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!Hey! My name is Chelsea. I live in a small town in Wisconsin. I am 13 years old and in 7th grade. I have green eyes and brown, blond, and red hair.

I like to go swimming, play on the computer, talk on MSN, talk on the phone, hang with friends, read, play basketball and volleyball, and watch tv.

Some of my best friends are Heather, Melinda, Annie, Ashley, Carina, Stephanie, and Katie.

I have a little baby sister. Her name is Zoee she is 6 months old. I also have a little brother who is 11, his name is Ryan.
My mother Michelle, just got remarried a year ago to Jason. He is pretty cool, for a stepfather*L*. Click here to see a picture of them.
My friend Melinda is pretty talented. One day at school she had nothing to do so she made something for me. This is a picture that she made for me.

Take a look at some funny animal pics I found. I'm sure you will get a laugh out of them! And when you are done with them here are some others that are just plain cute.

Thanks to all who visited, to those that signed my book or emailed me, and to those who gave me an award

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