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name - 翁美玲
English name - Barbara Yung
birth date - May 7th, 1959
favorite animal - 狗
favorite color - 白色, 紫色
occupation: 演员
birth country - 中国, 香港
death date :( - May 14, 1985

About 翁美玲 -

Since young, 翁美玲 has been loved by many people because of her pretty face. They all thought she stood out amoungst other youngsters. When she grew up into her early 20s , she began her career in acting. She gave many Chinese movies, such as "十三妹" and "挑战", a little touch of excitement by her acting. But the one fabulous movie that really made her famous was a movie called "射调英雄传". 翁美玲 acted a main character named 黄容, while a great actor named 黄日华 acted the other main character, 郭靖. I extremely enjoyed watching this movie. I cried along with the movie , giggled uncontrollably when happy, and whimpered at scary moments. They make it seem so real. They have great features, and such a realist story to it. I would definitely give it 5 stars! O_o

翁美玲照片 -

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