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hi Hunni's ...its me...April!!! For tha 1's that doesnt know me just a small town gal like likes to have fun lol hehe ...Im an Sophmore that attends WEHS!!! I have blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'4 and weighs around 107lbs ! I like doing lots of thangs ...some i wont mention lol j/k ...Drag racing is one of them. Im the 2002 Carolina Track Champ. . . Cheering,Talking on the phone, Hanging out w/ friends, riding around, talking on the net,giving advise to friends,listening to music,writing poems,and looking at quotes and poems, being the angel i am, spending time w/ family,and I love being around lil' kids, and just enjoying life to its fullest. But that isnt all ... my favorite and most important hobbie is ....God...everythang about him and WONDERFUl ... I love learning more about him, telling people, confessing my love for him ...I mean after all he is the reason we're here right ?! ...If i could leave you w/ one piece of advise it would have to be Live life to its fullest w/ no regrets of yesterday only wishes of tomorrow ... we arent promised any second ... FINISH what you want to accomplish TODAY ...DONT DELAY...and when in problems ...hand them to God ...he'll take care of them ... from time to time ...PRAY ...Pray ALOT ... let God know you are thankful and ask for forgiveness of your sins ... Dont ever take advantage of anyone or anything ... especially if we dont deserve it me, things can happen that isnt planned .....but like always, look on the Spiritual/and the bright side of thangs. Thats all I'll say about that ...Okay well I wana say hey to all my friends guys know who you are ...haha all of us have had our "MEMORIES" ...goodness!!! we wont go into detail ......okay another thang that i wana do is give yah some poems and quotes to look at ...I love these thangs!!! here goes kay ... *I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but I call them friends. *There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few special things that will catch your heart. * never knew what I had until the first day it wasn't there. *What breaks my heart the most when we're together is that when i look into your eyes, I don't see my reflection in them....I see hers. *It's not the fact that I miss being your girlfriend,it's just that I miss being in your life. *When I see your smile and know that it's not for me, that's when I miss you most *I can tell by your tears you will remember it all *Don't cry because it's over..Smile because it happened. -Unknown *"Gaze up at the stars knowing that I see the same sky and wish the same sweet dreams *If you're too busy judging people, you'll never have the time to love them." -Unknown *"Faith brought us together, destiny took us apart, we will always be together if we only follow our hearts." -Kellie Hutch *"The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting beside you and knowing you can't have them" -Unknown *The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn. -David Russell *How Lucky I am to have known someone it is hard to say goodbye to. -Unknown *In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. -Robert Frost *Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours. -Swedish Proverb *Always remember there are two kinds of people in this world: Those who come into a room and say,'Well, here I am' and those who come in and say,'Ah, there you are'. -Frederick L. Collins *"Live once, love forever." -Unknown *"When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened." -Helen Keller *You know it is love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if youre not a part of their happiness. -Unknown *The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must felt with the heart. -Helen Keller *Never put a heart around the name of whom you love, put a circle because hearts get broken and circles never end. -Unknown *You never really leave a place or a person you love. Part of them you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind. -Unknown *You know it’s love when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. - Unknown *A part of you has grown in me and so, you see, its you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart. -Unknown *You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. -Abraham Lincoln *You will find as you look back upon your life, that the moments when you have truly lived, are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. -Henry Drummond *Get over him is what they said, But,you just won't leave my head. I swear to them that I'll try, But,all it does is make me cry. I'm not sure what it was for you I felt, But,I do know whatever it was made my heart melt. At night you fill my mind so much, I cry myself to sleep, But, I thank you for that, because my dreams are ones to keep. Those eyes, that smile, oh what they do to me, But, at least I know, you can't take my memory. Being together, I thought made us strong, But, now I realize, I must have been wrong. I wish there was something I could do or say, But, I'm not sure you would even consider another day. You've broken my heart, and caused me so much pain, But, one day, I prey, the pieces of my heart, I can regain. *The man of my life, the man of my dreams, I was never alone because of him it seems. He corrects me when I am wrong, his love for me is forever long. He cheers me on when I am right and holds me close when times get tight. This man was there when I needed him badly. This man is the man that will always be daddy. *I'm sorry I ever loved, I'm sorry I ever hurt, I'm sorry if you cried, I'm sorry if your heart died, It was an accident, I didn't mean to, Right now I'm empty inside, Nothing can help me, Except the tears that fall, You'll find another, That will care for you more than I, I'll be happy for you, Smiling through my tears, And I know that your happy, Maybe I'll find another, And be just as happy, But now through my tears, All I know is that I'm sorry. *You can call me a heartbreaker Or think I'm a good faker You could say "I love thee" Or how much you hate me But one day you'll see And thank me For letting you go So very long ago Love is pain You hardly ever gain Just loss your heart And miss the other part I'm sorry I hurt you But I had to... To save you from The pain I could've caused Nothing can fix The way my heart is mixed With your love And my little white dove *CraZi gurl with blonde hair, Has all them men starin', Yeh, shes got the looks w/ the books, all she needs is a man, One that treats her with respect and doesnt call her a playa-ette, On the Cheer squad, shes so happy and all YAY, but they dont see her real face, Somethings missing inside her heart, Every night she swears she'll be okay, and all she can do is pray for the next day, maybe her prince will come to her throne, maybe all those GUYS will see what a wonderful gurl she is . . .Maybe *Next time you question me, I'll take it offensively. No more bein nice, you should've thought twice about hurtin me. *Ima make you feel like I do, if it's even possible for you. Cuz I don't think you care about anything.. and you're not even aware of any of the pain you put me through. I wish I could say I don't love you, but that would be lying, and that's something I won't do. Cuz I wouldn't wanna end up bein like you! *Oh how I wish I could see tears seep through your eyes, but even that wouldn't be enough to cover up the lies you kept from me. *He means so much to me i just wish he knew because when im around him the skys a different blue and when he talks to me my knees begin to shake the last thing i want is another heartbreak if he would love me like i do i could tell him that i will always be true but when i try to talk i just dont know what to say because i know he doesnt feel the same way ~*^*~Why do they stare so intently? WHile i just sit here writing gently. Im just a girl with a pretty face, Big heart, and notta lotta grace. I read my Bible thats for sure, but boys are always wanting more, they dont know what im looking for. They stare and whistle all the time, they dont know i love to rhyme. Im just a girl thats as far as it goes, so why do they bump me and step on my toes? and on purpose nontheless! Dont they regard MY happiness? Boys will be boys, i guess its true, but what am i supposed to do? Just sit back and be this girl? I guess i'll have to give it a whirl... If boys like me the way I am then I guess ill have to understand, that im just a girl with a pretty face, a big heart and notta lotta grace... *i WaZ BoRn iN ThE HeAveNs, Up iN ThA SkY, SeNt DoWn To EaRtH To PuT A tWiNkLe iN YoUr EyE ~^*^~NOW look at all tha luhin'~^*^~ MVbigdaddy1: Aprils a nice blonde Shane: Whats there to say you are like so cool, yeah its true i had to come bakc earlier cause i miessed you lol ;-), well whats there to say your just one of the coolest people i, your just so funny and blonde lol you know i love ya gurl kyle: april is mine David: i luh ya like a fat kid luv cake David: its the crazi blonde Shane C: i know, and your adoreable Shane C: lol i knwo you cant your so irrestiable Maggie: All these ppl think they love u... but i love u tha most! I love U like a old man Luv Viagra! John T: hey sexy babe i miss u but i still love u so much and dont never forget it. i wanna see u so bad just wish i could see u at least one more time in my life. that would make it special. John T: hey sexy u need to get on more so i can talk my girl more lol wish u were my girl. Lacey: i luh u like bees luh honey! John T: ur one of the smartest blondes i know John T: that means i was ment for u John T: i hear all these songs on the radio and i thnik about u Brandon: YOU ARE A CUTTIE PIE YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT David: u r the only person i know that can act just like u ~*^*~ Okay well I'd like to dedicate this Page to my BROTHER & MAMA (grandma) that is in Heaven waiting to see me meet them at those pearly gates .... You guys will forever live on in my heart ~*~I opened up a box one day What treasures did I find! Letters and some photographs Of days we left behind I drifted back to yesterday The thought was oh, so clear For just a moment, anyway It felt like you were here I smile when I think of you Sometimes I cry so much I'm all alone without you now I crave to feel your touch But God had other plans for you An angel he did find But now my box of memories Is all that's left behind
