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My Favorite Bands & Artists

My Favorite Web sites

Music Videos
Games, PC images, & prank jokes

Thanks for visiting my page here at Angelfire. Its not that great so thanx for checking it out. Anyways, Im 13, I live in Escondido CA. I really dont do anything all day except go to the pool in my backyard and swim, listen to music and go on the Internet. I go to the movie theaters once in a while with my cousins. If any of my friends are reading this aka: Riley, Nicole, Regan, Natsumi, Samantha, Krislyn, Randy, Kaylee, Aaron, Lhee, Leon, Ricky, Andrew, Angel, Shelly, and everyone else, I'd just like to say hi and that i miss you!! Well, people, I hope you enjoyed my webpage and tell everyone else about it!!Thanks!!Bye** *Chanee*
