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Sunday, 28 November 2004
Happy birthday to ME!!
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: The HUM of the computer
man... i am a total SLACKER when it comes to writting in this thing!! oh well... at least i'm writting now. life has been totally INSANO this past month! todays my 17th birthday... if you couldnt tell already! sadly... its not SWEET 17 but i think i'll get over that... kissing is fun so i think i'll live w/o the sweet 17 thing. Winter guard has started!! or.. it WILL start tomorrow. yay for getting up at 4 freakin 30 in the morning!! very exciting. so... so far this birthday i've gotten CD's from all my friends... or something ORLANDO from a few of my friends. I've gotten Maroon5, Jesse McCartney, Destinys Child, and Ryan Cabrera. but those arent all i'm getting. my sisters are both giving me CD too. so now i have bunches and bunches of new CDS!! yeah moving on... yesterday i saw Finding Neverland and i must say if you havent seen that movie yet... go see it like... RIGHT NOW!! its sooooo amazing!! i was crying like... even after i had left the theater!! its sooo brilliant!! and johnny depp is freakin more amazing than ever in that movie!! yeah... good show. lol thats an understatement! ok well... i'm thinkin i'm gonna go get ready for church so.... SMILE!!
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 10:30 AM MST
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Friday, 12 November 2004
and a month later....
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: 'Feeling Way Too Damn Good' by Nickelback
wow... its been like... a freakin MONTH since i last wrote in this thing. crazy sauce. anyway tonz of crap has happened since i last wrote. i found out for like the millionth time that boys are screwed up losers.... it took me way to long to decide that. the only thing they are good for is looking at and flirting with... other than that they totally suck. sorry if you are a guy and you are reading this. lol no offence to you or your 'race.' lol anyway... girls might be totally confusing but guys just plain SUCK!! yeah so moving on...
last month was totally crazy!! it was the end of the term... a date dance... and color guard craziness!!! lol!! went to Vegas for our last performance/competition of fieldshow season and we did really well. 3rd in our division out of 10 and 13th over all out of 30. so yeah that was pretty great i guess. and... thats all thats going on in my life at this point. OH YEAH and i'm going snowboarding on the 20th!!! i'm sooooo way excited!!! its gonna be a blast!! yay. ok well thats all!! SMILE!
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 4:17 PM MST
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Saturday, 9 October 2004
didnt think i'd have time to write today...
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Sweetest Goodbye by Maroon5
sorry.. on my last entry i made it sound like i was soooo busy so i thought i would be today but my plans were crushed by my bratty 12-year-old sister. grrrrrr. siblings make me soo mad sometimes. then i got a call from Adrienne the other day (in case you didnt know i have two sisters- older and younger) while i was at school and she left me a message telling me that she hated my message center and wanted me to change it. then she lectured me about how i'm the "example" to Hilary (the bratty 12-year-old) while shes (meaning Adrienne) in Moab even though shes never here anyway since she lives in Salt Lake now. grrrrr. sooo frustrating. so basically today is a waste until 2:20 when i'm going to see The Forgotten w/ my mom. then after that i have no freaking clue what i'm doing for the rest of the night. i might get the girls in my Sadies group together and plan out what our date is going to be but i still have no idea. maybe go to Emilys or Morgans... grrrr i hate not having a plan of what i'm doing for the whole day!!!! this is driving me insane. i cant stand it. okay so while i'm still frustrated and pissed off at everything in life... i'm gonna do try to do something productive.. if thats even possible right now. smile. laterz...
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 11:51 AM MDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 7:44 PM MDT
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Friday, 8 October 2004
finally FRIDAY!!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: 'I Hate Everything About You' by Three Days Grace
yes... i know that is an angry song... oh well. this has been the longest day ever and i found myself looking for Cody for most of it... i dont know why because hes in Cedar City right now... but oh well... it just happened. the week in general has been pretty okay. i'm in a fight w/ Kayla right now... well more like shes in a fight w/ me. she wont answer my calls or my texts and she left me a message a few days ago telling me not to call, email, or text her until she decides whether to believe me or Justin. i dont know why she would believe Justin (dont get me wrong... i'm in love with him) but shes kinda his X and shes never trusted him before but whateve. anyway yeah the week has been slow... but okay overall. guard has been hard lately cuz my muscles are so sore from running 30 yards in 16 counts with this 15 pound flag in my hands (12 ft. pole, 18 ft. silk). so yeah... thats kind of a bummer but other than that its all good. a week ago today is when i got my stitches put in so i should be getting them out soon (in case i didnt tell you.... i cut again but this time it was way way way way way deep so i had to get stitches... enouph said). thats my week in short cuz i really dont feel like going through everything in detail... but if you want to hear my story that happened yesterday email me... and i'll tell you ALL about it. its a good funny story. anyway i'm gone for tonight and probably all of next week to... here are my plans for next week.... tuesday: Davis Cup competition, Wednesday: Movie w/ Cody and other friends, Friday: something good... probably sadies meeting w/ the girls, Saturday: Mountain View Competition. if i get a chance to write sometime next week i'll go more in depth. talk to y'all laterz!! smile!
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 2:58 PM MDT
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Sunday, 3 October 2004
its been FOREVA!!!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Take Hold Of Me by Alex Band of The Calling
wow... i havent written if FOREVER!! i just kinda forgot about this thing, i've been so busy. crazy crazy sauce! so theres school, friends, competitions, and tonz of other crap that has been going on... it would take too long to explain what i've been doing for a month so i wont. the past few days have been really good. last week was was sophomore and Junior testing for three days which was a bummer but the week was ok. on friday i WAS goin to go ask Cody to sadies but instead i ended up spending 3 hours in the hospital... dont ask why. i'll only say that i had to get stiches in my arm near the back of my wrist. so then i went to the football game and hung out w/ Erica and Megan, then i hung out w/ Cori for a while, then i went w/ Britt and Shay for the last part of it and britt took me home. on saturday i woke up at 6:30, took a shower, gelled it back, went to the store and bought food, went home and made a lunch, went to Lone Peak, and then we drove up to logan for our competition that went pretty good. we didnt place over all but as a guard we placed 3rd over davis who was 4th. anyway i got home around 8:30, jumped in the shower, dressed called codys house to make sure he wasnt home then went and picked everyone up (morgan and britt) then went to his house and decorated his room to ask him to Sadies. it was the funnest thing i've done in a long time! but while we were still there we found out from my parents that he had been there for about 15 mins while we were finishing up so we paniced and sort of... ran/snuck out of his house. it was crazy. so yeah that was my day yesterday. then around 12 i called Justin and we only got to talk for about 15 mins cuz he had a game today. but yeah... todays conference so nothing has really happened for today. ok well i'm done for today... maybe i'll write later sometime but i really dont know if i'll even have time. smile. laterz
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 5:34 PM MDT
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Saturday, 11 September 2004
"down, down, down, you're all i wanted, down, down, down, you're all i needed now..."
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: 'On The Way Down' by Ryan Cabrera
today was long and kinda boring. heres way i did in a sentence: woke up, color guard, hair cut, shower, went to SLC, went shopping w/ my whole family, sat around for a long time, took a nap, playing cards w/ my fam, got mad at my sister, talked to my favorite person in the world (Justin), and now i'm sitting here listening to music. fun stuff! haha. not really. anyway the highlight was talking to Justin.... hes such an amazing person. anyways yesterday was pretty ok. school wasn't that great even though i only went to two periods (AP Psych. and Physics) but AP psych was way way fun. we took notes for a little bit then we took a field trip to the boys bathroom where we compared a toilet w/ psychological responses in our brains.. it was pretty cool. then we went back to class and i was part of an "object lesson" that was pretty fun. then the whole class made a circle around the room and did this thing that had to do w/ how long information takes to get to our brains before we actually react and we got the fastest time out of all her classes. anyway then later that day after school i went to the football game way early to practice w/ my practice buddy. THEN we lined up on either side of the track while the football team ran onto the field and the band played our school song. it was fun. i stood and watched the game w/ Erica, Morgan, and Cori while we made fun of tanner and grant. lol and i met grants brother and accidentally made fun of grant really bad in front of him. lol it was really funny. oh and the funniest thing happened yesterday too. it was awesome. Tanner called Erica and when they were talking Tanner admitted that he STILL likes me but i have a boyfriend... and He actually thought that i made Justin up. lol it was pretty funny. Erica and i couldn't stop laughing after she told me about it. it was sooo freakin funny. anyway so yeah that was the last two days for me. its late so i'll go now. laterz!! SMILE!!
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 10:14 PM MDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2004 7:49 PM MDT
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Tuesday, 7 September 2004
"i used to think you were the one now i'm sick of thinking anything at all..."
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: This Love by Maroon5
k so thats a really lame title. its part of the lyrics to a Maroon5 song ('through with you') and it doesnt really have any meaning to today. well... i was in a bad mood today and that is kind of an angry song so maybe it does i dunno. i've decided not to try and call Justin anymore cuz whenever i do hes either never home or he cant come to the phone and LAST NIGHT... i was so disappointed... i called and his sisters like "oh hes not home" and i asked her to have him call me back when i gets home and she said ok and hung up. k i wait up until 12 freakin 30 at night for him to call but NO hes doesnt. so i go to bed in a bad mood, wake up in a bad mood, and go to school in a bad mood. but it all turned out okay cuz i hung out w/ erica and made friends w/ Emily again... so it was happy. then in fourth period Erica and i wrote Justin and gabe all over our papers (she wrote gabe and i wrote justin) so that was fun. so yeah then i got a ride home w/ Will and when i got home a fell asleep for 2 hours which SUCKED! i hate sleeping after school. AND NOW i have tonz of AP Psychology homework to do! so.... i'm dont for today! SMILE!!
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 5:46 PM MDT
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Monday, 6 September 2004
no school.... and there was much rejoicing.... yaaaay.
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: nothing
right now is ok.... yesterday was good... dont really feel like writting today so have a nice day. smile.
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 12:54 PM MDT
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Friday, 3 September 2004
yay for three day weekends!!!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Lord of the Rings 3 soundtrack
i am soooo excited for this weekend! i'm not doing anything specific but its gonna be sooooo much fun! i can already tell. this week has been, seriously, the longest week of my life! today took soooo long to get over with and guard this morning was a nightmare! k so i get up @ 4:30 and decide to sleep in for like 10 more mins so i re-set my alarm for 4:40. my alarm never went off so i ended up getting up at 5:30 thinking i had just pushed the hour button on my clock so i go take a shower thinking i have all the time in the world... then my mom tells m e that i have guard at 6:30 instead of 6. so i'm like... oh i have a ton of time! so i took this huge long shower. when i get out its 6 and i freaked cuz i only have 15 mins to get ready. then i remembered that justin was gonna call so i turned on my phone but i MISSED HIS CALL!! i was soo mad at myself! then i go to guard and we end up going outside in the rain and freezing 60 mile an hour wind (or at least it felt like it) and learned new drill... i was the only one w/o a sweatshirt... it was soooo freaking COLD i felt like was an ice-sickle... my arms were turning purple. it was bad. so then i get sick and have to go home where i fix my horrible looking hair and re-do my make-up then i went back for half of second period. ok so that was my fun little guard experience this morning. oh and we performed 2 of our songs at the half-time show at the football game last night (Lone Peak-6; Timpview 36)... we got killed. it was sad. but the weather was almost at bad as today only more rain but less wind. so it wasnt has miserable. anyway i'm done for tonight. SMILE!!
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 7:07 PM MDT
Updated: Friday, 3 September 2004 7:10 PM MDT
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Monday, 30 August 2004
worst guard practice since band camp!
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Kalia- track 1 (dunno the name of the song)
school and guard just blend together now. they arent just two seprate things anymore. lol today was the longest, hottest, worst practice we've had since band camp. it was pretty bad and what was worse is we had more football players watching us.... haha our favorite thing! NOT! so anyway that was guard. today was one of those days where i was missing justin like........ a TON!! but i got to talk to him after school which was good. k this is getting boring and i'm sick of typing. smile. laterz.
--Caroline McAvoy

Posted by stars5/addicted16 at 8:29 PM MDT
Updated: Monday, 30 August 2004 8:30 PM MDT
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