Lily smiled, and Aiden leaned in and places his mouth over hers kissing her deeply. She was so lost in him she would have stopped him and teased him a bit, but she couldn't stop anything now. She was lost in the moments to come. An the moment were more then she could ever handle. They had been like this before she thought, but never like this. She was lost in the moment he gave her she couldn't breath, she couldn't talk, she couldn't think. She could just be as the moment went on. He broke the kiss and made sure to cover all the places that made her creep to the edge. He took special care of the back of her thighs. That made her the wildest. She was just lost. An all she could do was smile.

he nights sounds sung to her put her right to sleep. She couldn't believe she slept so hard. So wonderful, So great. She sighed and curled in tighter to his warm body. He ran his hand along her stomach and along her thighs. An back up again, holding her tightly next to his chest. He could hear her soft breaths echoing in the silence room. He smiled and kissed her neck, moving bits of hair out of the way, an snuggled in close to the curve of her. An drifted off to sleep. Sweet dreams of happy thoughts. Aiden smiled and he woke the next morning with her still in his arms. He kissed her neck and behind her ear. Nuzzling her to wake.

Lily opened her eyes slowly and smiled. She felt him kissing behind her ear in the most nice places. She smiled wider until her smile was from ear to ear and shifted her body a bit. Aiden noticed her moving and moved up to kiss her lips. Lily opened for him and he kissed her deeply. Wonderful morning sounds played in the background of this Lovely Saturday. Lily looked up at the guy she just loved to death and couldn’t think of anything better then this. Lying in bed with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Aiden jumped.

" Ow! your hands are so cold." Aiden said grabbing her hands and puting them in his rubbing them with his own.

" I know I felt them being cold..I just wanted to see you jump." Lily said giggling.

" Oh did you now?" Aiden said smiling widely.

" Yup, sure did." Lily said with a big smile on her face.

" Well, as big as that smile is I'm going to have to tickle it off you now." Aiden said as his hands drifted to Lily's sides. Lily tried to move and squirm away but he tickled her fiercely. She howled with laughter until she couldn’t take anymore

" okay ! okay " she screamed laughing out of her mind.

" I win.." Aiden said grimly.

" Oh do you?" Lily said sliding her hands down his sides and into the sides of his Pj's he must have sliped on at night in the coldness of there rooms temperature, which probably kept her warm all night. He jumped at her cold hands and she slid them down on to his warmth.

" whhat..are you doing Lily?" Aiden said chattering.

" I'm winning" Lily said making the corners of his mouth turn and jump around. As he moaned with pleasure she new she won.

~Chapter 26~

Lily had fallen back asleep in Aiden’s arms only to wake up to him gone and a note on the pillow that she hugged tightly.

" Dear Lily " it read..

" I went to my house to pick up some of my things, I’ll be back shortly, I needed some of my clothes. I cant wake up every morning with you and have nothing to wear. I'll be back soon, and when i get back, I'll be the one winning this one." Lily sighed

" Love your Truly, Aiden"

Lily sat up, and reached for her robe. It wasn't there. She tried sliding one foot from out from under the covers but it wouldn't move. She lifted the covers to see what had caught her foot so tightly inside, and to her surprise, she was tied to the bed still stark naked and unable to move. She was tied both feet to the posts with some kind of silky rope. She reached down to untie it but it was tied snugly so, she most likely couldn't. "Aiden" she thought. He must have done this. She sat there in her bed and covered her naked body with her covers. After a while she gave up on trying to untie it and just laid back down on the bed with a loud thump.

" Ouch!?" Lily said loudly with a pain throbbing in the back of her head. she turned around and lifted up her pillow. There was a pair of handcuffs placed nicely open under the pillow. She couldn't believe her eyes. " Aidenn!?" she called out.

"Aiden, Where are you this isn’t funny anymore." She said shyly. She heard a creek of her front door being opened, and foot steps from outside her door. She listened and heard them start to over to her room. A tap at her door and lily laid her head back down quickly and closed her eyes shut.

Aiden walked into the room. She was so beautiful all sprawled out in the bed they had slept in together. he laid his clothes on the chair by the door and shut the door behind him. He never thought he could be so in love with someone so beautiful as she was all naked still just for him. he wondered if she had woke up at all and read his note, Or noticed her legs tied to the bed. This way he was sure to win this battle. An the hand cuffs he placed would come in handy later if he needed them. Keeping her hands away from him so he could please her correctly, this time instead of her pleasing him. He heard her make a noise and walked over to the bed. Aiden sat down next to her and kissed her forehead, her eyes opened slowly but surely and she smiled up at him. He leaned in and gave her a mind blinding kiss that was sure to make her knees buckle and her heart race for more. He slid his hands down the blankets and found a little opening sliding his hands along her soft skin of her thighs. She blinked wildly up at him. Lily opened her mouth to speak, and he hushed her with a wild kiss, as he rubbed her thighs. A soft moan came from her lips.

" Oh, Aiden.." Lily said finely after not being able to say anything at all. It felt like forever.

" Shh, Let me do this right." Aiden said kissing along her neck.

Aiden looked at her and she smiled and put her hands on his neck edging that he wanted him to kiss her he did, grabbing her arms and moving them away from him and to the front of the bed.

"There, keep them there." Aiden said firmly. Lily nodded and gave him a ear to ear smile. He smiled back and went back to kissing her neck. She giggled with such spirt that it drove him wild. He shifted his body to lie next to her, and began pulling the covers down to expose her gorgeous breasts before him. He took one in his hand and made her scream with delight with the way he touched her. Moving his hands along her belly and down to her thighs again, she squirmed and grabbed for him. He looked up at her and stopped what he was doing. She sighed and put her hands back above her head where he put them before. He smiled and kissed down her belly. Until he reached her most sensitive spot it made her giggle and squirm and scream till no end. He dipped into her. She tasted so sweet. He went on an on till he new he couldn’t take anymore. He looked up at that beautiful women before him and smiled. She smiled back and blinked up at him with those exquisite lashes of hers. Aiden undid his belt to his pants and pulled his shirt over his head. Lowering himself down on her full filling her completely.

“Couldn’t be a better win” he moaned out of breath from their wild passionate lovemaking. She said nothing and just rose up to him. Gripping her legs around his waist pulling him into her deeper and deeper with each breath he took. They made love until they both couldn’t move or speak and just fell asleep in each others arms.

Aiden opened his eyes. An the first thing on his mind was he didn’t protect her like he always said he would. He should have stopped he thought..gotten some protection. He would never forgive himself if he wounded her in anyway. He new she was on those pills, but that was never a hundred present. What would he do? He loved her so much.

He closed his eyes and went back to sleep. It was still dark out. The sound of Lily sleeping made him smile and he drifted off to sleep. He woke up, to find that beautiful girl still in his arms. Aiden moved his hands from the front of her and began rubbing her belly softly. He saw her move a bit, she turned around to face him, but she was asleep, sound asleep. He took his hand and brushed around her belly to her side and ran it along her curves. Aiden smiled and ran his hands up to the top of the covers and pulled them down exposing the sleeping beauty’s fully naked but exquisite body. He reached down for one of her arms and lifted it up looking at her wrists. He ran his fingers and palms softly over her scarred skin, leaned in and kissed her wrists. He placed her arm back down and ran his fingers and palm along her arm to her shoulder and made a trip to her hips. As the trip continued he made a stop at her thighs, seeing the scars there, they were more bolder then the ones on her wrists. Lily made a sleeping sound and from the side she was on, she turn'd an laid on her back. Aiden smiled up at her beautiful sleeping face and started down to her thighs kissing the scars everyone he found was new. He’d never have seen them in the dark, now he knew. Ever since the sunlight hit her body he knew. He smiled. She was beautiful. He right then knew the truth. She was “the one” for him. He would do anything for her, anything.

Lily opened her eyes, Aiden was still with her. She looked over at the clock is was past noon. She had to get up and go to work, to the doctors, to the world she didn’t want to attend. She wanted to stay tangled in Aidens’ arms all day long.

Lily sat up, and looked down at his closed eyes. She didn’t want to wake him.. So she crawled slowly but surely out of the sweetest place she had ever been inside and went to her bathroom. Lily looked up into the mirror seeing her Sex crazed hair-do. She thought it did her good. Made her smile at the sight of her messy hair all knotted from nights of no sleep and just sexual pleasures. She smiled widely and got undressed. Lily turned on the shower and stepped inside. The warm water ran along her cold skin. The rush of heat sent her to her own little heaven, for just a bit. Then she knew she had to leave, get dressed, and face the world. Tomorrow was school again, work, and life. Not that she wanted to go. It was her vacation, the best vacation she ever had. Next time she thought, shed go somewhere else. Other then her boring little room she turned into something like a home. One she wished she could leave and start all over again, So many memories. Lily got out of the shower wet with newly fresh skin. Free of Aiden smell. Even though she could still smell his spiciness all over her skin. She smile into the mirror for so many times she had cried or frowned into it. She liked what she saw. She grabbed her towel and towel-dried her hair. Wrapping the towel on her head and around her body with the other. She opened the door to find Aiden up and siting at the edge of the bed. Still fully naked. She laughed, inside of course, couldn’t let him know she thought he looked mighty sweet there all naked on her bed.

“ Where are you going? “ Aiden asked with a big grin on his face and morning glare in his eyes.

“ Work, where else do you think im going on a Sunday?” Lily added smartly.

“ Oh, I thought you didn’t have to work till we went back to school.?” Aiden asked.

“ No, I have to work, I asked for those few days off, but they needed me today. So, im going and i'll be off in a few hours. And i'll come back and we can go out to dinner if you like?” Lily said smiling.

“ That’s fine with me. I can go home. Fix up my stuff.. I gotta look around for some work I have to do. Then go to the hardware store and make sure they don’t need me tomorrow.” Aiden said.

“That’s fine. You can stop by the coffee shop around Six. And come get me and well go out. Okay?” Lily said twirling her curly hair on her finger, she had taken the towel down and gotten dressed, geting her hair all stuck on her finger making a funny face at the pain.

“That’s fine.” Aiden added, getting up off the bed and walking slyly over to her planting a kiss on her lips. She jumped and smiled.

Lily picked up her bag, and grabbed her keys to her house. “Aiden when you’re done, you can just lock to door and leave. No one will notice.” Lily said as she opened the door and shut it behind her quietly.

Aiden thought he should grab his pants and boxers and put them on. Not in that order, he thought laughing out loud. Aiden got up and put his boxers on and picked up his pants. An all of the other belongings he might have lost last night. He looked around Lily's room. She was it. He knew she was. Aiden thought about what it would be like liveing with her, Waking up every morning to her femine smell. He liked that idea, and he was going to make sure she never got away.

~Chapter 27~

Lily walked her graceful morning walk to work. Not that she wanted to go, but they needed her. For what she wondered it was a coffee house, not some high classed bar. Making her way close to the coffee house, she thought about the cute nakid boy that was probly still in her bed. Nakid. Her skin went goosebumpy, and she sighed. When she reached the coffee house it was empty, with a note on the door.

" Dear Lily, sorry i was so damanding about you working today we closed the shop up for today have a good day, Love Vinny" Lily sighed loudly. Turned around and went toward home.

To her suprize, Aiden had left already, probly doing his own thing. So Lily walkd around the room picking things up. Moving things around throwing nasty things away that should have been thrown away days ago. She found all her dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. Turned on some loud music and grabed are drawing book and pencil. She laid on the bed and began to draw but found that laying down wasn't the position she needed. Lily got up and went to the big chair and curled up into it, puting her knees to her chest and leaning down to finsh the drawing she had started a while back. Smiling widely and the mess on the paper she felt done and closed the book. Looking around at the room, she breathed in deeply and found his smell still lingering in the air. Smiling she put her feet on the floor and walked to the bathroom fixing her day old make-up. After she felt she looked better with a lil eyeliner and lipgloss. She walked back out to find Aiden siting on the chair smiling at her.

" I thought you were going to work today" Aiden said.

" I was, but when i got to the coffee house no one was there, an the sign on the door said have a good day off." Lily answerd back.

" I see, So what do you wanna do today?" Aiden asked with an even bigger smile on his face then before.

" I don't know, I'm tired." Lily said walking over to the bed and ploping down on it.

Aiden got up gtom the chair and came to sit by her, rubing his hands along her back and slideing her coat off her sholders and down her arms laying it aside. He ran his hands along her back in a most pleasureful mannor, and Lily sighed heavly. After a while, lily heard him clear his throught. She sat up a bit and looked up at him with consern.

"Lily, we need to talk abut something." Aiden said in the upmost grownup style Lily had ever heard him sound.

" Yes?" lily askd with a a big lump in her throught.

" I Love you Lily, and i care deeply about you.i would never want anything bad to ever happen to you or to us. Im worried Lily. An i dont want to be so worried about you. But, i am When we had sex that time without the protection on, i felt like i hurt you, like i did something not to protect you. And i want to make sure i dont do that again, unless you want me to. An to be sure your okay now." Aiden said.

" Aiden i love you. you didnt hurt me. We both make choices. An i could have stoped you, but i didnt. I choose not to. You protect me with your loveing heart. And if it'll make you feel better, we'll take a test."

" I'd like that Lily." Aiden said pulling her closely and hugging her.

" I have one." Lily stated. Aiden looked down in shock. " i bought one the day after the event. just in case id need it.

" You're a smart girl Lily. can we do it now?" Aiden asked.

" Yes" Lily said getin up and going to the bathhroom grabing his hand on the way there.

Aiden sat on the toilet bowl and looked over at lily who was grabing the box out from the medicine cabinet. He got up when she came by to toilet. she opend the box and read the instructions, then handed them to Aiden and undid her pants and began to Pee on her stick. Adien stared blankly at the mirror, and went back to reading the instructions on these werid things. Lily told him she was done and put it on the counter and waited. He wasnt sure why they had to wait till he got to that part on the instrustions, then it made sence. so he said on the edge of the tub and waited with her grabed her hand and held it tightly, but gentle.

Lily looked over at the stick. she wasnt sure if she wanted to know what color it might be. She was scared. A Baby? What on Gods green earth would she do with a baby. she knew they were hard work. They weren't easy. But if she had to she would. Siting up more lily looked at the stick. Aiden lookd at the instructions.

" Blue means No baby, Pink means Yes baby." Aiden said face in the instructions still holding her hand. Lily looked down at Pink. she took a deep breath and shockingly looked over at Aiden who looked over at her and then down at the stick his eyes got wide and then looked at her. she was glad he was there he held her hand tighter then pulled her on to his lap and held her tightly. She was breathless.

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