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Welcome to mi site!

Hi..Hannah here...I'm so bumed about going to lincoln next year...i mean most of mi friends are staying but I reallie wanna go....sad... Reach for the moon, even though u miss, you will still land on among da stars! Monkey see monkey do! well, i guess ppl already kno dat but just a warning! Never try dat to a does work but it throws a banana at u! LOL My screen name is Hannahrox11! wel...if u don't hab A.I.M, well..dat's 2 bad...sry..i can't do yea


wat kind of Candy r u?
wat color r u?
How evil r u?
wat ice cream flavor r u?
wat kind of girlfriend are you?
wat is ur way to live?
wat kind of smile are you?
wat kind of flower r u?
wat kind of fruit r u?
which smily r u?
wat pie flavor r u?
wat kind of POCKY r u?
How sweet r u?

~ Results ~
