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/Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 92.13232 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 98.02490 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 14.0 14.0 ] /FontSize 14.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 98.02490 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 102.23584 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 7 /Advance 144.44775 /TrailingAdvance 4.21094 /Leading 16.80000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 14.0 14.0 ] /FontSize 14.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 102.23584 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 53 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 110.78760 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 14.0 14.0 ] /FontSize 14.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 110.22705 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 68 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 115.27881 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 14.0 14.0 ] /FontSize 14.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 115.27881 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 81 74 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 134.61084 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 14.0 14.0 ] /FontSize 14.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 134.61084 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 13 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 140.23682 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 14.0 14.0 ] /FontSize 14.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 140.23682 56.06718 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 68 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 144.44775 56.06718 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> ] >> >> ] >> >> << /Procession 0 /LineTop 61.88906 /Leading 14.40000 /RomanBaseline 70.46719 /WordStarts [ 0 5 8 11 ] /CharacterCount 11 /Segments << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Range [ 0.0 154.50000 ] /Words << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 5 /Advance 79.34766 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 47.63672 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 38 50 80 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 70.68750 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 70.68750 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 75.73828 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 75.73828 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 79.34766 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 3 /Advance 97.42969 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 79.34766 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 50 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 87.61523 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 87.61523 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 81 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 93.82031 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 93.82031 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 97.42969 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 3 /Advance 110.47266 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 97.42969 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 44 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 100.65820 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 100.65820 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 81 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 106.86328 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 106.86328 70.46719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 68 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 110.47266 70.46719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> ] >> >> ] >> >> << /Procession 0 /LineTop 76.28906 /Leading 14.40000 /RomanBaseline 84.86719 /WordStarts [ 0 7 11 17 ] /CharacterCount 17 /Segments << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Range [ 0.0 154.50000 ] /Words << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 7 /Advance 71.49902 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 40.81934 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 51 85 76 70 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 59.31152 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 59.15332 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 64.20410 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 64.20410 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 86 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 67.88965 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 67.88965 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 71.49902 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 4 /Advance 88.93066 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 71.49902 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 68 85 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 80.27051 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 80.27051 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 85.32129 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 85.32129 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 88.93066 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 6 /Advance 117.29004 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 88.93066 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 42 85 72 68 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 110.05957 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 110.05957 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 87 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 113.68066 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 113.68066 84.86719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 68 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 117.29004 84.86719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> ] >> >> ] >> >> << /Procession 0 /LineTop 90.68906 /Leading 14.40000 /RomanBaseline 99.26719 /WordStarts [ 0 5 10 14 19 24 29 31 ] /CharacterCount 31 /Segments << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Range [ 0.0 154.50000 ] /Words << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 5 /Advance 32.05664 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 3.98438 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 48 68 78 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 23.39648 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 23.39648 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 28.44727 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 28.44727 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 32.05664 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 5 /Advance 54.58008 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 32.05664 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 86 88 85 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 45.91992 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 45.91992 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 72 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 50.97070 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 50.97070 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 54.58008 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 4 /Advance 74.16211 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 54.58008 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 92 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 59.32031 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 59.08008 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 82 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 64.81641 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 64.81641 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 88 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 70.55273 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 70.55273 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 3 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 74.16211 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> ] >> >> >> << /Type 0 /Base << /CharacterCount 5 /Advance 101.98828 /TrailingAdvance 3.60938 /Leading 14.40000 /TrailingCharacterCount 1 /StyleRunAlignment 2 /Language 0 /WordCode 1 /IsBrokenWord 0 /BreakType 0 /Strikes << /WritingDirection 0 /Children [ << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 74.16211 99.26719 ] /GlyphMaps [ 70 82 80 ] /LigatureMaps [ ] /Flags 4 /FillColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.20001 0.0 ] >> /StrokeColor << /Type 1 /Values [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] >> /OriginEnd [ 93.32813 99.26719 ] /OutlineWidth 1.0 >> << /Font 0 /Direction 0 /GlyphDirection 0 /Scale [ 12.0 12.0 ] /FontSize 12.0 /Tracking 0.0 /AntiAlias 4 /Kerning 0.0 /Origin [ 93.32813 99.26719 ] 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