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Cassidy's Corner

For My Regular Updates, Visit My New "BLOG"

I'm one now and that means it's time to refresh my site! I needed an easier format to update you on my latest doings and accomplishments. This page will now function more as a main navigation for the site. Pictures will be updated but not weekly - for the most recent photos, keep checking my Photo Album. From now on I will be maintaining a web log or Blog. This is like an online diary. I will not necessarily be updating this every week. I will update it whenever I feel I have something worth telling. Sometimes that will be longer than a week or sometimes I will update it more than once in a single week. If you subscribe to my Mailing List, you will continue to receive notification whenever I post an update to the site. Remember that you can always read my Previous Updates. Thanks for your interest in "Cassidy's Corner" and please continue to visit often!

Click here to see my PHOTO ALBUM!

E-mail Me (My mommy handles all my correspondence.)

Click here to SIGN or VIEW my guestbook.

Guestbook Reminder: I'm hoping that people will use my Guestbook as a regular means of sending me nice comments and wishes regarding my latest feats and development, etc. Some guestbooks are only meant to be signed once, but my Mommy wants to be able to print out a permanent copy someday as a keepsake of the people in my life and their nice comments so please keep that in mind and sign it again every now and then :)

Click here to read previous weekly updates or click here to Join my mailing list and be automatically notified when my site is updated

Last Updated: October 27, 2004, 2004

This page is Copyright © 2004, Jennifer Towns. All rights reserved.