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3000 b. c. For the old world Ethiopia was a country full of mystery. People called every unknown part of Africa “Ethiopia”. This name has its origin in Greek and means “burned face”.

1000 b. c. South-Arabians came across the Red Sea and settled down as tradesmen on the coast of Eritrea. They introduced a new language and gave their new country the name “Sheba”. The Queen of Sheba travelled to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon.

975 b. c. The legend tells us that the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon had a son, Menelik I., who was the first emperor of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie claims to be the 225th monarch out of this family-line.

100 a. d. The settlers from South-Arabia built up a big kingdom with the city Axum as its centre and had trade-business with the Mid-East.

325-350 a.d. The civilization founded by the Axumites  reached its edge under the leadership of Ezana. He converted to christianity which from then on was the main religion of the Ethiopic state.

570 a. d. The birthday of Mohammed - For the Ethiopians this was the beginning of the dark years of war against Islam.

900 a. d. The extension of Islam forced the Axumites to go to the south.

1137 a. d. A new Zawge-Dynasty took over the throne.

1270 a. d. With King Yekune Amlak on the throne the family-line of King Solomon was re-established.

1434-1468 Zera Yacob, a great emperor, established the first diplomatic relationship with Europe.

1541 Christopher da Gama arrived at Masawa with 400 men.

1578 Emperor Sarsa Dengal stroke back the Turks who occupied Masawa.

1706 King Iyasu “The Great” was killed by his son Tekla Haymanot.

1721-1730 Emperor Bakaffa travelled through the big country in disguise and tried to destroy the power of aristocracy.

1800 This period of time is known as the Era of the Mesafints (leaders).

1813-1847 King Sahle Selassie, the great-great-grandfather of Haile Selassie, was King of Shoa

1855-1868 The era of Emperor Theodor, who tried to modernize the country.

1872 The Ras of Tigre is the new emperor, John IV.

1889 The crowning of Emperor Menelik II. took place in the capital Addis Abeba. He was forced to negotiate with the Italians about the frontiers of the Italian territory, Eritrea.

1891 The Italians tried to defeat the rebellions of Ras Mangasha.

1896 On 1st March the Italians had been defeated in the battle of Adowa and Ethiopia accepted as an independent nation.

1909 Menelik II. fell sick and his grand-son Lij Iyasu was the next emperor.

1913 Lij Iyasu tried to set his neighbors Somalia, Kenia, Sudan and Eritrea free from colonialization.

1916 Lij Iyasu was excluded from church.

1917 Princess Zauditu became the new emperor of Ethiopia and Ras Tafari Makonen became the new king.

1923 Ethiopia entered the League of Nations.

1924 Ras Tafari visited the European continent and returned with the crown of Emperor Theodore of England.

1928 Ethiopia signed a 20-years peace-treaty with Italy.

1930 Emperor Zauditu died and Emperor Haile Selassie was crowned in Addis Abeba.

1931 Haile Selassie introduced a constitution and opened a parliament.

1933 Quarrels with the Italians about water-sources.

1935 War with Mussolini.

1936-1940 Ethiopia was occupied by Italy and Haile Selassie escaped to England.

1941 Year of Liberation - On 3rd July the last Italians were forced to give up and Haile Selassie returned.

1942 The emperor started a recreation-program.

1945 Ethiopia received support from USA. Foundation of Ethiopian Airlines.

1952 Eritrea joined Ethiopia.

1960 An attack against Haile Selassie failed.

1966 Haile Selassie visited the Caribbean Islands.

1973 6 years of dryness had led 300.000 people into a big catastrophe.

1974 A group of army officers under the command of Major Mengistu started a revolutionary outbreak against Haile Selassie.

1975 Haile Selassie died. A revolution-government started to “socialize” Ethiopia.

1976 Foundation of the Office of Politics.

1977 War with Somalia.

1979 Proclamation of the green revolution which planned to collectively agriculture and built a committee for foundation of “The Party of Working People”.

1982 The government attacked the liberation movement of Eritrea.

1983-1985 Dryness and hunger - 750.000 people died.

1985 Foundation of “The Party of Working People” like in USSR.

1988 Ethiopia became a socialistic republic.


1493 Christopher Columbus  discovered the Island.

1509 The Spanish occupied the Island and killed the Arawaks.

1655 The English conquered the Island.

1670 The name Jamaica appeared as a part of the British Empire.

1672 Foundation of the Royal African Company - this made Jamaica to one of the biggest slave-markets of the world.

1735 The struggle with the Maroons, known as Maroon-Wars, started.

1739 Queen Nanny, one of the Maroon-leaders, and the British signed a treaty, but it didn't stop the fights.

1831 Big revolution of the Blacks.

1833 The equality of rights had been introduced which liberated 125.000 slaves.

1887 On 17th August Marcus Garvey was born in St. Ann´s Bay.

1914 Marcus Garvey founded the UNIA with the aim to improve the situation of the Blacks.

1930 Crowning of Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia. Birth of Rastafari.

1930-1931 Howell is preaching about the divinity of Haile Selassie.

1935 Garvey traveled to England. The Nyabinghi-Group is going to public.

1938 Establishment of the local EWF “Ethiopian World Federation”.

1940 Howell founded the Pinnacle-Community.

1941 Howell was arrested and the police closed the Pinnacle-Community.

1944 Jamaica got its own constitution.

1962 Jamaica got its independence  within the Commonwealth of Nation.

1963 Campaign against ganja.

1965 Donald Sangster became prime-minister.

1966 Haile Selassie visited Jamaica.

1968 The activity of the Rastas extended.

1972 In autumn bloody struggles took place and Michael Manley replaced Sangster.

1975 The emperor of Ethiopia died.

1976 Manley improved his position by winning the elections with great majority.

1981 Bob Marley died.

1984 The government accepted Rastafari as religion. 40 % of the population are Rastas.

1986 Opening of the Bob Marley Museum.

1988 Hurricane Gilbert destroyed parts of the Island.