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NeWbIe'S_hElPeR Neocircle

What I like About Neopets

OUr Linkz

~The Guild~
~Neomail Me~
~Guild Website~

Cream Soda

Hello! THis is the Newbie's Helper Neocircle! If you havem't joined, please do. THis Neocircle is currently under a small construction so please be patient until it becomes a beautiful piece or work like our guild. Thank you So much! Here, we will just have fun and game so look out for new games al right???

Cream Soda

New games are coming up here in this Neocircle to keep up!

WE will just have fun in this neocircle with games and all so watch out for the games. If you ahvent joined the Neocircle or the guild, I suggest that you do..its a really great guild...well...keep posted for more...~Buh Bye~
This NeoCircle is owned by horseangle664.
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