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Galadriel's Magick Page

Rules For Casting Spells!

This is my spell page.I'm only going to include a few spells and a couple of links to some other great spell sites, because I encourage you to make our own spells; they are the ones that work the best! I hope you read the rules and give careful thought to everything to do, in Magick and everywhere else! Remember, I try to update this everyday, so keep checking back!

The Phases & Importance of the Moon in Magick

Waxing Moon (New-Full):"Pulling in what is desired". Best time to do spells for growth, beginning new projects, initiation, enhancement,and gaining.

Waning Moon (Full-New):"Pushing away what is not wanted". Best time to do spells to banish evil influences, lessen or remove obstacles and illness, neutralize (but never harm)enemies, and to remove harm.

The three days after the New Moon (Dark of the Moon) are the most powerful times to work spells for growth and beginnings which should manifest at the Full Moon.

Check your calender to see the phases of the Moon & when they are!

The Days of the Week, Their Color & Importance In Magick
Monday (Moon & White): Emotions, the Subconscious, Domestic Issues, Feminine Issues, Psychic pursuits and Dream Work.
Tuesday (Mars & Red): Self-Assertion, more Energy, Courage Victory & Passions are also indicated, as well as Masculine Goals in general.
Wednesday (Mercury & Purple): Mental Issues, Communication, Education, Self-Expression, Consulting Oracles (Tarot, Runes, etc.), Planning Magickal Work, Writing,Beauty, Sensuality, Healing, Peace.
Thursday (Jupiter & Blue): Prosperity & Money, Luck & Business Political Power, Influencing People in High Places, Law & Courts.

Friday (Venus & Green): Love, Friendship, Harmony, Spells for Artistic Ability & Creativity, Generally.
Saturday (Saturn & Black): Overcome Obstacles, Neutralizing Harmful Energy, Binding, Banishing, Proctecting by Blocking or Pushing Away Negative Forces.

Sunday (Sun & Yellow): Physical Strength, Obtaining Goals, Illumination, Initiating any Magickal Activity many kinds may be done on this day, the Sun is giving energy to them all, but best for Healing & Success.

Magick Links

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