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Chapter Two The day passed by rather quickly and the parents started showing up to pick up their children. Six thirty rolled around and Jon was still here. Just then a tall, built man barged through the door. Jon looked up at the person, who had just walked in the door. “Justin…Justin,” he shouted, running to his older brother. “C’mon Jon we’ve got to hurry,” he said, trying to speed up the child. “Hold on, I wanna show you sumpfing.” “No Jon we don’t have time.” I was gonna walk over and say something, but decided against that. The young man finally coaxed the child in leaving. I was walking out of the classroom carrying paint from earlier, when someone came rushing around the corner and BOOOM, we collided sending paint all over the person, the floor, and me. “Oh my god…I’m so sorry,” I apologized, looking into a pair of piercing blue eyes, filled with anger. “Great, just great,” he said, looking down at his shirt, “thanks a lot!” He stormed back into the classroom retrieving Jon’s favorite blanket and stormed past her and out the door. “Very graceful Jordan.” “Ahhhh,” I screamed and turned around to see Michelle standing behind me, “god don’t do that!” “Well if you hadn’t been day dreaming you wouldn’t have spilled it.” “I didn’t spill it in the first place dumbass. Jon’s older brother came around the corner and he bumped into me and had the nerve to yell at me.” “Yeah well, guys are assholes.” “I think I just ran into the biggest one of all.” The girls laughed while cleaning up the mess. After the long day at work, I just couldn’t wait to get home. Once I was there, I grabbed the mail and let myself in. I looked through it, nothing but bills and junk mail. I kicked my shoes off by the front door and through the bill on the counter. I turned on the TV and the computer. I signed online but neither Kaytlin or Sam were on. So I just checked my mail. I had a few messages; mostly junk mail but I did have an email from Kaytlin. I clicked on her mail and proceed to read it. Dear Jordan, Hey girl what’s up? Not much here either. How are things with you? Good I hope. Well things are going good here too; I might actually have a job doing a photo shoot for some local band, for their demos. But that wont be for a couple more weeks, come to think of it, it might be in Bakersfield, cool huh. Oh I met this guy Benji; he’s the drummer in the band I was telling you about. Man he is soooo hot. Anyway I just wanted to say hi. Write back, talk to you later. Bye! ~*Kaytlin*~ “Of course she meets a guy,” I said to the computer. I got up and went to the kitchen to fix something for dinner and then sat down to watch my shows. After I was tired of watching TV, I decided to just got to bed. The next morning I got up, got ready for work and left. I was running a little late and catching all the red lights wasn’t helping. I finally got to work, got the classroom ready, and the kids all settled. I was standing by the sink, doing something when Justin and Jon walked in. Of course I look up and when I see it’s him I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing. “Good morning,” he said to me. “Morning,” I said not really answering. “Listen, I’m…” he started. “Caleb, Casey get down,” I said walking over to them, trying to avoid Justin’s words. Then I walked to the block center and began picking up the toys that were thrown about. Justin could tell that he wasn’t going to get a chance to talk to me, so he told his brother bye and left. “Hey Jon,” I said to him, when he came over to me. “Hi Jo.” He picked up a car and began playing with it. “He likes you,” he said nonchalantly. “Huh?” “I said he likes you.” I began laughing. “Sure Jon, yeah right!” “I can tell Jo, he was asking my mom about you.” With that he got up and ran to find another toy. “He’s three,” I said, shaking the thoughts from my head. I practically ignored Justin for the rest of the week and on Friday he didn’t say anything to me. Guess he got the message. Guys weren’t interested in me; that was Kaytlin. Not me. How could someone like Justin like someone like me? It didn’t happen like that. Over the next couple of weeks I saw Justin less and less. I thought maybe I had gotten rid of him, I was defiantly wrong. On Friday afternoon at the end of the day Justin showed up to get Jon. “Jordan do you know how not to be such a bitch?” he asked, after I ignored him for the first five minutes he was there. I turned around to face him. “Justin do you know not to be such an asshole?” I asked as I walked out of the room to leave. He just stood there, his mouth hanging wide open. I couldn’t wait to get home. As soon as I walked in my apartment I noticed the read light flashing, indicating that I had a new message. I walked over to the answering machine and listened to the taped message. “Hey Jordan, it’s me Kaytlin. Don’t make any plans for next weekend, I’m coming in town and I have a big surprise for you.” And that was it, leaving me hanging and having to wait until next weekend. Damn I hated when she did that to me.
