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wElcOMe 2 mI lIfE...
Thursday, November 25, 2004
the big move...
Mood:  special
yea maybe, i have sold out live journal..but a girl's got to do, what a girl's gotta do. well maybe this is much better than live journal, and has more imaging abillities, and stuff like that. 2day is thanksgiving, and iim like real bored,.right now, i would be shopping, but unfourtunetly eveything is closed. so here i am stuck inside the house just watching movies, well right now im just listening to mi sister watch this movie, "down with love"

yea so ummm... skool is going along fine, i dont have too many friends as much as i did last year, but other than that, its going pretty fine. i known as the "smart" kid in my class, but to tell you the truth, im not that that smart...its just that they are stupid. yea im glad that there is NO skool, so i can hang out with mi sister, and mi family.

i have a recital coming up december 5th...omg its that time again,...the time i get so nervous cuz i have to perform in front of ppl, and thats not the best thing i can do. and then a few dyays after that i am going to Falcon Cove to go to the band concert. i cant wait to see everybody!! and im going to bring presents and stuff for all of mi friends so im really looking foward to that. well of course of course mi dad needs to use the computer so im about to be kicked off the computerright x0x

Posted by stars5/cookiemonster52 at 4:49 PM EST
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