*qUoTeS 8*


:: yOo nEvEr kNoW WhAtS cOmInG yOoR WaY tOmOrRoW ::

i will remember yEw
and all the things we used to doO
babi i wish it was styll me n yEw

(( wHeN mE n MaH gUrLs SteP 0ut iTs LyK wh0a ))
(( wE bE GeTtIn aLL tHe GuYs n ThA dOuGh ))

Have i || ever || crossed yur mind?
a n y t i m e?

jus when i th0ught id reached the b0tt0m
l[ im dying again ]l

I hope your life is like toilet paper, long and useful.

Everybody's different. Some people look like cows, others look like aliens. Everybody's different.

¤£ïƒÊ ̧ å GâMë ¤ þ£Áÿ φ ¤ €ñJôÝ Í† ¤ WîÑ Ì†¤

:: Im TrYiNg tO [fOrGet] thAt
:: Im 'addicted' to *you*

:: tImEs CHaNgE ::
:: PeOpLe ChAnGe ::
:: bUt I KnO oUr FriEnDshIp wILl aLwAyS bE tHa SaMe ::

We HAvEnT BeEn FriEnDs 4 LoNg
We hAvEnT sUnG ThE SaMe SoNg
bUt Now ThAt We HaVe BeCoMe FrIeNdS
i KnO wE'll Be FrIeNds tIl The EnD!

{ they say yu cant always get what yu want }
but i KNO i want yu
{ and im gona get yu one way or another }

i knO we'vE brokeN uP...wE arenT 2getheR nemorE
buT i stilL thinK oF yoO, dO yoO stilL thinK oF mE teW?

l00k @ y3w..yur h0tta den f1re
n0w l00k @ me..am i the 0nl1 0ne y3w d3s1re?

[[ .y o u l l a l w a y s b e m y b a b y. ]]

*/\* can you help me find a way to carry on again */\*

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