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Thank You Deb!

Everthing you read is real, these incidences have happend to real people...

But Officer Sir...

I've never heard of a rotary that had a stop light. Plus, my drunken friend needed this ride!

But Officer Sir...

Do I really have to roll down my window? You're all sweaty and you smell!
...Enjoying the bike ride?

But Officer Sir...

I've got a YEAST infection and I'm not happy!

But Officer Sir...

I'm sure I can find my registration. Let me look in my glove compartment, nope. Oh, it must be under my seat, nope. I'll check my visor, nope. Oh, it's in my purse, nope. Ohhhhh, now I know, it's in my trunk, within a bag that contains a file folder. LEAVE NOW!

But Officer Sir...

Zzzzz, Zzzzz, big "Mr. Truck" here has somehow landed on top of me?

But Officer Sir...

You see, I was in a race with a guy and rather than let him win I figured I'd drive head on into this wall. I know sir, us women are stubborn.