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courtesy of anne geddes

We discovered we were pregnant on February 4th, 2005. We're very excited to welcome our little baby bear into the world and can't wait to share our love, hopes, and dreams with him/her. We're definitely looking forward to this new chapter in our lives. Adrienne is very excited about being a big sister!

Baby Bear Week 5

Already a busy little bee, your developing embryo now has three layers. The outer layer, or ectoderm, will develop into the nervous system, while the endoderm, or inner layer, will become the liver, pancreas, intestines, and bladder. This week, the mesoderm, or middle layer, is developing into the heart and circulatory system, which will be the first organs to function. In the weeks to come, the mesoderm will also form the bones, muscles, kidneys and reproductive organs.
Friday, February 4th, 2005

This morning I woke up with very tender breasts, and throughout the night I swear I woke up every half hour to go to the bathroom. I was already worried because I was a few days late and I am very regular. My initial plan for tonight was to go out for my friend Sara's Birthday, but I didn't want to go out and drink with the thought of it being possible I was pregnant. Harmony had the car today, so I called up my friend Jennie and told her to take me to the walk-in clinic for a pregnancy test.You can believe Harmony's suprise when I showed up at work and gave him this.

Here is the pregnancy test

He was really happy, and so then I called all my family.They are all excited, being a the first one turned out so perfect!:~) I still went out to the bar, but lucky me I got to be the DD.
*Our Pregnancy*

Latest Photo


Darling Devil

Snow Bear

Birthday Bear



Belly Shots

The Nursery

Baby Links

American Baby

Baby Center

Baby Zone


Baby Names


Snuggle Pie

Baby Bear Number 2
Lilypie Baby Ticker