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We're back at ZOOMlovers/Season 5

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History of ZOOM
Caroline is ZOOMin' to this page
Aline is enjoying her time here
Estuardo's dancin' through this page
Go, Garrett. He's ZOOMin with his skateboard
Mike is showing off again
Kortney is still laughing
Shing Ying is having problems on this page
Kortney and Estuardo:The lovers of Season 5
Vote in our ZOOMpoll and add comments
Cast Photos this way
Season 5 is in the house
Check out the notices
More notices for Season 5:Tidbits
Season 5 Episode Reviews Here
Favorite links are here
Made up Playhouses here
Message Board
ZOOM Reviews for Season 5

Reasons why Season 5 RULES

This page is all about the Season 5 ZOOMers. Since everyone is jealous of Caroline and Estuardo, this is a website just for all of the Season 5 cast. They all deserve a credit. ZOOMers, you'll thank me later. I promise. By the way, when you sign the guestbook, only appropiate things will appear. I mean it.
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